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How to use the story section

How to get the most out of the story archive

*note: Most of the following only applies to logged in users. If you're not a registered user, take a moment to hit this link and register your account.

  • USE BOOKMARKS: When you find a story you really like, you can use our bookmarking system to save it to your private spank bank. Just click the little bookmark tab located above the story on the upper right.

  • GET NOTIFIED: If you are reading a story and the author is still adding chapters to the story, you may want to be notified when new chapters are added. You can do this by clicking 'Watch', which is located directly to the left of the bookmark icon. This will notify you on the site and also send you an email when a new chapter is added to the story.

  • FOLLOW AN AUTHOR: If you want to keep track of an author rather than a certain story, then you can 'follow' the author by clicking the author name, then clicking 'follow' on the profile card that pops up. You can also simply view the author's full profile and click follow from there.

  • USE FILTERS: The filters tool is very powerful. You can sort by highest rated stories, see only stories with reviews or comments, stories with only certain keywords... in short, filters can help you find stories with your specific interests.

So there you have it! All the tools you need to find the stories you want to read. Have fun, and please feel free to send us any feedback if you have any good ideas to make our story section even better!