For Steven, Bonnie is simply stunning, but this photographer did a great job capturing her sexuality. Bonnie is in her late thirties; she has shoulder length brunette hair with long legs and perfectly augmented 36D breasts.
To be perfectly honest, the whole idea turned Steven on immensely. He asked Bonnie to tell him all about the photoshoot in vivid detail. Bonnie had explained to Steven that the photographer, which in fact was a husband-and-wife team that came to their house for a private photoshoot. She explained to Steven that the couple were very professional and the whole thing while fun, was quite harmless.
The pictures she gave to him were very hot and sexy to say the least but not explicit. Most of the pictures were of Bonnie in various sexy outfits and lingerie. There was nudity and sexually suggestive poses, but nothing considered hardcore pornography. The pictures were printed on hi-quality paper and set in an attractive photo album. All very professional and quality.
The final picture in the album was a picture of Bonnie in a short white satin robe standing in between the husband-and-wife team with big smiles on their faces and their arms around each other as you might pose with friends. Steven was dumbfounded when he saw that the husband-and-wife team were a black couple. They looked to be in his early forties. He was tall and had a muscular build with a shaved head. Bonnie mentioned that his name was Marcus. His wife, Jackie, was a little taller than Bonnie… near the same age as her. She had an hourglass figure with a nice-size breasts and pronounced hips, and with medium length blond hair… think of Megan Thee Stallion. They were an extremely attractive couple.
As mentioned before, Bonnie said it was all very harmless and that it was all very professional. But what it did for Steven’s imagination was anything but harmless. Maybe that is why he had felt there was something she wasn’t telling him… that, or the fact that his really strong Hotwife/cuckold fetish that centered around Bonnie and well-endowed black men and it was getting the best of him.
Steven couldn’t get over the thought of her posing in varying stages of undress and in the nude. Knowing her like he does, he knew that for her to pose like that in front of strangers would certainly require some liquid courage… and knowing her like he does, she has a history of losing her inhibitions after a few drinks. Steven continued to press her again and again, but she would always repeat that it was perfectly harmless. It would be later-on that he found out about the reality of that photoshoot and the impact it had to their lives and future.
It all began when Bonnie was thinking hard about getting Steven something special for his upcoming birthday. They had been together for 13 years and she had always done something extra nice for his birthday. Frustrated, she sought advice from her boss Sharon. Sharon was a successful businesswoman who was attractive and friendly and someone Bonnie had a good friendship with. When asked for help from Bonnie, Sharon mentioned an idea that she herself had done for her husband’s last birthday ‘a risqué photo shoot’.
Sharon explained that she used a local husband and wife team and they come to your place and take whatever type of photos you like. Sharon showed Bonnie some of her own pictures. They were well photographed and were sexy but not trashy. Bonnie was not particularly surprised at the photos. Sharon had a bit of a wild side to her. She had even mentioned to Bonnie that she had a one night stand last year. Sharon explained that it had been the most erotic night of her life.
Bonnie wasn’t too sure it was a good idea but told Sharon that she would think about it. Sharon had given her the couple’s phone number and said she should go for it and that Steven would love the photos like her husband had.
As his birthday approached, Bonnie had yet to purchase a gift. Growing more desperate, she thought more about Sharon’s idea. Could she pose like that in front of strangers? What would these people be like? Bonnie was not opposed to taking sexy photos. She had posed for her husband before. She had even let him take some pictures in public places. They had fun, and the idea of getting caught especially turned her on. She was running out of time to get Steven her special gift. She decided to give the couple a call and find out for herself.
Jackie’s cell phone rang, and she answered with “QOS Lifestyles.” Bonnie quickly asked if they did professional photography. Jackie asked Bonnie who had referred her to them. Bonnie replied that her boss Sharon told her about how much fun she had getting her picture taken in sexy lingerie and that she wanted to do something similar as a gift for her husband’s birthday. Jackie laughed and commented that she remembered Sharon and that it was one of their better photo shoots.
Jackie told Bonnie that they will come to your home or wherever you like and take whatever type of photos she wanted. Bonnie mentioned that she was looking to have some photos with some sexy clothes and maybe with some lingerie, but she did not want to do anything dirty. Jackie said that they were very discreet and that they would make her sexy and that the photos would drive her husband crazy. Jackie explained that their only opening was on a Saturday evening next week. This worked out perfect for Bonnie as Steven was going to be gone on a business retreat that weekend and would not be back till Monday evening.
Steven kissed Bonnie goodbye early Saturday morning leaving her for a few days. She seemed a little preoccupied, and in fact when he was leaving and kissed her goodbye, she oddly said that she would see him later tonight. He reminded her that he was gone till Monday. She smiled and said “oh...yeah...right… have fun.” After he left, Bonnie got dressed and went to the mall to shop for some new lingerie and an outfit for her photo shoot. She also wanted to have her hair and nails done.
She wanted to look stunning for her husband in the pictures and went in search of the perfect items. She found a very sexy white robe and gown and also a hot little black teddy. She felt that these would be perfect for the sexy pics. As she walked through the mall she passed by Wilson’s Leather where she noticed a drop-dead red leather short skirt-suit in the window. She knew instantly that she wanted to wear it for the pictures. Having made her purchases, she visited her favorite salon for hair and nails and then she headed home.
