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Fat Ass FuckPig #AmberSwine
Chubby #AmberSwine with a kink for the flavoursome and a desire to be seen and rated
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eurobullsf said:
Obviously fake.
Not fake, airbrushed a bit but no, not fake 👍 She's a bit sensitive about how she really looks so I only show few real untouched ones. Like the ones where she's lying down. She's had a titty job too.
Riiight, flip between this picture and next one, everything is the same except the body pause. Nice try, guy.
eurobullsf said:
Riiight, flip between this picture and next one, everything is the same except the body pause. Nice try, guy.
😂😂 You mean the very basic generic background of sea and concrete? Ah, get a life will ya. The photos were taken within second of each other. If you notice at her right shoulder there is a floater in the water. It is there in one and not in the other. Also, on this eery morning in Lanzarote there was an unexpected sand cloud that took over the town behind us hence the quiet stillness of the scene. It was eerily still that morning and also why we dared to do it as there was literally no-one about. But hey, listen, thanks for your note of poor judgement, it let's me know a lot about some members like yourself on the site. Tally-ho now and yeh, Get a life My Guy👍
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