If you haven't read the first two chapters of Beth Will Learn, please do so. They will give you the background to my Beth Will Learn stories.

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.jpegSometime during the middle of the night, I awoke, momentarily confused as to where and what. However, when her delicate hand has a hold on your cock and another is fondling your balls, you quickly figure out what's up.

Once Beth had me fully hard, she rolled on top of me and guided me into her once-wet pussy. Damn, it felt good. Beth said, This time I control the tempo and just lay back to enjoy. I'll tell you this: She can give as good as she gets. She kept increasing the pace and was soon hammering away nearly as hard and fast as I had earlier.

Well, before I was there, she cried out as she came for the first time. After all, this was my fourth time in less than a day. She was persistent, however, and talented. Soon I was getting close to cumming myself, but not before she'd cum twice more, each seemingly stronger than the first. Finally, her tightness and skill were enough to push me over the top, and I exploded deep inside her just as she reached another orgasm. Wow, my new lover and pet can fuck!

We collapsed into each other's arms and were soon sleeping hard once more.

When I opened my eyes again, sunlight was pouring through the windows. I didn't have any idea what time it was, but I sensed it was very early. Beth was still sleeping soundly and still had her arms wrapped around me. I wiggled out of her grasp and quietly got out of bed, trying not to wake her. She stirred a bit but never woke.

I'd tried to be quiet, but either I was unsuccessful or she simply woke up. By the time the coffee was made, Beth walked into the kitchen and said good morning; her eyes never made contact with me. Her tits were slightly red from the slapping I gave them yesterday, and judging by the way she sat in the kitchen chair, her pussy and ass were pretty tender too.

I asked her how she felt

"I'm not quite sure yet; yesterday was so very wrong, but it was so amazing to do that, but I am pretty sore and fucked plus used like never before, for sure!" She said it in what sounded like little humor.

Beth's cell phone rang; it was Pete, her husband. He asked how she was doing and what she did yesterday. Beth told him she was holding up, and I took her to lunch. He said it was Saturday and asked if she was going shopping. She replied yes. Pete told her to ask if I would go shopping with her and to thank me for watching over her. Before the call ended, she told her husband she loved him.

I sipped coffee and said, I guess we are going shopping.

"I hope you do not mind going with me, and I thought we could do some shopping and maybe have lunch somewhere," she said.

Seeing that I have to accompany her shopping gave me a few ideas, but I was not letting Beth know just yet.

"We are going shopping, but no funny shit like yesterday," she strongly warned me while sipping her coffee. Beth told me we needed to stop at her house because the clothes she wore yesterday were not appropriate to go shopping.

I agreed, and after the long drive to her house, Beth rushed in and changed. When she came out, I noticed she was wearing black double-breasted shorts with a scalloped edge and a white scalloped-edge button-down blouse. She topped her outfit off with black Miracle Strappy Heeled Sandals.

Half way between her house and mine, we stopped to eat at a Mexican restaurant.

As we ate, I told Beth she needed to get some new clothes and shoes.

"I have nine million pairs of shoes and all kinds of clothes already," she joked.

I replied yes, but they were not at my house. You heard what your husband and my best friend told you. I am to watch over you while he is gone. It is a long drive from my house to yours, plus your work is closer to my house. I would feel really bad if something happened to you while he was away.

As we left the restaurant, walking to my pickup truck, I couldn't help but notice how sexy Beth looked. Her blond was floating in the warm breeze, which was getting me horny for some reason. Her 34B breasts were straining against the white blouse she was wearing. Although she is only 5'5" tall, she has sexy legs that go to heaven. In those shorts, they were in full view for me to enjoy.

"What department store are we going to?" She asked.

I said, No, there's a new women's clothing store I heard about that we should try." It was far enough away from both our houses that nobody would know us for what I had planned.

Beth immediately started to touch the new shirts and sweaters on display, a habit she applied to everything. My quirk was smelling food before I would eat it; hers was touching everything.

We walked around, picking out clothes for her to keep at my house. Beth picked out something she could wear to work as I picked out clothes for her to wear at the beach and my house. She picked a burgundy short-sleeve dress, a long-sleeve lace top, and three jean skirts.

"Here is an open room," the brunette said, unlocking a dressing room door. The saleswoman held the door open for Beth, and as I was walking into the small cubicle, the saleswoman looked at me and said, "Do you want to go in or stay out here?