It was only 2:00 and Bonnie was growing nervous as hell. Jackie and her husband would be there at 6:00 to begin setting up the lighting and the set. Bonnie knew she would never be able to make it for the next 4 hours without something to calm her nerves. She decided to make a pitcher of Margaritas.
Tequila always made her relax and by 5:00 she had finished half the first pitcher. That is when she got the phone call from Jackie. Jackie asked her how she felt, Bonnie explained that earlier she was very nervous, but that she had enjoyed some Margaritas, and she was feeling much more relaxed. Jackie mentioned that that was a great idea and that it would be great for her to make more for all three of them. Bonnie laughed and said she would make an extra-large pitcher for everyone.
The knock on the door caused a shiver to run down Bonnie’s spine in anticipation of what was to come. She opened the door and was greeted by a stunning Black woman dressed in a white denim skirt that was just an inch or two longer than a mini and a sapphire camisole top that showed just enough cleavage to be sexy not slutty. Bonnie had no idea that Jackie was black. The thought had not crossed her mind. Jackie? Bonnie asked. The women nodded yes. “Please come in."
Jackie looked to be in her late thirties or early forties. Jackie introduced herself to Bonnie and commented that Sharon’s description of you did not do you justice.
“You talked with Sharon recently” Bonnie asked?
“Yes, Sharon called me after she talked with you.” Jackie went on “she stated that you might be someone who would be a good candidate for our services… of course I needed to know what type of client you might be and what you may prefer."
“Sharon described you as a lovely woman in your thirties with a pin-up figure and was somewhat adventurous… which is just the type we are looking for."
“Looking for?” Bonnie repeated. She thought Jackie’s comment was peculiar.
Jackie stated, “In order to capture a woman’s true sexuality the photographer and the subject must be comfortable with each other and not predisposed to being in front of a strange man.”
Bonnie thought to herself… well that makes sense and after all, these people are professionals.
A second knock on the door startled Bonnie. “My you are a nervous thing,” Jackie stated, “it is only my husband Marcus.."
Bonnie opened the door again. This time she was greeted by a warm smile from a large black man.
“Hello, you must be Bonnie… My name is Marcus and wow, I must say you are a very beautiful woman… your husband is quite the lucky man."
Marcus had his hands full of all the heavy equipment he was carrying but was more than capable of handling it all. Marcus placed his cases and bags on the floor and gently took Bonnie’s hand into his, smiled at her, and stated “my job this evening was to make you feel sexy and beautiful.” Bonnie was instantly taken by Marcus’s charm and confidence.
Marcus asked, “Please give us about 30 minutes to set up… I would suggest you change into your first outfit.”
Bonnie gave the couple their space they needed to set up their equipment. She stepped into the kitchen and prepared everyone a Margarita. When she returned to the couple, they were quite busy removing the cameras from their cases. “Here you go. Just as I promised.” Bonnie handed Jackie and Marcus their Margaritas. Marcus made a toast “to this evening, and to giving you and your husband a memory of a lifetime.” Once again Bonnie thought the couple’s comments a little peculiar.
“Please Bonnie change into your outfit. We are almost ready to go."
Bonnie quickly gulped down the rest of her Margarita and headed back to the bedroom.
A few minutes later Bonnie stepped out in her new red leather outfit and 5-inch red platform sandals. “Now that is going to knock your husband’s socks off. What is his name,” Marcus asked?
Bonnie replied “Steven."
“Well Steven is going to love seeing you in that” Jackie commented. Marcus had turned on some fans and some music to set the tone.
To relax Bonnie, Marcus started by having Bonnie do some typical portrait poses. Nothing too sexual just something for Bonnie to get used to the lights, the camera and Marcus’ verbal direction. Marcus skillfully directed Bonnie and was able to quickly gain her confidence. He recognized this and coaxed Bonnie into some more suggestive type photos.
“Beautiful!” Jackie cried. “You really do photograph well. Doesn’t she Marcus?”
Bonnie was thrilled. She began to really get into the photoshoot and began showing more and more skin in her possess. She was also starting to get somewhat turned on.
“Fantastic!” yelled Marcus. “Now go and change onto your next outfit.”
Bonnie was happy to do so. She was having a blast, and defiantly wanted it to continue.
Jackie spoke up “Don’t worry darling. I will get the next round of drinks… you go ahead and change outfits."
For the next two hours Marcus guided Bonnie from one fabulously sexy pose to another. Bonnie had surprised herself with how well she photographed and how sexy she could look. Marcus paused from snapping pictures. “Bonnie, are you ready to slip into something more revealing? I want to get pictures of your fantastic body that I just know Steven would love?”
Bonnie replied, “well I do have some new items that I purchased today."
“By all means let us take a look.” Jackie stated. “Let me help you change." The two women turned the corner into the bedroom. Just before she was out of sight Jackie looked back at her husband and winked.
