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Gemma's Peeping Tom


The day was going nicely as things tend to do when a group of friends are having a BBQ. Gemma had invited a small but comfortable group for the day.
John and Gemma had known each other for some time and he had always found her desirable and someone who he had wanted to have more than a friendship with.

But today was turning into something different, John had become bolder and a plan that he had in his head for a while was coming together.

As the rest of the party carried on socialising, John went into Gemma’s house supposedly needing to go to the bathroom but he ended up walking along the corridor to where he knew Gemma’s bedroom was. As he got there, he noticed that the door was ajar and no sound came from within. He was pretty sure he was safe as he knew that everyone was outside in the garden enjoying the BBQ. He stood quite still before he made a move and still heard no sound, so he gently pushed the door open and trod softly into the room. He saw a double bed, various other bits of furniture and, as he glanced around, his eye caught a glimpse of a chest of drawers which he hoped would hold what he was looking for.

He trod carefully across the room and reached out two slightly trembling hands and grasped the drawer handles. He pulled gently and luckily, the drawer slid quietly out to reveal that he was in luck. What he had come looking for was in this drawer.

He let his eyes drift over all the different colours and shapes of knickers. His left hand reached in and began to slide along the soft material feeling an erotic charge as he knew these pieces of clothing had actually clung to Gemma’s soft sensuous curves. He tried to remember all the wonderful things his eyes could see so that he would be able to bring it back to his minds eye whenever he wanted.

He stopped as his hand came upon a pair of black knickers, that was his favourite colour. He took hold of them and lifted them up to his nose. The fragrance was heady and smelled of delicate flower blossoms. How appropriate he thought, considering what the material covered.

Suddenly he heard voices, and they were gradually getting louder as though coming into the house. He pushed the drawer shut quickly and began to stride towards the bedroom door. He then realised he still had those lovely knickers in his hand. He couldn't go back and replace them so he stuffed them into his pocket, got to the door, pulled it back to its original position, stepped quickly into the corridor and then into the bathroom and then sank down onto the toilet seat. His face was flushed red as he thought about possibly being caught and also about Gemma’s knickers that were in his pocket.

He waited for the voices to drift into the distance. He assumed that they had gone back outside and contemplated what to do next. He could feel his cock swell with excitement knowing he still had those knickers.

“Should I…?" he thought to himself. He took the knickers out, wrapped them around his hand, and unzipped his jeans. He began to slowly stroke himself with them, and soon the tip of his cock oozed out a glistening drop of pre-cum. He wiped it away with the knickers and a wicked idea crept into his mind.

He unwrapped them from his hand and laid them flat on his lap, gently smoothing out all the wrinkles. All he could think about was picturing Gemma’s bum in them. His eyes were drawn to the part of the knickers which touched her sweet spot. He couldn’t help himself, and began feverishly stroking. His cock began to throb and as the gush of hot cum erupted, he aimed his cock and unloaded all over Gemma’s black knickers.

It was all he could do to keep quiet as he came with such intensity. He hadn’t cum that hard for a long time. He just sat there, breathing hard. He needed a minute or two to regain his composure. Then he wiped himself clean, rolled the knickers up, zipped his jeans and concealed the cum filled material in his hand. He peeked into the hallway, all clear, so he quickly rushed back into Judie’s bedroom, placed the knickers back in her drawer and re-joined the group outside.


The day moved on in a nice way, as most BBQ's do in the company of good friends, good weather and a reasonable amount of drink. But this one had the added spice of knowing what he had done earlier in the day. He must have seemed a bit absent minded from time to time as his thoughts drifted back to that very daring action, and he slowly bought the images of that drawer and the neatly folded knickers into his minds eye. All that lingerie, lots of gorgeous colours, that he would love to see wrapped around Gemma’s smooth curves.

All the colours and styles flicked passed in his memory as he drank his beer and smiled enigmatically.

Only one thing made him slightly concerned and that was the way he had had to stuff those cum covered knickers back into the drawer so quickly. They would look out of place amongst everything else that was so neatly folded. Ah well, he couldn't do anything about it now.

Night eventually fell and people began to drift home until there were only a few stragglers left. As the small hours crept around, they all agreed that it was time to call it a night and, after they had all helped to clear up, said their goodbyes. Gemma stood on the patio and waved as they walked down the side of the house and towards their cars. John waved to the others as they drove away, he got into his car and was about to drive away when he realised that he hadn't got his phone with him. He must have left it on the patio table as they were cleaning up. So he walked back round to the rear of the house, found the phone and put it in the same pocket that those black knickers had been in earlier in the day.

He glanced through the kitchen window and saw Gemma get a glass of water. She glanced round to make sure everything was clear and then she switched the kitchen light off..... He stood there in the darkness, listening to the soft sounds that nature makes at night and noticed another light come on along the back of the house. Very quickly the square of light on the grass got reduced to what was a line as Gemma drew the curtains.