Before I could answer, Beth reached back and grabbed me by the arm while still trying to juggle the pile of clothes. "He's coming with me; that way I can keep an eye on him," she almost laughed. I walked into the cubicle, past the smile of the saleswoman, and closed the door.

Beth smiled and told me no funny stuff, then she told me to sit down. I was in the way.

She unbuttoned her blouse and removed it, then wiggled her sexy ass out of her shorts so she could try on her first choice. I got a good look at her legs, and although I saw them a few times and had them wrapped around my head a few times, I will never get tired of looking at her. I gazed at her sexy ass.

Just as I was hoping I could stare at her sexy ass longer, she pulled the Burgundy Short Sleeve Dress, moved over to the mirror, and did a wiggle.

I thought she looked stunning in the dress, but she said something about not liking the way her ass looked in that style of dress and started to grab another one to try on.

That was when I noticed that I could see the bare feet of the woman in the stall next to us. The doors and walls to the dressing rooms only covered the middle of the frame, leaving probably 10" of open space at the top and bottom of each wall. Although I could only see the woman's feet, I could see her sandals off to the side and a pair of well-worn jeans piled on the floor next to the sandals.

The thought of what I was planning to do to Beth, an almost naked woman standing on the other side of the dressing room wall, was getting me horny, and I looked back at the sexy woman before me, who was taking the first dress off. This time I looked more closely at her sexy ass, noticing her puffy pussy lips split by a green thong. I love eating pussy, and Beth seemed to like having it done to her about as much as I liked doing it.

My tongue began to dance wildly in my mouth. I couldn't let an opportunity like this go by without doing something. I waited until she stepped out of the dress.

"Hold on a minute," I said, pulling her close to me. I wasted no time, sliding her thong panties to one side and quickly placing the meat of my tongue on her bare, unsuspecting lips.

"What the fuck, Joe! What are you doing?" she said in a shocked whisper. "We can't do anything in here."

I let my tongue move over her lips, just starting to push past those tender pink petals and into her moist heaven. When I heard the shock and mild protest in her voice, I changed my tactic and immediately moved up to her clit. I purred on her clit, running my tongue over it like a vibrator.

I let my mouth suck on the very edge of her sweet lips. Just as my tongue started to part her pink lips, I heard her softly moan, Oh, sir, that feels good. I knew she was no longer protesting. After a few seconds, I noticed her legs move ever so slightly apart. That was the final surrender. She was mine.

I wanted to purr over her clit for another few minutes, but Beth had gotten excited so quickly that she didn't need much more help.

"Ugh, you perverted fucker," the low moaning groan escaped her throat. I moved my eyes up to look at her in the mirror while keeping my mouth and tongue on her. She had the knuckles of her right hand in her mouth, trying to hold back her cries of passion. One thing that I learned about her was that she could let loose when we had sex. The other day I told her I would bet good money she could drown out a marching band at halftime with her yelling and moaning; she was so loud.

Beth's knees buckled, trying to hold her up as the wave of her first orgasm flowed from her pussy to her head and back to her toes. I kept my mouth on her pussy, one hand spreading her lips to get better access to her clit, the other hand on her ass, keeping pressure on her so she couldn't move off my mouth.

I let her orgasm end and moved my tongue down, sticking it past her now swollen, pink lips, tasting her wetness. Damn, her cunt was dripping wet.

I stood up, licking my lips, and said, "Get down on the floor." She quickly obliged. I guided her onto her hands and knees.

As I unbuckled my belt, I couldn't help but reach out and rub her wet pussy. Beth told me during one of our chats that her husband, Pete, would only have sex with her in their bedroom. She seemed even more excited today than yesterday. I took my pants off and pulled off my boxers, my hard cock springing forth like a pipe.

Without thinking, Beth arched her hips back and up, spreading her legs wide so I could kneel between them. I teased her by rubbing my rock-hard prick against her cheeks. Suddenly Beth noticed the woman in the stall next to us, but I was too turned on myself for much foreplay. I held the shaft of my cock in my right hand, grabbed one cheek of her ass, and spread her pussy so I could slide in.

I gave her left ass cheek a slap before I slammed the entire length of my cock into her with the first thrust. Beth bit her lip to keep from moaning, but I moved back and then forward, coating my cock with her wetness. The third stroke was smooth and warm. I put both of my hands on her ass and started to slowly pump in and out of her, never letting my entire length fall out of her warm, tight, wet pussy.