Once in the bedroom Jackie began to help Bonnie change clothes. Bonnie pulled out her new lingerie. She decided to go with the black teddy first. It came with a matching panty that is cut high on the hips and fishnet stay-ups. As Bonnie was changing in front of the full mirror Jackie asked her if she was enjoying herself? “More than I ever thought” replied Bonnie.
“Wonderful. You should know Bonnie that you have been our best model in quite some time. Marcus is very pleased. You take direction very well.”
Bonnie asked “are you sure? I was worried that I would make a fool out of myself.”
“Far from it… Marcus is quite taken with you… I am sure you have noticed that he is aroused." Jackie continued “but please don’t let that bother you… It happens from time to time, especially with beautiful women such as you."
Bonnie blushed at the woman’s high praises and yes, she did notice the affect she was having on Marcus. She herself was in a heighten state of arousal. She was feeling like a queen, and she didn’t want it to end.
Standing in front of the full-length mirror, the two women looked in the outfit Bonnie had on.
“Almost perfect” stated Jackie, “But might I suggest one thing to really make you sexy."
“Of course,” replied Bonnie.
“Well darling it is more of a trick really. If you will allow me to make an adjustment."
Without waiting for permission Jackie ever so gently placed her fingertips on Bonnie’s nipples somewhat startling her. She lightly pinched and circled each one until they became fully erect and hard. Bonnie couldn’t help but enjoy the woman’s soft touch and let out a muffled moan not wanting to let on how good it really felt.
“There now, that looks better. Seems rather simple but Steven will notice right away when he sees the pictures." Jackie took Bonnie’s arm and led her back into the other room.
“Oh my… ” Marcus replied. Acting stunned, he admired Bonnie’s beauty. Jackie was somewhat surprised at her husband’s reaction. Marcus asked, “Well now… shall we start again”?
“Absolutely” Bonnie replied emphatically.
And once again the photographer began to work his magic. Picture after picture the scene was heating up.
“Marcus asked “Bonnie… I want to get a shot of you as if you were removing the teddy over your head. Just enough to capture the lower portions of your breasts."
Bonnie did not hesitate. In fact, she went a little too far ******** all of her lovely breasts. “Oh, I am sorry” Bonnie replied. She pulled her teddy back down over her body and looked up at Marcus. At which point she was reminded of Jackie’s earlier that comments about Marcus was becoming aroused. Bonnie had hoped that Marcus did not notice that she was staring at his growing crotch. But in fact, he did. It is exactly what he wanted her to notice.
Marcus directed Bonnie to kneel on the sofa with her back to him. “Now Bonnie, I need you to remove your panties.”
“I am not sure that I… ”
Marcus interrupted Bonnie. “Trust me Bonnie… this shot will be from the side. I just want to let Steven see that you don’t have the panties on. Sort of a tease shot. You can put them right back on.”
Bonnie thought for a moment and said, “what the hell” Sure enough Marcus started taking pictures from the side, but now Bonnie slowly turned her ass so that it directly faced Marcus. Bonnie then proceeded to spread her knees apart. Now Marcus had an excellent view of Bonnie’s pussy, and he couldn’t help but notice that her pussy and a little shimmer to it suggesting that she was wet and very turned on.
Bonnie looked back over her shoulder and with a devilish grin on her face she asked, “Ya think Steven will enjoy this shot”? When Bonnie looked back, she also noticed that Marcus was no longer aroused. It looked as if he was completely erect, and his jeans were straining to contain his cock. Bonnie got up and took her time putting her panties back on. “Time to change into another outfit” proclaimed Bonnie.
Marcus looked over at his wife with a knowing smile.
“She is really getting to you huh” asked Jackie. Marcus replied,
“Is it that obvious”? “I don’t think she realizes how incredibly sexy she is."
“Do you think she is ready”? Jackie asked.
Marcus chuckled “I know I sure as hell am.”
Jackie looked down at her husband’s crotch. A look of discomfort came across Marcus’s face as he tried to adjust his rock-hard cock. Jackie generously offered up some assistance. She gently unzipped the fly of her husband’s jeans and released his cock from its confines.
Jackie truly loved Marcus’s cock. She still remembers the first time she laid eyes on it. Years ago, Marcus was Jackie’s neighbor in a small apartment building. Jackie had just moved in, and one day she stepped out on her balcony and noticed that her new neighbor had fallen asleep on a lounge chair. She was carefully looking him over when she noticed the distinct shape of a dick peeking out of the bottom of his shorts. Jackie gasped. She was mesmerized and starred at it for ten minutes without moving. Of course, this was no accident Marcus had used this ploy many times with other unsuspecting women with much success. Later that afternoon Jackie knocked on her new neighbor’s door. By 9:00 that evening Marcus had brought Jackie to her third climax. Six months later they were married.
Jackie was not a jealous woman though; she always knew that other women found her husband attractive. However, she had no intentions of ever allowing him to please other women the way he pleases her. But as fate would have it, that attitude would change in one night. Jackie’s best friend Liz had gone through a lonely marriage and finally a bitter divorce. As best friends do, Jackie and Liz shared secrets of their sex lives, and Liz would often complain about her husband and his poor performances in bed. Liz was quite jealous of Jackie and her stories of intense passion and sexual escapades with Marcus.
