I fingered her clit expertly & when she was whimpering that she was about to come I asked her if she'd had any naughty thoughts about the two handsome young black brothers who'd bought the house next door. She grabbed my wrist & ****** me tot go faster whilst plaintively denying any wicked thoughts about them at all. I slipped two fingers inside her at the critical moment & whispered, "I wish you would!"

She screeched & lifted her hips off the bed so she could thrust herself onto the invading digits while she squeaked, "What? What do you want me to think?"

I chuckled & inserted a third finger as I gazed into her big round eyes & said, "I'd like you to think about how incredibly fantastic it would be to have them both making love to you at the same time!"

"Oh! Oh Timmy!" she cried & jammed my hand against her spasming vagina. "I love you! I love you so much you kinky bastard!"

I removed my hand & licked my fingers whilst rolling on top of her saying, "Just think about it Di. I know you're going to love it!"

The next afternoon when she got home from work I told her to go up & bathe then I'd apply her Immac for her. She grinned & said, "You know how randy that makes me darling. Are you going to treat me to another session like last nights?"

"Even better," I smirked. "I'm gonna make sure you get the best sex you've ever had later."

She bathed, I Immaced her already hairless genitals & rinsed her off then left her to do her make-up & hair before putting on the scarlet fishnet mini-dress I'd left out on the bed.

When she'd dressed & added her highest red shoes to the outfit she came down & asked me how she looked. She posed with a hand on her hip & the other against the side of her head & I perused the blatantly erect, solidly stiff nipples poking through two of the holes in the wide mesh.& said, "Beautiful. Sexy as fuck," as my eyes dropped to her loins where I could see her glistening pudenda shining wetly through the stretched gaps. "They're gonna fucking love you."

She frowned, "What? What do you mean? Who's going to love me?"

"The boys from next door," I grinned. "I've invited them to come round for a drink so they can get to know you a little & maybe I can take some photos if you'll agree to it."

"You're joking!" she gasped looking quite distraught. "You haven't have you?"

"Yep. You know I have."

"Oh God Timmy no! I can't! I can't let anyone other than you see me like this!"

I put on my serious face & assumed my serious voice when I intoned, "My wife will want to do things like this. Of course if you don't want to be my wife, you can run upstairs & change & we'll forget all about it.

She stared at me with confusion & croaked, "Your wife would do what exactly?"

"Have disgustingly filthy sex with them in front of me & my cameras."

She blushed & whispered, "Is that what you really want? You want to watch me having sex with two black men?"

"More than two after we're married," I chuckled. "My wife's going to be a slave to the black mans enormous fat cocks."

"Oh Timmy," she sighed & cupped a breast with one hand whilst sliding the other down over her flat tummy & onto her gleaming mound.

"I guess the fact that you haven't run back upstairs is a positive sign Di. You want to do it as well don't you?"

She fluttered her eyelashes & muttered, "You know I'll do anything you want if you'll marry me."

There was a knock on the back door.

"Well let them in then & let's see how you look with a pair of fat black cocks pleasuring you endlessly."

Ten minutes later I said, "So let's see you dancing with them Di. Show us how you like to move to your favourite Barry White groove."

Devon moved in & began to sway in front of her.

Diana gazed at hm & began to sway as well.

I took photos.

"Give him one of your romantic kisses darling. You know. The light gentle ones where your lips just brush his."

She put her hands on his waist & leaned forwards with her face turned up towards his.

Click click click went the camera.

"Lick them babe! Those fat purple lips you want to feel so much."

Her wicked tongue flickered out & ran over Devon's half open mouth.

"Lovely Di. & now with passion. Let's see you Frenching & getting your tongue right in there."

I heard a slight groan as she leaned further forwards & thrust her tongue into his mouth.

Click click click.

"Pull the hem of your dress up Di. Show us how randy you are!"

She mumbled a garbled, "Urrrrrrgh!" into his mouth & reached down for the hem of her dress.

While she was slowly wriggling the tight garment up over her boney hips I took another half a dozen shots. I wanted there to be no doubt that she was more than just a willing participant in this & what was to follow.

Meanwhile out of Diana's line of sight Zac had been quietly getting undressed & now he walked up behind her completely naked & wanking a monstrous nine inch erection.

I photographed him pushing the whole length of it against the crack of her now bare bottom & smiling, "You've got a great arse Di. I'm really gonna enjoy buggering it!"

Diana squeaked into Devon's mouth & reached back behind herself with one hand. When she touched what she knew was there she broke the kiss & breathed, "Oh my God!" before turning round to face her new admirer. She looked down at what she had in her hand & repeated herself over & over again, "Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God!"

I sniggered, "You like the look of it Di?" as I fired off shot after shot.

Staring down she croaked, "It's so big! So big & so fat & so fucking black!"

"Wank it against your tummy babe there's a good girl. Um that's right. You look so sexy like that. Holding your dress up & wanking him against your lily white belly!""

Devon was nuzzling the back of her neck & cupping both of her breasts in his large hands. Diana glanced at me & whimpered, "I'm gonna come Timmy, I'm sorry. I can't help it! I can't stop myself!"

"S'alright angel," I laughed. "The first of many if I know you. Don't worry. Let it come. There'll be plenty more where that came from. Take my word for it."

She collapsed against Devon's chest & I saw her belly & thighs quaking with delight as the first orgasm washed over her.

While she was still sobbing in the aftermath I said, "Get her naked guys & let's get her a few disgusting positions for some porno shots before you get up it!"
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