She moaned almost continuously now, with a more pronounced "uh god" every time I struck deep. At first, I hadn't noticed because of the heat of the passion, but she was getting louder. I was sure people could hear us if they were close to the dressing rooms.

When I started thrusting harder, Beth reached back and moved one of my hands to her hips.

After our fuck sessions yesterday, I knew Beth loved me holding onto her hips as I drilled her from behind. Once I had a firm hold on her hips, I started fucking her faster, pumping my hard cock in and out, in and out, back and forth, deeper and deeper.

"That's it," she muttered. "Uh...Uh...Uh," her moans matched my thrusts. "Fuck me, harder, harder; fuck me, fuck me, SIR!" Beth was practically yelling now, and I knew everyone in the store could hear us, but this made me even more excited, and I pumped her full of cock as best I could.

Slap. Slap. Slap.

My balls hit her pussy on each thrust.

"Uh...Uh...Uh..." her grunting answered back.

"Oh Joe, OOh my lover, OOOHH SIR, I'm going to cum." Beth yelled, and her back arched, her pussy tightened, and her ass clenched before me. I started to slow down because of the increased tightness, but she begged me not to stop.

I noticed the top of her feet pressing flat against the dressing room carpet; her toes curled up, riding the wave of her orgasm.

A groan from the deepest part of her soul pushed past her lips, and everyone in the store forgot that everyone in the mall must have stopped what they were doing when they heard the sounds of a woman in true ecstasy.

"Yes!!!" Beth hollered, and her body went limp. I stopped my thrusting, gently holding her hips. "Joe, fuck it, sir; put a big load of cum in my mouth," she said.

She turned around and quickly pushed me back onto the bench. I sat down, my hard member sticking out towards the middle of the small room. My cock glistened with her juices.

She crawled between my legs and took me in her mouth, expertly moving up and down the shaft with her hot tongue and lips. Mmmm, so good, Beth moaned as she stroked my shaft with one hand while the other hand was on my thigh, helping to keep her from falling into my crotch because of how ferociously she was sucking my cock.

This lasted only a minute or two. I was getting worked up, and I was close to cumming. The woman in the stall next to us, whom I had originally gotten hot over seeing just her bare feet, was now on her hands and knees, spying on us by looking under the dividing wall. The woman was a very attractive redhead. She had her hair tied up above her head, but some strands had gotten sweaty and had fallen on her freckled face. I looked into that pretty face, which was full of surprise, excitement, and lust, as our eyes met. Beth said, "Let her watch me suck your cock!" She sucked away on my cock, my shaft half buried in her mouth. The redhead looked at my cock, back at my eyes, and slowly traced her lips with her tongue.

That was enough. My legs, ass, and balls all tightened, and I blew the biggest load of my life down Beth's awaiting throat. I came so much and so quickly that she honestly couldn't keep up with it. Some of my cum dripped out of her mouth and onto her lips and chin. She pumped my cock with her fist, draining every drop of cum out of my body.

I let out a small guttural groan—nothing compared to Beth's excited yelling—but loud enough for most to hear. It was the unmistakable sound of a man having his life sucked from him, a little piece of his soul at a time.

When she finally allowed me to relax, my body was almost collapsing, and we noticed the redhead was no longer watching us.

We stood up and got dressed quickly. She cleaned her lips and chin with her tongue and a tissue from her purse. We giggled about what we would find when we opened the door: a crowd of appreciative fans or the police waiting to arrest us for public indecency.

We found neither, but we did notice that there were now a couple of groups of saleswomen, along with customers, who had been standing still and listening to our performance. When we made eye contact with some of them, they quickly dispersed, except for a few bolder women who looked back at us with a look of awe.

"Where do I get one of those?" I heard one customer ask a saleswoman.

Beth thought we were leaving. But I wanted to find the redhead who watched us fucking to ask if she enjoyed the live porn video she watched, but she was nowhere to be seen. We looked back at the dressing room doors, and her door was still closed. I paid for her new clothes.

On our drive home, she said, "Joe, you are a bastard. I told you no funny shit. But that was hot, you bad bad boy!" We couldn't help but wonder if the redhead was still in that dressing room, relieving some of her tensions.

Beth told me she did not have anything to wear in my pool or if we went to the lake. She playfully slapped me when I told her she could go nude in my pool. She told me we needed to stop at Bloomingdale's to get a new bathing suit.