Not long after Liz’s divorce Jackie had asked her over to her house to have dinner with her and Marcus. After two bottles of wine the three of them were relaxing in the living room. Having lost most of her inhibitions to the wine Liz asked Marcus if he knew how lucky Jackie was. Marcus was a little confused with Liz’s remarks. “The way Jackie describes it, your cock is quite magnificent… I must tell you that I often have fantasized about how you would fuck me given the chance” Liz quickly realized that she had stepped over the line with that comment and began to apologize to her hosts.
Jackie loved her friend, and it may have been the wine affecting her but at that point she wanted to do something to comfort Liz and make her feel loved. Jackie asked Marcus to help her in the kitchen with the coffee.
Once in the kitchen Jackie looked at Marcus and asked him to do her a favor. “I want you to take Liz upstairs and make love to her."
Marcus was shocked. “You can’t be serious” he countered.
Jackie said “she is my best friend in the world, and she is miserable. The best thing I can do for her is to give her a night of pleasure. I want you to take her upstairs right now and give her what she needs… please do it now before I change my mind."
Still in a state of shock Marcus asked what will you be doing?
Jackie replied I do not think that I can stay in the house. I will sit outside on the deck and enjoy the evening air and wait till you are done. Would you do this favor for me? Will you make love to Liz”? Marcus would be lying if he said he was not attracted to Liz. Indeed, he had often thought about fucking her. He asked his wife if she was completely sure about it. Jackie lied and said she would be fine.
Jackie poured herself another tall glass of wine and stepped outside on the deck. She tried very hard not to think about what was going on in her bedroom. She was a nervous wreck. Her hands were shaking so much that she spilled wine on her skirt. “Damn it,” upset she ran into the kitchen to get a towel to clean up the wine before it stained her clothes.
Inside her house she heard the faint yet distinct sounds of a woman moaning in pleasure. Jackie’s heart jumped. She knew that her husband’s powerful cock was inside of her best friend. She knew that he was giving her pleasure that she had never felt before. Jackie couldn’t help herself and she started to follow the sounds of her best friend. Before she knew it, she was just outside the door of her bedroom. ‘Not our bedroom. Why is Marcus fucking her in our bed,’ she thought? She was very upset now. She wanted to bust down the door and put an end to the lovemaking. But she also realized that she asked for it and she too had become aroused. She could hear her best friend tell her husband that she was about to cum.
Jackie slowly opened her bedroom door and peaked in. She could clearly see her husband fucking her friend from behind. His hands had a hold of Liz’s hips, and he was slowly and deeply fucking her.
“Oh Jesus! Oh my God! Ohhhh, fuck me please. Don’t stop, please don’t stop! Your cock feels so fucking good! Ohhh, fuck me.”
Jackie was transfixed on her husband’s cock slowly going in and out of Liz’s pussy. Jackie walked in the bedroom. She sat down in the chair in the corner and watched her husband please another woman...her best friend. Jackie’s breathing and pulse began to increase...she could feel her pussy become very wet… she realized she had never been so turned on before in her life.
Marcus saw that Jackie had entered the room, but he did not attempt to stop fucking Liz. In fact, he began to fuck Liz harder. The husband and wife stared each other while Liz came again and again. Jackie could tell Marcus was approaching climax. She quietly got up out of the chair and walked over to her bed behind her husband. She reached down and began to caress Marcus’s balls.
She whispered into his ear “Give her what she needs. Give her your cum, baby.”
With that Marcus moaned and began to fill Liz’s cunt with his seed. Liz came again as her lover continued to fuck her hard… and at that moment Jackie’s own fetish of being a cuckold wife began.
Jackie slipped out of the bedroom unnoticed by her friend. Marcus helped Liz to bed in the guest room and then joined Jackie downstairs. For the first few moments they just starred at one another. Jackie then walked over to her husband and kissed him passionately. “I need you to fuck me now” she whispered. Marcus picked up his wife and carried her upstairs to their bed. He told her that things were different now. He told her that he loved her more than ever. He told his wife that given the chance he will fuck other women again. Jackie looked him in the eye and said, “I want that to but only if I am there with you to watch."
Jackie wrapped her fingers around Marcus’s fat cock and released it from his pants. She gently begins stroking her husband’s cock. Marcus lets out a sigh of relief, and looks down at his wife and said, “I’m going to fuck that married white bitch tonight, will you watch me?”
Still stoking Marcus’ growing cock Jackie replies “you already know the answer to that question."
Bonnie was tying her white robe when she turned the corner into the living room. As she looked up It was if she was instantly frozen. She could not move nor speak. She could only stare. Bonnie was watching this beautiful sexy Black woman stroking the biggest cock she had ever seen. Marcus looked up from his wife and stared directly into Bonnie’s eyes. Of course, he made no attempt to stop his wife. In fact, he took his cock from Jackie’s hands and begins to slowly stroke himself in front of Bonnie ensuring that she got a full picture of the size of his black cock.
Jackie noticed that Bonnie is mesmerized by the sight of her husband’s cock. She walks over to Bonnie and gently takes her hand and leads her to Marcus to which she does not resist.
