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  1. pimpology101

    These are hot

    The best of the lot:http://rude.com/v/FIT0L3R4ePAThe rest:http://www.easysexporn.com/part.php?id=66 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=LB6V9BJ3 http://fantasti.cc/videos/permalink/you_porn/Wife_Gets_Her_First_Three some/165775/?&uid=11019&mode=pop_collections&id=165775&ff=0&v=0&pl=181...
  2. pimpology101

    Roger Clemens

    Let's hear the sport's fans of DC's take on the Rocket. After watching his "60 Minutes" interview and the live press-conference which is still actually ongoing on ESPN2, I am inclined to believe Clemens. I am one who usually gives someone the benefit of the doubt when they make declarations. If...
  3. pimpology101

    Flippin' the script!!!

    http://.www.whiteboystomp.comhttp://trailers.wildcash.com/trailers/whiteboystomp.com/013/hi/013.wmvBlack women love serving white dick!! Once you go white you get done right!
  4. pimpology101

    Hot Summer in the City

    In two parts:http://www.megaupload.com/?d=17ZC9DVQhttp://www.megaupload.com/?d=57WT8TRBAfter you download both of them to your desktop and after you verify that the icons look like a stack of books.......right click on the FIRST one (important to click on the FIRST one) and then...
  5. pimpology101

    Other Clips (Savanna Samson is especially good)

    More........includes a great IR scene with a Young Nina Hartley and Ray Victoryhttp://img120.imagevenue.com/view.php?image=81807_TQOC3_123_716lo.jpghttp://rapidshare.com/files/79129336/QuOfCo.rar.001 http://rapidshare.com/files/79136672/QuOfCo.rar.002...
  6. pimpology101

    For the fans of Kim Kardashian

    She has accepted Reggie Bush's proposal of marriage.http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/entertainment/2008-01/02/content_6365704.htm http://www.postchronicle.com/news/original/article_212122456.shtml http://www.tmz.com/2008/01/01/bush-and-tushs-bangin-new-year/
  7. pimpology101

    An Anniversary to Remember

    An Anniversary to Remember by jtinman©We are a normal Midwest couple who have been married 27 years and raised 2 children. Now that the children are gone we do a bit more traveling and our 26th anniversary trip was one for the ages. There is no way to duplicate it and I'm not sure we will...
  8. pimpology101

    Dark Cavern's Resident Slut

    For those who have clearance into the paid part of the site you know who she is and who I'm talking about!Smoking hot young woman.........http://rapidshare.com/files/80481456/Brittany_Interracial_Collar_1.movhttp://rapidshare.com/files/80481456/Brittany_Interracial_Collar_2.mov...
  9. pimpology101

    Next Party is Jan 19th & 20th in Columbus

    Need 10 black men (dark-skinned, well hung and in shape) who are reliable and can be counted on to show up. She has little to *********, will do anal, dp, airtight and lick ass. Likes to be dominated nad talked very dirty to (called names). I do have photos of her for interested black men but...
  10. pimpology101

    Dec 29th Party

    2 couples have rsvp'd and a few black men but I could always use extra (reliable) black men who are reasonably in-shape and well hung. 3 other couples may also be attending. If interested in possibly attending, e-mail me at oreo_gangbang_host@yahoo.comBy the way, this party (as are 99% of my...
  11. pimpology101

    Rapid Share

    Is there a way to search it for specific movies? Like Behind the Green Door or Deep Inside Jennifer Wells?
  12. pimpology101

    My Ex's 1st BBC

    I guess I'll recant a tale about one of only two times I have been fortunate enough to have watched my own lady "going black."My ex girlfriend (whom I was with from 2000-2004) had two bbc experiences, both of which were at my bequest. The first was with a random black man we approached late...
  13. pimpology101

    One of my favorite amateur wives

    http://rapidshare.com/files/53377272/Sexy_Wife_GangBang.part1.rarhttp://rapidshare.com/files/53380305/Sexy_Wife_GangBang.part2.rarPW: cuckoldhttp://img204.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=40526_cuc261459_123_127lo.jpg
  14. pimpology101

    To ALL Memebers: READ THIS!

    I noticed that in the link the comment was made to the effect that it was your opinion this site could grow to become THE giant among ir sites but that it could not if bickering does not stop.Well here's a dose of reality and something to consider Will. In this brave new world you hope to...
  15. pimpology101

    Behind the Green Door & Hot Summer in the City

    Have both been shared in this section but appears links to both are dead. Can someone repost? Candy Samples with Johnny Keyes is also a request (but admittedly a hard to find item). Thanks.
  16. pimpology101

    What happens when you tell Jim Brown no

  17. pimpology101

    To Ro

    If this is to be my last post at the Cavern (and it may well be) I want to take the opportunity to apoligize to Ro. While I am not the only one to blame in this, I'll take the lion's share of it because if not for my comments perhaps you'd not have behaved in the manner you did. I am sorry that...
  18. pimpology101

    Willie & the Grand Dragon

    As some of you may remember, I had posted a request for help in tracking down a story. Well what I remembered of it made the details sketchy and I didn't receive any feedback. However, I happened to get lucky by thinking to check the archives of my yahoo group, hoping I may have at one time used...
  19. pimpology101

    Looking for more of this series

    Does anyone know where this photo originated from or if more from the series exists?
  20. pimpology101

    Obscure Hollywood Skinema Interracial

    Mainstream movies depicting interracial sex of the black male/white female variety are exceedingly rare, which may be precisely why the few instances stick out so clearly in my mind. Movies like Mandingo, Shaft in Africa, Drum, etc all made a lasting impact on my impressionable young mind when I...