This story became a reality this year (2024) and is a story in progress.

My wife and I have been married for 48 years and both turned 70 this year. We have three kids and six grandkids and have been retired educators for 15 years. Both of us have done odd jobs during our retirement years. She has substitute taught until the pandemic and I have had various jobs in marketing and consulting.

We met at a small college in Iowa. She was a basketball cheerleader and I played basketball and baseball. She was a virgin entering college and was raised by strict parents. We dated the last three years of college. Rumor has it she made up for lost time her freshman year. She had problems handling alcohol much to the delight of the male students. We would have post-football game parties at the local college bar.

Sometimes the party would move to small town bars. Again, rumor had it that she was often the life of the party if she had multiple drinks. I personally observed her being “helped/taken” back to the dorm by several guys. My suspicion was they took her to one of their rooms to continue the party instead of the girls’ dorm. My speculation is that many guys were entertained by her that year. For the most part that ended when we dated and she was chosen as a cheerleader.

Since we’ve live in the public eye we have been very careful. Our sex lives have been good, and still is, but we have never gotten into the swapping, swinging, cuckhold lifestyle for obvious reasons. The last three years I’ve begun to struggle with ED. I do take Cialis and it works ok but my erections don’t last long and once I cum I lose my erection in minutes. I’ve encouraged her to try other guys before we get too old and just sit in front of the TV looking at each other. I said I would watch, join in, or let her go solo. I’m convince she has much more left “in the tank” when I’m done.

Fast forward to this past fall. I’m a football junkie and my Saturdays, Sundays, Monday nights, and Thursday nights are watching games. Friday nights are reserved for high school football. While she is an avid Kansas City Chiefs fan, as I am, she rarely watches other games. She chooses to go shopping, especially on Saturday or Sunday.

Several of those shopping days resulted in being gone 4-5 hours and coming back with very little to show for it. Occasionally, there would be a few groceries but little else. Maybe I should be happy about that but I also became a little suspicious. About three weeks ago she was gone for a long time again. I asked her if she got lost. She smiled and said she just didn’t find anything worth buying.

Sometime later that evening I decided to investigate. My suspicion was getting the better of me. We had just done 4 loads of wash on Friday so there wasn’t much in the hamper. Not sure what made me check but at the bottom of the hamper was a pair of her panties. The panties looked soiled to me and smelled like sex to me. We had not had sex since the wash was done. I thought am I going crazy and jumping to conclusions? I decide not to push it and life went on.

Two week passed and it was another football weekend. The same thing happened. Nearly four hours went by and she came home with little to show for it. This time I pressed her on it. I asked if she had made other stops. She said, “What do you mean?” My answer was, “Are you seeing someone while you are gone?” Of course she denied it and then I brought up the panties. There was silence and I could tell by her body language she was busted.

The truth came out along with lots of tears. There was a man, about 4-5 years younger than us, that was a good friend of a couple we socialize with. The couple’s wife and her often go to coffee during the week. They were having coffee one day and the guy was in the restaurant and briefly joined them. He had lost his wife six months ago and, according to our friends, wasn’t doing well. He hardly ever was out and about which was a total turnabout for him. Not knowing all the details but one thing led to another and she ended up in his bedroom.

I asked her how many times this has happened and she said three times. I told her how disappointed I was. I said, “I know I gave you permission to try other guys but not behind my back. All you had to do was tell me.” She filled me in on him being a widower. I told her she could continue seeing him if that is what she wanted and she should tell him I’m aware. I guess my bias about her being a good fuck was being confirmed.

Earlier this past week she told me he asked her to dinner on Thursday night as a way to show his appreciation for all the help she has given him. Then she asked me: “What should I do if he asks me to spend the night?” I told her I’m not crazy about that and the subject was dropped.

As she was getting ready for dinner I happened to see her getting dressed. She had on the red ruffled, see through bra and panties I had given her for an anniversary present. They are my favorite! When she came out with a sun dress on she looked like a million dollars. She smiled and kissed me as she went out the door and thanked me for my understanding.

The dinner date was in Des Moines so the chances of running into someone they knew was very small. Thursday was a tough night for me. I watched the football game. I usually go to the bedroom during the last quarter and read. As time passed I got drowsy and dropped the book several times. About 11:00 I shut the light off and figured I’d hear her when she came home. Well I didn’t wake up and, when I went to my normal bathroom trip around 3:00 a.m., she was in bed.

Well, this is a story that seems to be heading in a positive direction. I was surprised how much detail she told me about the date. She said he told he knew the end of their little fling was near. He said he can’t tell her how much he appreciated what she had done for him. He said he would be no where near ready to get out there again and to thank me for my understanding.

When they got back from dinner, around 9:30, they wasted little time. He undressed her and then made love to her. She said they talked for at least an hour while naked and snuggling. When it was nearing midnight and they were saying goodbyes he appeared to be getting aroused again. She didn’t tell me, but I’m guessing she used her excellent oral skill to get him erect again and they fucked again for the second time that night. She said she got home a little before 1:00 a.m.

I’m so naïve about this stuff. Of course I encouraged her to try other guys but she wasn’t honest about it. I asked her how should would feel if I was sleeping with other women. She said, “in light of everything it’s only fair.” Part of me was happy and even turned on about another guy enjoying fucking my wife. Another part, though smaller, was concerned about it. My dream is the end game will be she will let me watch the next time or maybe join in. We go south for the winter. Will she be up for swapping? When we talked about this before this affair, she said she would be very uncomfortable if I was watching. Time will tell!
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