Bonnie is literally helpless as she stares at Marcus’ large black cock. It may have been a combination of the alcohol, the excitement of the photo shoot, or even her attraction to Marcus, but Bonnie could not nor would not stop herself now. Jackie took Bonnie’s hand and placed it on Marcus’ big dick. She held Bonnie’s hand tight around the monster cock while they stroked it. Marcus’ dick was now fully erect and every bit of 10 inches. Mesmerized, the white wife now placed both of her hands around the cock. The cock of a man she only met a few hours ago.
Bonnie’s eyes were still focused on Marcus’s dick, when Jackie lowers her head down to her husband’s dick. Jackie begins to hungerly suck her husband’s cock while Bonnie strokes it. The hypnotized white wife watched as the black woman began to expertly suck her husband’s delicious looking cock. Instinctively, Bonnie’s knelt and her lips begin to part, and her mouth begins to water.
She is craving this man’s cock as well, and Jackie knows it. Jackie released her lips from Marcus’ cock. Sensing Bonnie’s eagerness, Marcus places his hand on the back of Bonnie’s head and directed her red lips onto his cock.
“That’s it girl… it's time that you get to enjoy a real man’s cock” Jackie whispered to Bonnie.
Oral sex had always been a part of lovemaking for Bonnie and Steven. Bonnie was a actually a decent cocksucker but Steven had always felt that she did it more as a reciprocation to his oral gifts, rather than a true desire to suck cock, where as he truly loved to go down on her. He would always insist that he get to bring her to her first climax with his tongue. Deep down he had always hope that she, in turn, would develop this same desire. Alas, she had never developed this appetite and his hopes of one day cumming in her mouth seem minimal at best.
Bonnie’s attitude about sucking cock was about to change… she was clearly motivated to please this man and his massive cock with her mouth and tongue...and her appetite for sucking black cock was soon to become an obsession.
That night, Bonnie became a married white bitch in heat and Marcus’ big black cock turned Bonnie into a glorious big black cock sucker. She was now making love to Marcus’ cock with her mouth, tongue and lips. She licked up and down his shaft not leaving a spot uncovered.
When she finally reached Marcus’s huge ball’s she paused for a moment to admire their size and shape and how they hung down so far. Delicately she began to lick them, taking each one gently into her mouth, swirling her tongue around his nut’s bringing him very close to cumming.
“My, my where did you learn how to please a man like that” asked Jackie?
Marcus interrupted Bonnie from her oral favors, He placed his hand on her face, tilted her head up so that he was looking at her in the eyes. “Bonnie… Jackie and I are going to pleasure you tonight, and in return you will pleasure us. Now, we are not rapists or sexual predators. If you wish us to stop, we will leave quietly with no questions asked, but if you wish us to stay, you will do as I say and I promise you we will give you a night of pleasure that you will never forget.”
Now Steven is the love of Bonnie’s life, and she is as committed to him as much as any person could be, but that night there was no way she was going to tell Marcus and Jackie no. Her dripping wet married white cunt was in charge now, and it wanted to be ravaged completely.
Jackie helped Bonnie to her feet. She released the belt on Bonnie’s robe and let it fall to the floor. There the white wife stood in front of this black stud naked, as if offering her body to him. Marcus stepped in front of Bonnie and reached down and placed his hand onto Bonnie’s neatly shaved pussy. He felt Bonnie’s sex. She was dripping wet. He inserted a single finger inside of Bonnie. She let out a gasp as if she was being shocked by electricity.
She reached down to Marcus’s hand and pressed it hard against her pussy. He inserted a second finger. This sent Bonnie over the edged, her first orgasm of the evening was quite hard. She threw her arms around Marcus and begged him to fuck her.
Standing behind Bonnie, Jackie began to kiss her shoulders and the back of neck and whispered “All in due time darling. You are a fine piece of married white ass, and we are going to take our time with you."
Marcus and Jackie removed their clothes. Marcus sat down on the same couch where Bonnie had been having her pictures taken before. With out saying a word he offered his cock to Bonnie. She dropped to her hands and knees and crawled over to the sofa and began to once again began to worship his manhood with her mouth.
Jackie quickly grabbed one of the cameras and began taking pictures of the white wife feeding like an animal on her husband’s cock. Bonnie realized that pictures were being taken of her, but at this point she did not care. She even began to take direction from Jackie on sucking cock.
“That’s it darling, take the tip of that big cock into your mouth. Let’s show Steven how you suck a real man’s cock.” Click, click, click, went the camera.
“Now I want you to take one of Marcus’ balls into your mouth and look right at me.” Click.
“Darling, I want you to take Marcus’ cock as deep into your mouth as you can. That’s it… now go deeper."
Bonnie stretched as wide as she could to accommodate the big ebony cock. “Come now darling you want Steven to be proud of his wife don’t you”? Click. Jackie snapped shot after shot of Bonnie giving head to her husband’s magnificent cock.
