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    Ann dances at a private Strip Club, she had won the amateur contest twice and the management offered her a position at the club
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    Reactions: WimpHub2, barbie1955 and midwestguy
    hi says I am in the room alreaddy and wont let me go to chat, do you know how to resolve this
    hi Dig hub and i have tried to upgrade for 9.95 for one months trial but wont let us do anything.Are we doing somthing wrong?Please contact when your not busy
    hey can you tell me what you're trying to do? If you're getting an error msg can you tell me what it is?
    I have someone working on this as we speak. Not sure what broke, but something surely did.
    Re chat support or any other support: We only provide personal support for paid members, out of necessity.
    Can you try it now, see if you get the same error?
    I can get it and the keyboard populates. Thank you. But no options appear if I tap on someone in the user list, so how do I send a private message? Also, how do I post pics? Thank you dig! xoxo
    I don't see any way to send pm's using the mobile client, and it doesn't appear that's possible from what I can see in the documentation. I've asked about it but it may be a while before I hear back from them.
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    Reactions: sissigirlmissi18
    Hey dig, I'm on iPhone 7 safari browser, I'm logged in, when I go to chat it populates Visitor-1 I change to my nick. Once in a room, when I tap the "type here" bar no keyboard populates. When looking at the user list, no options appear when I tap on somebody. Basically I can't do anything. Any help you can provide would be great. Thank you. xoxo
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