He thought about the layout of the house and realised that this was her bedroom. He stood very still for what seemed ages but was probably a very short time as his brain began to think about what he had done earlier and what he could do now... He walked slowly towards the line of light and looked through the small gap in the curtains that Gemma had left. He could see her move around the room beginning to get ready to go to bed. He found that if he moved just a bit closer to the window he was able to see wherever she went in the bedroom.

He stood there and watched as she slowly started to take her clothes off. First the top slid up and over her head and was dropped onto the chair that stood beside her.. then the tight jeans that he had noticed earlier clinging to every curve of those shapely legs slid slowly over her bum and then down to the floor. They got kicked onto the chair with what was obviously a practiced flick of her foot. That just left the knickers that caressed her bum and the bra that covered her shapely breasts.

His cock started to swell again, partly because of what he was seeing and partly because he was excited by doing such a bad and taboo thing..... Next those two flimsy things came off and he was finally able to see Gemma’s softly curvaceous body in all its glory. She kept the knickers and bra in her hand and went into the en-suite. He saw no more for a while but, after a long look around the garden, contented himself with unzipping his jeans, and taking his swollen cock in his hand for the second time that day he started to stroke it gently along its length.

John hadn’t been standing there stroking his cock for too long before Gemma came out of the en-suite and walked over to what he knew by now was the chest of drawers that had her knicker drawer in it. Her hands went out and opened the drawer..... He thought, "Oh no, will she notice the scrunched up black pants?” Her hand went into the drawer and, sure enough, pulled them out. She inspected them and her hand obviously noticed that they were damp and sticky... Her finger slid along the surface of the pants and came away with what was obviously a bit of his cum on it.

Gemma looked at it for a moment and then slowly placed her finger in her mouth to taste it. His heart beat faster but his hand paid no notice and began to pump along the length of his cock more quickly. Gemma looked around the bedroom with the beginnings of a wicked smile playing on her lips. She then slowly walked over to her bed, sat up against the headboard and again ran her finger along the sticky patch on those black knickers.

As she did that her other hand caressed her nipples, with her thumb making them pop to attention. Then it slid down to her pussy lips, opened them gently and began playing with them. The finger with a bit more of his cum on it went towards her mouth again and John found he had no control left so he just stood there as his cum pulsed out from the end of his cock.


John had made quite a mess all over the patio bricks, but no worries he thought, as the weather said it was going to rain later and it would be washed away by morning. He zipped up his jeans and hastily made his way out of the backyard. In his rush to get out before being noticed, he triggered the motion sensor light above the back door.

A light that seemed brighter than the sun illuminated the entire patio and yard. Gemma must have put it on as she went to bed.

He ran to the side gate, where it was darker and waited quietly, hoping not to be seen. He wanted to rush through and leave but then he saw Gemma running along the corridor in a long, lacy robe, and he just stood as though rooted to the spot and watched her. She hurriedly tied her robe, as she was completely nude underneath. Opening the back door, she peered out into the yard to see what had triggered the lights. She nervously called out, “Hello...? Who’s there?”

All she could hear were the sounds of the crickets chirping. All he could hear was his own breathing and his heart beating out of his chest. He stood there, utterly frozen on the spot, afraid to move, or say anything because as far as Gemma knew, everyone had gone home. She wasn’t to know that he had been watching her for a while.

Gemma walked out of the door, looked around her and walked along the back of the house. As she got to the spot outside her bedroom window she stopped and lifted her foot. She had obviously stepped into the pool of cum that John had left on the patio bricks.

“I know someone’s there,” Gemma said, “come out now and let me see who it is otherwise I will go straight back in and call the police.”

“Don’t do that,” said John as he came out of the darkness, “I’m so sorry.”

At that moment, the rain that was predicted decided to make itself known, starting as gentle rainfall and then getting serious. It came down as though the heavens had opened.
They stood there gazing at each other and, apart from the noise the rain was making, it all seemed ominously quiet to John. He knew he had done something.. no, TWO things, that were so far beyond the bounds of friendship that he was surprised that Gemma wasn't calling the police.

“Quick, come inside,” she said, “whilst I decide what needs to be done here.”

So she and John made their way inside the house and she closed the door firmly.

John stood there, his clothes dripping water all over the floor, and couldn't stop himself running his eyes over Gemma’s body... her robe was soaked through and clung to every curve, he could see her erect nipples and dimpled areola trying to push their way through the fabric.