Beth quickly found her size, and I picked out a purple string bikini. She liked a red and white tie-dyed Plunging Crossback one-piece. Then she got a white crochet tunic swim cover-up and a purple mesh drawstring mini dress swim cover-up. Again, I was being dragged to another dressing room.

"Wait here; I do not want to repeat the last dressing room," she said as Beth pushed me into a comfortable recliner just a few feet from the row of dressing rooms. It was packed! Teenagers spending their parent's money, families on a Saturday outing to the mall... packed! At least I had a comfortable chair, settled in, and started thinking about where to have dinner.

"Come here." Beth called. "What do you think?"

When I stuck my head through the slit in the curtain, Beth was wiggling around the dressing room, posing in the mirror, as she tried to decide if she liked the look of the bikini. I carefully admired the scene in front of me. My vision was filled with a full view of her entire sexy body sporting a sexy purple-string bikini. Beth's legs reached to her shapely ass. The strings of the bikini had tiny bows on her hips. The purple patch of cloth hugged her sexy ass like a small pair of hands.

"Well? What do you think it makes my ass look fat in this?" she asked again. "Do you like it? MM was my reply.

She told me to go sit back down while she tried on the other one.

I could hear her mumble something about her ass. Beth through the curtain as she shed one bikini and replaced it with the red and white tie-dyed one.

"Joe, I'm 'ready!" She shouted, not knowing that I hadn't moved an inch.

For the first time, I noticed that the fitting room had mirrors on all three sides, so I was getting an excellent view of every angle of Beth's body as she posed. The thin fabric looked like it was painted on her tits. The red and white tie-dye was hypnotizing on her hips as Beth slowly gyrated in the mirrors as she decided on her purchase.

"No touching, but tell me what you think, lover," she said as her eyes locked on me in the mirror.

"I like them both very much," I said slowly while donning a big smile. "We will get them both," I added while gazing at the beautiful woman. Beth's gaze never left my eyes.

About halfway to my house, we stopped at a steak and seafood restaurant. As we ate, Beth said it was nice staying with me but asked what we should do if her mother-in-law wanted to come while Pete was gone. I replied, Tell her that her son asked me to watch over you while he is away, and the only thing I can do is if you stay with me. She then told me her husband would never have tried what we did in the dressing room.

Once everything was in the house, she looked at the shopping bags, smiled at me, and asked, "Will you help to show Pete what we bought?"

Beth thanked me, jumped up, and took all her bags with her to our bedroom.

As I was face-timing, her husband, Beth, emerged wearing black Riviera shorts with the new belt, a black pearl-beaded scallop trim blouse, and white slingback shoes.

I slowly moved my phone up and down, giving her husband a good view of the new outfit. He said it looked alright, and I announced, "That looks very sexy on you. Nice outfit!" which received a glowing smile.

"How does it look with the shirt untucked? Her husband asked, and she promptly pulled at the shirt to let it hang loosely.

Beth's husband told her it looked okay; I mouthed nice, but it hides her sexy ass.

Beth smiled and went back into our bedroom while she was changing her husband. Pete thanked me for watching over his wife and said he was not sure how he was going to pay me back.

Beth reappeared wearing black pointed-toe pumps and a purple bikini.

With her husband on FaceTime, I did not have all the mirrors and the many angles they provided, so I walked around, showing him how sexy she looked. This was somehow more intense. Her husband said work was calling and hung up.

"Is it true that Pete once told me the only way to tell if a bikini is hot is to see how it looks topless?" Beth asked with a big, shy girl grin.

My reply was just a grin and a mmmmmmm.

The smile on Beth's face grew. She told me to take a video and told me to send it to her husband as she quickly reached behind her to undo the string tying the back of her bikini top and tossed the bikini at me.

Once again, I had a full view of those very suckable B-cup tits. The areola was perfectly pink against her white skin, and her nipples were a darker pink, beginning to harden as Beth's breath fastened just a little.

I was in awe. My cock twitched in agreement.

I quickly jumped to my feet and approached her.

"Beth, your tits are amazing. I am going to bite and suck on those hard nipples," I said while still holding eye contact. She didn't utter a word but nodded her head vigorously. Her smile grew larger.

Her left breast fitted perfectly in the palm of my right hand as I stood in front of her. I could feel the shiver race through her body as I gently groped and enjoyed the firmness.

"I love the feel of your titties and the taste of your nipples!" I said this as I moved my mouth from her right nipple to her left one and back again.

