Listen asshole. I have done a lot of things In my life for you and the rest of your sissy fuck people who just want to base shit on on Internet junk! I don’t have to discuss what I did in my life, but I will tell you this. If you think you’re so swift and smart and try to hold intelligent...
I didn’t show off Fox and friends. I said it’s the only conservative news channel. I look at many news channels. And I can make my choice who is the best person for the job. Do you think Putin‘s going to respect Kamo Harris? Do you think P in China is going to respect Harris? Do you think the...
Opinions are like assholes! Everyone has one! Look, I didn’t read it e half is your bullshit. But out of what a non politician, yeah he was a fuckhead. And our politicians have done some really shady shit too! The difference, they never got caught! So you can say what you want. But if you have...
I completely understand what you’re saying. I’m actually very familiar with UK’s politics. My mother was actually born and raised in England. She’s passed now. But I still talk to cousins that still live there. And all three families support, Donald Trump! Because I think your own country is...
What would be great is if we had a solid third party of an independent that’s worth something. You know like a middle of the road kind of third party. This would connect more people I believe.
Not sure! If she wins, that means the US gets another Angela Markel opening up our borders more, after letting in 7 million already, many people don’t know it yet but she’s far left. This will be make our markets worse. We won’t be better off with her.
Hi Jack! To be really honest, we have only one conservative news/honest coverage station out here and it’s Fox News network. The other eleven are liberal. So Trump is made out to be not so hot for many people. But he respects our constitution way more than people think. I’m an independent. So my...