This is a story of a couple, Rob 30 and Amy 27, who find themselves given an ultimatum when Rob's job is on the line.

Rob is 5' 6, a 30 year old male with brown hair, average/slim build who works in an office complex. Amy is a 27 year old female with brown hair, olive skin and a petite build with B cup breasts and a firm ass. The pair have been married since Amy was 20 and dating since she was 18, leaving little time for any other experience with men. However that is all about to change!

It's 6 am and Rob quietly gets up for work even though he's actually been awake since 4, with fear of what is going to happen today. He looks over at his wife lovingly and smiles at how peacefully she is sleeping without any idea he may be losing his job today.

After changing and kissing his still sleeping wife goodbye, Rob heads to his car and starts the drive to work, all the while thinking how could things go so wrong. Everything had started so well with him having a promising career ahead of him but the company had hit hard times during COVID and never really recovered and today staff were being told individually if they were being let go or not.

5 years ago he wouldn't have been bothered about this as Rob had been a rising star and a real go getter but after too many nights at the office Amy had started to feel neglected and he decided to focus more on family after his promotion. As he pulls up to the building and parks he looks up at the building and enters to face his destiny.

"Rob, Mr. Davies will see you now," said Sarah the managers assistant with a sad look in her eyes. Rob and Sarah always got on great in a flirty kind of way, she was an attractive mixed race girl with shoulder length curly hair and an amazing figure.

As he enters the room Rob looks over at Mr. Davies with a mix of both fear and envy. At one point they were rivals, which Mr. Davies had always held a grudge about but since then he had been promoted twice making him Robs boss.

"Sit down Rob." said Mr. Davies, giving him a cold icy stare.

"Thank you sir."

"Forget about the sir, we've known each other long enough. It's John." said Mr. Davies. "Look... I know these past few years have been difficult for everyone but I'm going to get straight to the point. The business has been suffering and we have to let certain people go and you are one of them."

This news hits Rob like a thunderbolt and he instantly feels sick. "Isn't there anything you can do?" Rob pleads. "My mortgage rate has gone through the roof! We've spent all our savings and Amy can't find a job."

John sighs. "Look if it was up to me I'd let you stay but it's from the top. I've got a list of names with options I can offer them instead of dismissal. For example less wages, unpaid overtime, fewer days paid holiday, but your name isn't on the list."

The information hangs in the air until Rob finally speaks. "Please John, there must be some offer. Speak with the bosses and see what they say. As a friend."

John looks rob straight in the eye. "Well, there might be a way for you to keep your job and earn a bit extra. When going through each member of staff on who to keep and what they can offer, when it came to you Dave said the only thing he can offer is his wife, and they all laughed."

Rob was completely shocked.

"You can't be serious!" he shouted.

"Look, they might have been joking but if you are desperate to keep your job it might be worth considering." John shrugged.

"Amy would never go for that and I wouldn't let her!" Professed Rob. Now John let himself a little smile Rob never knew this but on her first time at a work Xmas party Amy got a little too ***** and let John finger her and ever since they've had a flirty relationship every time they meet. "Look mention it to Amy and see how she feels about it and I'll put the feelers out upstairs and see if they were joking or not and come and see me tomorrow with an answer." With that Rob left the office and carried on his day in a daze

Amy was busy getting dinner ready when her phone pinged with a txt message.

Hi Amy long time no touch. I mean text ;-)

Amy allows a little smile at this and bites her bottom lip. He's such a flirt she thinks. She texted back 2 long lol ;-) telling herself it was only harmless fun between friends.

So I had Rob in the office today. Some bad news and maybe some good news.

The colour drains from Amy's face, she'd heard about the redundancies but prayed it wouldn't effect them.

Don't tell me the bad news :-( but I'm always up for good news!

He replied I might be able to get you a job here but you would need to agree with a few things.

Amy squeals and jumps. That's great I'd love a job there!

Ok cool if you're both happy, get Rob to come to my office to look over the contract and I'll email one to U. And with that Amy waits for Rob to tell her the good news

At home Rob sits outside trying to compose himself and build up the courage to tell his wife. As he enters Amy runs and jumps on him wrapping her legs around his waist and giving him a big kiss. " What's all this about?" he asks smiling.

"Your office called and said they might have a job for me and you will give me the details!" Amy squeals.

The smile drops from his face and Rob tells her to sit down as he explains everything.

"So we have two choices, either I let them fuck me and you keep your job and they hire me or I don't and you get the sack and we probably lose the house?" Said Amy shaking her head.

"That's about the gist of it, yes." sighs Rob.

"Who are they? Any idea?" asks Amy.

"No idea but I'm guessing the four bosses upstairs and no doubt John will want a go as well."

Amy smirked at this, I bet this was his plan all along the dirty bastard. "You know what, fuck it tell them yes."

"You can't be serious!" shouts John, shocked.

"Deadly serious. I won't lose this house and besides it's only a one time thing."

With that they go to bed and wait for the morning.

Rob rises and goes to work without making a sound and heads straight to John's office. As he enters John smiles and shakes his hand.

"So what did she say?" asks John. A little too keenly for Robs liking.

"She'll do it." said Rob defeated.

"Excellent, excellent, so I spoke with upstairs and they weren't joking and want to hire her as well. Here is a contract/list of rules for her if you want to look it over." John handed Rob the document. It read:

Rules for employment of Amy Smith (including daily tasks in and out of working hours).

Standard of Dress
Suit jacket,
Lace undershirt or shirt unbuttoned to cleavage,
Skirt or dress not to be longer than 12 inches from waist.
No bra
No panties
Pussy must be shaved

The following are to be carried out on request without denial during the working day and out of hours.
Oral sex
Anal sex
Group sex
(Condoms are not to be worn by board members )

Out of hours the following is required:
1 hour minimum is to be spent watching porn
Sexual content is to be talked about through out the day
Activities done during the day are to be spoken about with your husband
Masturbation in front of husband twice minimum ( husband is not to touch)

A minimum of one sexual activity is to be given to each member of the board everyday. The board consists of:
Ben Smith
Andy Taylor
Dave Jones
Alex Harris
John Davies

"There is no way this can happen and Amy would never agree to it!" Rob protested.

"We'll have to see what she has to say, a copy has already been sent to her. But there is also your new contract." John says handing over a sheet if paper to Rob. "Just so you know I fought for you yesterday."

"What do you mean?" asks Rob.

"Well they wanted you to abstain from all sexual activity with your wife and I said no. They weren't happy but they agreed, but only if some rules were followed. Read the contract and you'll find out." smiles John.

Rules for continuous employment of Rob Smith

Henceforth all sexual activity with Amy Smith will cease unless one of the following board members are in attendance and involved in the act.
Ben Smith
Andy Taylor
Dave Jones
Alex Harris
John Davies

The following rules are to be followed at all times of sexual activity by Robert Smith:

Fingers are not to enter Amy unless authorized /directed by a board member in which case gloves are to be worn
Condoms must be worn at all times for sex, oral and hand jobs
No anal
He must cum in designated trash can
Amy must not see or touch cum from Robert Smith
Under no circumstances is Amy make Robert Smith cum. He may have sex but must always finish in trash can by himself
Amy must only cum on board members

Any deviation or breakage of these rules will mean further restrictions.

"No fucking way can this happen!" shouted Rob. "According to this contract I can't even sleep with my own wife!"

"Calm down, it's not saying that! It just means aboard member has to be there. You've got my number, if you want to fuck her give me a call and we'll fuck her together. Now go home and get Amy ready for tomorrow, the board is having a meeting and we want you both to be there."

With that Rob left and waited for the morning.

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