"Thank you, Joe. I am glad you appreciate them." She beamed and lunged forward until our lips met. The kiss was full-on tongue action from the very first second. I grabbed a handful of Beth's hair and just held her head in place as our tongues fucked each other's mouths with a wet kiss.

We both moaned at the intensity of the kiss, and my dick was quickly responding.

Breaking away, I looked at Beth's face again. Her eyes were full of lust and sexual desire. We stared into each other's eyes while catching our breaths.

I slowly looked up and down at her half-naked body. My right hand still had a firm grip on her left breast, and I let go of her hair as I moved my left hand down to her ass and squeezed it.

"I guess my bikini you bought passed the test," Beth said as she fixed her gaze on me again.

She moved in for another kiss before I had a chance to answer. Our tongues met again while slapping her ass cheek with one hand and squeezing her right cheek with the other. Her nipple was getting hard as I played with it before giving it a light pinch and breaking our kiss.

She asked if I would help her send a sexy video to her husband, and I just smiled.

Beth gasped at the tweak of her left nipple. I asked how kinky she was feeling. She replied, No, just a sexy and teasing one. I said, I know what we can do. She quickly found her lustful smile again.

She felt an erotic shiver race through her body when I placed the Gold Heart Choker Necklace around her neck. Then I led her in front of the couch, so she faced the middle of the room. Giving her breast one last squeeze, I took a few steps in front of her and turned around so we were facing each other.

"The video will be you crawling to me so we can see how sexy it looks on you, my pet," I said, looking deeply into her sensual, craving eyes.

I undid the button on my golf shorts. Beth smiled and said, "Yes, sir." She knew what had just taken place and what I had in mind. She quickly dropped to her knees as I let my shorts drop to my ankles.

When I said action, she started a slow, teasing crawl, and she began to move across the room.

I pulled down my boxer briefs and discarded them along with the shorts with a swift kick to the side. Beth broke eye contact and looked at my swollen dick as she seductively ran the tip of her tongue over her lips. I was not super hard, but the last few minutes had certainly been arousing, and my dick was acknowledging it.

When Beth's husband watches the video, it looks like she is looking into my phone as I recorded her sexy video, but her eyes never lost focus on my dick as she slowly made her way across the room. My dick twitched a little, and pre-cum started to seep out.

When she was at my knees, she asked me to stop recording and send it to her husband. She looked up at me and said, You had your way with me in the dressing room; now it is my turn.

She rubbed my engorged cock head on her cheek and instantly licked off the pre-cum while placing her hands on my naked thighs. She licked again as she took her place on her knees in front of me.

Beth had my dick now fully at attention, and she immediately took me in her mouth. After yesterday, she did not need to inspect my hard dick.

Her tongue playfully danced around on my bulging head as she slowly took more and more of my dick in her mouth.

After her amazing mouth had moved back and forth along my hard cock a few times, Beth looked up at me. I was in heaven. She brought one hand to the base of my dick and took a firm grip while she continued to alternate between moving her head back and forth along my throbbing dick and then playing with the head again before her magic licked the length of my shaft a few times.

I quickly took off my polo shirt and was now fully naked in front of Beth as her teasing mouth made love to my erection.

I couldn't believe it! Until yesterday, Beth and I were casual friends; we only had sex with her husband, Pete, who was involved. Now my pet and lover knew her place, kneeling in front of me while sucking away.

I am about 10 inches long with a nice girth, and she was enjoying herself trying to see how much of my hard cock would fit in her mouth. I was getting excited watching her, so I had to move us along before exploding in her warm, teasing mouth.

I grabbed her hand and lifted her to her feet. Before she could wipe her mouth with saliva, I put my hand in her bikini bottoms to get some of her sweet pussy juice and wiped my wet finger across her lips before moving in for another kiss. She hungrily took my tongue like she had taken my dick.

My hands were on her hips, on her ass, and on her tits, and she was responding by pressing herself against my hard dick. The poor thing was stuck between our stomachs as her hands grabbed my ass and pulled us closer.

"Tonight's my way; tonight I will make love to you," she moaned, and she grabbed my hand.

Beth led me to her new bedroom, and we came to a stop before our bed.

"I want you to see how my bikini bottoms look when they are crumbled up and thrown on the floor," she said, kissing me again.

Beth stopped our kiss, stepped back, and swiftly removed her bottom. With a smile, she did a hook shot, and they landed up against the wall.

"I think you looked stunning in that bikini." I said as I pulled her back to me.