As his eyes made their way down Gemma’s curvaceous body he noticed that the robe around her thighs had stuck to her skin and this was ******** the gap at the top, giving him just a hint of the lips at the entrance to her pussy. He let his eyes carry on down and they stopped at Gemma’s toe nails and he let his head stay there, as if hanging it in shame.
She found her voice at that moment and in a soft but very firm voice asked, "was it you that left your cum all over my patio?”

John nodded his head.

"Sorry," said Gemma, "tell me yes or no. Don't just move your head.”

"Yes," said John is a low voice, still looking down at her feet.

"Well alright then, she said, “come with me because I have another question I need to ask you.”

John followed Gemma as she walked along the corridor. This time his eyes were no longer watching her feet, they were watching the sway of her hips as she walked along and the shapes that her bum made as each cheek pulled at the wet fabric of her robe. He couldn't stop himself from thinking, "I wonder what sensation she feels as the lips of her damp pussy rub against each other?”

Gemma got to the door of what he knew by now to be her bedroom. She walked through the door with John following like a puppy, and then across to where her black knickers had been discarded on her bed.

She picked them up, turned around and faced John and looked him in the eye.. "Did you do this?" she said as she wiped her finger along the fabric and showed him the drop of cum on the tip.

"Yes," he said, looking down once more as she licked her fingers and swallowed more of his cum.

"Well," said Gemma in a firm, authoritative voice, "I should really call the police but I think I can make sure that you get what you deserve without involving them. Are you happy to do what I tell you without argument.? Because that is the only way this will be resolved just between us.”

John held his head up at that point, his eyes widening, as he knew that this was the best that could happen to him. "Yes I will," he said firmly. Gemma smiled that wicked smile again and said, "good, that was the correct choice." As she said the next words John couldn't believe how strong her voice sounded, as normally she was so softly spoken.

"Right, take off all of your clothes and put them in the bathroom through there,” she indicated the en-suite, "and take a towel to dry yourself off and bring one through for me.”

John did as he was told and wondered what was going to happen next, but nothing came to mind. Now naked, he walked back through to the bedroom beginning to dry himself and held out a towel to Gemma. She was now standing there completely naked herself having let her robe drop to the floor but what once would have started his cock on its slow growth to a full erection now did nothing. His cock hung there small and limp against his thigh. Nothing in his brain was sending erotic signals to make anything happen.
They dried themselves off and John took the towels back into the en-suite. When he returned to the bedroom, Gemma had slipped on a pair of high heeled shoes and had what looked like a cane in her hand. "Right," she said, "kneel down at the foot of the bed on all fours." John looked at her, heart beat beginning to rise and his eyes pleaded silently, "Please no.”

"Come on," she said, "you know what we agreed.!” Her voice got harsher, "get down on the floor... NOW.”

John got onto his knees and elbows and hung his head between his arms, "You have behaved atrociously," said Gemma, "and this is the only punishment that I think is going to really mean anything to you." She strode purposefully across the bedroom floor and positioned herself so that a short swing of her arms would result in the desired impact on John's buttocks. "This is going to hurt you more than it hurts me," gurgled Gemma with a warm giggle. She then swiped John's bare ass twice as he jerked and gasped in surprise. "I don't know how many you are going to get," she said, "but I will stop when I think you are punished enough.

She gave John another 3 swipes and he squirmed with each stroke. "Keep still," said that stern voice again, "and it will go more easily.” Gemma swished the cane strongly 5 more times smiling gently as she watched John's ass cheeks twitch each time. 5 more strokes and to John's amazement he felt his cock begin to swell. "Where the hell is that urge coming from," he thought to himself, "I never knew that this would turn me on.”

Gemma swung the cane another 5 times and whilst swinging she must have glimpsed John's growing cock, "Oooo, that turns you on does it," she said silkily, “just hold on and we will see what we can do with that,” swishing the cane onto his ass in between each of those words.

At the end of that sentence John's ass cheeks were burning as though on fire and his cock was pressing against his belly. Gemma dropped the cane onto the end of her bed, knelt down beside him and reached her hand out and grasped John's hot cock. "My my, aren't you a kinky little boy," she said beginning to stroke his straining cock. Gemma’s hand moved faster and John felt the familiar muscle twitches begin. She put her finger in front of John's mouth and said, "Make that finger very wet.”

John, remembering what had been agreed, did as he was told. She took her finger out of his mouth and left John wondering what she was going to do with it.

Moments later he found out. He felt a pain as Gemma pushed her finger into his ass, she stroked his cock hard and pushed her finger further in.... the next sensation John knew was a feeling as if his balls were trying to turn inside out and he shot a great spurt of cum from the tip of his cock and all the way past his face splashing yet more cum over another part of Gemma’s house.

"Well done," she said , "now get up, go and put your wet clothes on and get into your car and go home.”

John did as he was told and as Gemma let him out of the front door she said, "Next time you are going to come and spy on me, text me first……"

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