Jackie set the camera down and picked up a video camera. She placed it on a tripod and focused the camera onto the two lovers. She walked away from the camera and knelt down next to Bonnie. She gently began to caress Bonnie’s ass. Jackie moved down to Bonnie’s pussy and inserted her fingers. She began to expertly manipulate Bonnie’s pussy as only a woman could do.
Bonnie had never had sex with another woman, nor had she had any desire to do so. But now Jackie’s fingers were making her briefly forget about sucking Marcus’ cock. Bonnie looked down only to see four of Jackie’s fingers working furiously in and out of her pussy. Jackie leaned into Bonnie, and they began to kiss. Gently at first, as if they were each other’s first kiss. Not meeting any resistance Jackie was first to insert her tongue. Instinctively Bonnie accepted her new lover’s tongue and returned the offering with equal enthusiasm.
Marcus directed the two women to follow him to the bedroom. He grabbed both his camera and the video camera. There he instructed Bonnie to lie on the bed. He then told Jackie to prepare Bonnie’s pussy for him. Bonnie looked up at Marcus and asked him what he meant.
“Bonnie my dear, have you ever fucked a big black cock like mine?” Marcus inquired.
She shook her head no.
“Well, this night is all about pleasure, and to keep from hurting you Jackie is going to condition your pussy so that you can take me all the way down to my big black balls.”
Jackie left the room for a moment. When she returned, she joined Bonnie on the bed where she began to kiss Bonnie’s inner thighs. With her right hand, Jackie produced a 9-inch-long and very thick black dildo. The dildo, although thick, was not as thick as Marcus enormous cock.
She applied a liberal amount of lubrication and slowly inserted the dildo into Bonnie’s sex and began preparing her for Marcus. Jackie would alternate her tongue and the big dildo into Bonnie’s pussy and before long Bonnie’s pussy could easily accept the full length of the dildo. Jackie thrust the large fake cock as far into Bonnie’s dripping cunt as it would go. This sent Bonnie over the edge for her second orgasm of the evening. Jackie now knew that Bonnie was ready to be fucked by her husband and his big black cock.
Jackie slipped away from Bonnie’s pussy and walked over to the video camera. Marcus stepped in front of Bonnie as she lay on the bed. She had a look of complete lust on her face. She stared at Marcus’ cock and knew that she needed him to fuck her. Jackie adjusted the video camera and tripod. She hit record and immediately grabbed the still camera and sat on the bed next to Bonnie. She began to take pictures of Bonnie’s face as it had the undeniable look of a woman eager to be fucked.
Jackie leaned into Bonnie, she softly caressed Bonnie’s breasts and spoke, “Darling you look so beautiful. I need to ask you what it is you want to do next. Do you desire my husband’s cock”?
Bonnie replied “yes.”
Jackie continued “Isn’t his cock magnificent?
“It is the most beautiful cock I have ever seen” replied Bonnie.
Jackie responded, “tell me… do you want that magnificent black cock inside your married white pussy”?
“Yes… yes I do… I want that big black cock to fuck me now” Bonnie replied.
“Ok darling, I am going to let Marcus pleasure you, but you need to remember that I am his wife and I allowed this to happen, and sometime in the future you will need to repay my generosity… .you will do what I tell you to, won’t you?”
Mesmerized and desperate to begin, Bonnie replied “yes… yes… whatever you want… now please let him fuck me”!
Jackie reached down a grabbed her husband’s massive black dick. She brought it to Bonnie’s clitoris and rubbed the head up and down. Bonnie moaned “Oh yes please put it in… let him fuck me please!”
With that Jackie inserted the first two inches. Bonnie let out a slight gasp as she felt the initial girth of Marcus’ grand cock. She liked what she felt so far but wanted more. She looked up at Marcus with crazed wanton eyes and he knew at that instant he was going to make her his married white slut.
Marcus turned to look at the camera and with a devilish grin on his face he proclaimed “Steven, this is where your life is about to change… .we are going to make Bonnie a black cock loving slut… she will crave big black cock and forget about your little white one… she will do whatever I ask to get this big black dick inside her cunt."
Jackie was filming her husband holding his back cock ready to plunge into Bonnie’s willing cunt. She panned the camera and there was Bonnie with her legs spread wide and her fingers parting her pussy lips begging to be fucked.
You could hear Jackie say as she filmed… ” look at that Steven… your wife has her legs and her pussy spread open ready to be fucked… and look at how wet she is." Jackie’s next words would hit Steven hard.
“Take the married white bitch’s pussy and make it yours, Marcus."
Marcus laughed and began to push his black cock further into Bonnie’s waiting cunt. At four inches her eyes began to roll back into her head and a deep guttural moan escaped from her lips. At six inches she shouted out “oh fuck it is so fucking big… oh my god...oh fuck yes!”
Bonnie looked down between her legs and said “more… give me more of that fucking big black cock,”
Marcus turned to the camera and winked. He then obliged the wife’s request.
At eight inches of big black cock inside her, Bonnie’s fascial expressions were a mixture of pain and immense pleasure. She screamed as a powerful orgasm hit her like a runaway train. She shook her head from side to side as she shouted,
“Oooohhh fuuuck… soooo good… .sooo fucking good… .fuck me fuck me Marcus."
