Hey what's up. I do indeed remember, lol, but not as well as i would like to.Thanks to everyone for the comments! I may have to post another pic ot two!
I'm always around, but yeah never posted any "action shots" not really my style. And JMNBABE I'm quie a bit south of you lol. You can shoot me a PM, but i'm off the market ...mostly. I have a girl I'm quite happy with, although we do play with select females at times...
ahhh..so that's what happened to it. I was a little curious. It was an odd site, not really bad, I just didn't agree with some of the attitudes but everyones got the right to do their own thing.
not sure, hope she's real. I'm in austin, PM'd her a few times. I picked a date to go to Houston but nothing since then...doesn't make me think she's real. We'll see what happens though, hopefully I'm wrong.