"And without," she replied with a big smile. Before I could reply, she pulled me closer, our bodies molded into each other, and we kissed again.

Our tongues darted around, and we explored each other with more attention now. The initial fervor and animalistic passion were replaced by enthusiasm, smiles, and moans.

We created a little separation, and my hand quickly moved down towards her wet pussy while she found my hard dick and slowly stroked it. We continued kissing, and we fondled each other.

"Joe, my lover," Beth moaned, and said, Seeing how you bought my bikini and all the new clothes I got today, plus you graciously told my husband you would take care of me. I want to thank you and celebrate by making love to you.

I gently rubbed a finger up and down the outer edge of her pussy lips. She was soaking wet.

"Enough with the foreplay!" Beth interrupted me and bit my lip before she pushed me onto the bed and on my back.

"We can do more foreplay later, but now I just want to feel this fuck monster deep inside me," she said with a firm grip on my hard-on.

She quickly straddled me and positioned herself so her pussy lips were just above my dick. She slowly lowered herself a little so they made contact, and using her hand, she moved the engorged head of my dick back and forth against her drenched pussy lips. Beth's eyes were locked on me, and I could only stare in awe and hold my breath in anticipation.

She slowly lowered herself again, and I watched as the head of my dick disappeared. Beth slid down some, then back up. She continued to move up and down as she slowly took more and more of me inside until she was fully impaled on my dick. Her eyes never left mine until my hard cock was buried deep inside her.

She sat up straight, adjusted herself a little like she was getting comfortable on a bicycle seat, and grinned at me. "Ah, that's so much better."

She started swaying her pelvis back and forth and slowly gyrating on my hard cock, sending pleasure waves through my dick to my entire body.

"Kiss me! Please." was all I could say, and Beth quickly dipped her torso so our lips could meet again. Her pussy gripped my dick while my tongue danced in her mouth. It was intense.

I had one hand on her hip, and the other played with her tits as we slowly started finding a rhythm together. Beth would lift up and move halfway up my dick before slowly coming back down as I pushed up to penetrate her fully. We repeated this while our tongues thrashed around in each other's mouths. We picked up pace, and I could feel how she tightened her pussy muscles as she moved up, so my dick was being milked in the process.

After only a few minutes I knew I wouldn't last.

"Oh, Christ sake, slow down." I gasped, "I am about to cum."

Beth smiled at me. She put her hands on my chest and continued bucking her pelvis back and forth, but now her gyrating speed increased on my hard cock.

"No," I protested as she slammed back down on me. "I... want... you... to... come... too!" I moaningly stuttered. "Relax; it is my turn to take care of you," she grinned.

I had stopped moving as if that would somehow prevent the inevitable, but she continued to ride me mercilessly. Beth studied my face and smiled as I made a series of grimaces, representing intense pleasure combined with the realization that I was helpless under my beautiful lover.

Slam. Slam. Slam. Oooh flowed from Beth's mouth as she increased her hip movements.

My right hand clawed franticly at her hips, and my left hand alternated tweaking Beth's hard nipples on her bouncing tits while the pussy muscles squeezed me again.

"I... am... coming..." I yelled, pushed my hips up, and slammed her hips down on me. I held her tight as I started to explode my hot cum very deep inside of her.

She bucked a few more times and suddenly threw her head back, straightening up and letting out a loud guttural moan.

I could feel her pussy convulsing as I continued to pump stream after stream of hot, sticky cum deep inside her.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," she moaned as every muscle tensed in her body. She finally collapsed with a scream as the orgasm raced through her quivering body.

Beth's body lay limp on my body, but we were still joined at the hip, and my cock was still firmly inside her. I kissed her forehead, and I could feel her eyelids flutter on my chest as she opened her eyes.

"Holy shit." was all I could muster.

"That was soooo good!" she replied, and I threw my arms around her.

"Best shopping trip. EVER." I added.

Beth laughed. "Yeah, I am glad you took me."

As we passionately kissed, we both felt my dick getting smaller. It was close to plopping out.

She slowly rolled off and used one hand to cover her pussy to avoid anything dripping out. We had made a mess. My dick and groin were covered by our cum mixed together. She ran for the bathroom. Our cum was beginning to ooze out of her. She cleaned herself and brought me some tissue so I could wipe myself clean.

She gave me a long kiss, and we looked at each other before she pulled me off the bed and said, Come shower with me. I said, "My pet, you are, and that was amazing!" and smiled.
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