At ten inches Bonnie did something she had never done before. Her pussy erupted like a geyser sending her fluid squirting up and all over the bed… and of course Jackie caught it all on video for Steven to eventually see.
Jackie took the camera to get a shot from behind and you could clearly see that Marcus was now balls deep in Bonnie, and you could hear Jackie say taunting affect, “oh my Marcus… would you look at how she has taken all of your cock with such ease… I would have never expected her to be such a size queen… at least not this soon.”
“How does that white slut’s pussy feel, baby,” you could hear Jackie ask?
“Fucking amazing” replied Marcus “like tight white velvet."
In the video you can hear Jackie say, “fuck the shit out of that married white bitch BABY… make her your *****." Marcus smiles at the camera and grabs Bonnie’s hips and begins to pound her pussy with long deep relentless strokes in and out of her pussy.
Bonnie’s world had changed forever in an instant. She became a wanton ***** for big black cock as she orgasmed again and again and again. She started saying things she had never said before. Marcus asked her if she loved his big black cock. In between orgasms she responded “Your fucking cock is amazing… .I have never been fucked this good."
Marcus’ taunting of Steven continued… ”Slut… Steven’s cock never felt like mine did it?”
“No… not even close” she replied, “Your cock is so much better than his… I have never cum so hard.”
Marcus turned to the camera and winked. Jackie chimed in “you are being properly fucked by a real man… a beautiful black Adonis.”
“Oh God yes… Marcus I love your beautiful big black cock” Bonnie shouted!
Marcus rolled Bonnie onto her hands and knees and reinserted his huge cock once again in the wife’s wet cunt. “OHHHHHH FUCK baby, that feels so damn good… I love your cock,” Bonnie moaned.
Jackie zoomed the video camera in on Marcus’ cock fucking my Bonnie doggie style. Fuck, it was huge. Steven would have never imagined Bonnie could not only take such a cock but enjoy it so much. Marcus grabbed firmly to Bonnie’s hips and began to really pound Bonnie’s cunt from behind.
Bonnie’s next orgasm was building, and Marcus could sense it. He suddenly stopped pounding Bonnie and turned to Jackie and asked her “baby, do you want your pussy eaten by a proper married white slut”?
“You know I love it when white sluts eat my pussy,” Jackie replied.
“Wait, what”? Bonnie blurted out. “No… no I don’t do that… no sorry but no.” she insisted.
Marcus immediately pulled his black cock out of Bonnie’s cunt. She whimpered “please no, don’t stop, I need you to fuck me."
“Then get your white ass over to my wife and eat her pussy or you will never get this dick again”, Marcus insisted.
It didn’t take Bonnie a second to crawl over to Jackie and bury her head into Jackie’s slick mocha pussy. “Mmmmmmmm, that’s it bitch, lick momma’s juicy pussy”, Jackie whispered.
Bonnie raised her head from Jackie’s pussy for a moment and turned to Marcus “please put your cock back inside my pussy." Marcus looked at Jackie and laughed.
“You heard the white bitch,” Jackie said. Get that big black dick back into her married white cunt.”
“Yes mam,” laughed Marcus, and with that he drove his huge black dick back into Bonnie’s wanton pussy causing her to break from eating Jackie’s pussy and let out a loud deep moan of pleasure.
“No no no… you can moan on your time… get back to eating my pussy, slut,” Jackie demanded.
With that command, Bonnie refocused her attention on Jackie’s dripping mocha cunt.
Bonnie’s disdain for lesbian sex quickly evaporated. Though having never eaten pussy before, Bonnie was using enthusiasm to make of for inexperience. She wanted very badly to make Jackie cum. She wrapped her arms tightly around the black woman’s legs and locked her tongue as deep in the her pussy as she could get. This pleased Jackie immensely, “mmmmm… yes… that’s it baby… tongue fuck my pussy… momma is going to reward you very soon.”
Sure enough, Bonnie’s hard work paid off. Jackie began to cum very hard. She grabbed the back of Bonnie’s head and pushed down hard just as she climaxed. Bonnie’s mouth was now clamped to Jackie’s pussy. The sexual release of bodily fluids surprised Bonnie at first, but she quickly realized that Jackie is a squirter to and positioned her mouth to catch in her mouth as much from Jackie’s pussy juice as she could.
Jackie’s body was shaking as her orgasm continued. She raised up on her knees slightly allowing Bonnie to adjust, all the while getting deep dicked by Marcus’ monster black cock. What Bonnie did next was a surprise to everybody including her.
Bonnie quickly wrapped her arms around Jackie’s upper thighs and locked her in. She pulled Jackie back slightly just so that she could firmly plant her tongue onto Jackie’s ass. Surprising Jackie, “What are you doing… oh girl! oh you nasty little bitch!… .oh you… .yes you are such a dirty slut!”
Jackie is facing her husband now, “Damn this slut knows what I like, Marcus… she has her hot white tongue buried up my ass… oh fuck she is good!” Jackie begins to massage her big tits and pinch her nipples hard.
“You love that, don’t you baby,” Marcus asked?
“Oh, fuck I’m going to come again… I can feel he tongue wiggly deep in my ass, baby… she is going to make me cum again… oh God here it comes,” Jackie begins to moan loudly. She rocks her hips back and forth to enhance the movement of Bonnie’s tongue deep in her ass.
“Oh God it is so good… so good… oh fuck, fuck, fuck baby,” Jackie shouts!
Marcus grabs his wife as she shakes from another powerful orgasm at the hands of Bonnie’s talented tongue. He kisses her hard and passionately until her orgasm subsides. Watching his wife’s lesbian action with Bonnie all the while driving his cock deep into the white wife’s cunt was getting to him. He was approaching his own climax and Jackie could tell it would be soon. She knows the pattern well as she has watched time and again as her husband fucked so many white wives in the past.
Marcus’ breathing became deeper and louder. He begins to make faces as if he were being tortured but in fact it was quite the opposite. He was concentrating deeply on the incredible feeling if Bonnie’s luxurious pussy on his cock.
Jackie quickly jumped up and checked the video camera. She grabbed the camera for the ready. She snapped a few quick pics of her husband and Bonnie. From a missionary position Marcus held the Bonnie’s legs up high and stretched out wide. The image was pure power and pleasure. Bonnie’s eyes were rolled back into her head and her mouth was open as she was breathing heavily.
Jackie then crawled back on the bed and lowered her head down to Bonnie’s ear and began to whisper the same lines she had repeated many times. Each time a woman was about to receive the gift of her husband’s cum for the first time, Jackie would repeat the following:
“Now listen to me Bonnie, Marcus is close to cumming and when he does it will be more than you are used to. Now you will show my husband’s seed the respect it deserves… he has given you a sexual experience like you have never had before. You will let him deposit his seed anywhere he pleases… on you or in you… and you will be grateful for it. If he comes inside that married white pussy of yours, you will thank him and if you are worried about pregnancy, I will give you Morning After pills. Do you understand me?”
All Bonnie could muster was a aah-huh. She wasn’t concerned about anything other than the massive orgasm building deep inside of her… she wanted Marcus to cum. She wanted him to cum deep inside her. She wanted to cum together with him.
Marcus’ pace of long stroking his big black cock deep into Bonnie’s pussy increased as did her moans and groans. Jackie was snapping picture after picture of the upcoming climax. Bonnie’s face was contorted in extasy as her orgasm began deep inside. She began to shout:
“Ohhh ffffuccck… ohhh fuck yesssss… . don’t stop… don’t stop… cum in me… I need it… I need your cum now!”
Marcus followed suit, “Oh shit yeah… yeah, I’m gonna nut deep inside your married cunt… . fuck yeah you want it don’t you?”
“Fuck me Marcus… fuck my pussy… cum inside me… . give it to me please!”
Marcus let out a deep load roar and clenched his ass cheeks and released a torrent of his seed deep inside the white wife’s womb. Bonnie could feel each blast if this black man’s cum spraying her cervix. “OH GOOOODDDDDD YEESSSSSS!” she shouted.
Marcus pumped and pumped his cock deeper and deeper until he was empty. He collapsed down onto Bonnie. He kissed her deeply. His tongue entwined with hers. She was shaking and crying but was still able return the passion of his kiss.
The broke their embrace Marcus pulled his slick cock covered in both their juices from Bonnie’s now gaping pussy. He crawled over to the side of Bonnie’s head. Grabbing his cock, he plopped the cum soaked monster onto Bonnie’s face. “Clean me, slut’” he demanded. Bonnie, after finally catching her breath, happily complied. She licked and cleaned every inch of Marcus’ black cock savoring the taste of both his and her cum. She thanked her new lover for his cum and for the fucking of her life.
Jackie had captured it all on video and pictures. She finally turned off the cameras and crawled into bed spooning her husband as he spooned Steven’s wife. They all fell into an exhaustive sleep.
Bonnie woke up late the next morning. Last night was still a wonderful crazy blur in her head but as she started to get her wits about her, she remembered that she and her new friends had fallen asleep in bed last night, but now she was entirely alone and naked in bed. And just for a brief moment she wondered if it had all been a glorious sex filled dream. That thought quickly went away as she realized that her pussy was very sore from the long hard fucking, she received last night. She quickly decided she need some Advil.
Bonnie rose from her bed, went to her closet, grabbed a robe, and put it around her. She shuffled her feet into the master bathroom to pee and grabbed a couple of Advil. She then proceeded into the living room. Sure enough, all the cameras and equipment were gone and there was no indication of what had happened last night. She went into the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water and took the Advil.
Walking back out into the living room, Bonnie noticed some objects on her coffee table. A letter, an envelope and the large black dildo from last night. There was a handwritten note on the letter that read:
Bonnie darling, thank you for a wonderful night none of us will forget. You are one the most beautiful and sexy women Marcus and I have ever met. Please don’t think too much about it and begin to regret it. You are a loving and dutiful wife and Steven is lucky to have you. I know he will love your birthday present to him. We will be sending you the album in a few days.
In the envelope there are Morning After pills for you to take. Marcus did cum deep and side you and you should take precautions.
The toy is yours to enjoy as you wish.
See you soon,
Love Jackie.