yes or no

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New around here...
Beloved Member
Feb 17, 2009
Hallo, I have got to question. Am I 23 yearly beginning worker at a large firm and I have got 18 yearly girlfriend, still student central schools. Be perfect duck, small figure, little breasts and slim waist. On firm taps, on which oneself accessary together with me, to stab my boss. He is already 45 yearly man, taunt figure. Satisfy, cheerful and friendli. But is this black. Dance with my girlfriend, devote its all evening a aj she oneself s nim fair amuse. Exist to us friendly a use one's Christian name yourself with us. All right tussle with amuse.
At the end taps I he took aside and sayed me, my having gorgeous girlfriend. Drive away us home. Too in another weeks was he to us friendly, asked to us 2x to him home on pair a 1x at him yacht. Make familiar with us with his family and experienced are with him nice moments. Stamp evening after one’s pair I he took aside a sayed me, that oneself him my friend power force open and would like could this with her try. Think, that neither she would was she not against, even though have no experience with threesome or swingers. But I oneself battle, that when throw in she his cock, surely long and thick, hard how steel a black how charcoal-pencil, pending immense black eggs and will be with her copulate, is able to affection to breaking condom. She spheric no pastile, accordingly could it was catastrophe. IF could accident arrive to breaking condom and he unwillingly let out his big eggs in its pussy, like this could surely stay pregnant. Child in her baby, could its flat life. Let I him allow sex with my girlfriend or no?
Apologize for my English.
Post in your own language and we will use google translator or babelfish. I can't make heads nor tails out of this.
áno alebo nie

Ahoj, mám otázku. Som 23 ročný začínajúci pracovník vo veľkej firme a mám 18 ročnú priateľku, ešte študentku strednej školy. Je veľmi pekná, drobnej postavy, malé prsia a veľmi štíhly driek. Na firemnom večierku, na ktorom sa zúčastnila spolu so mnou, padla do oka môjmu šéfovi. On je už 45 ročný muž, veľmi vysokej a statnej postavy. Je príjemný, veselý a priateľský. Ale je to černoch. Tancoval s mojou priateľkou, venoval sa jej celý večer a aj ona sa s nim príjemne bavila. Bol k nám priateľský a potykal si s nami. Dobre sme sa bavili.
Na konci večierku ma vzal bokom a povedal mi, že mám nádhernú a príťažlivú priateľku. Odviezol nás domov. Aj v ďalších týždňoch bol k nám priateľský, pozval nás 2x k nemu domov na párty a raz na jeho jachtu. Zoznámil nás s jeho rodinou a prežili sme s ním pekné chvíle. Raz večer po jednej párty ma vzal bokom a povedal mi, že sa mu moja priateľka moc páči a chcel by to s ňou skúsiť. Myslím, že ani ona by nebola proti, aj keď nemáme žiadnu skúsenosť s trojkou alebo swingers. Ale ja sa bojím, že keď zasunie do nej svoj úd, isto dlhý a hrubý, tvrdý ako oceľ a čierny ako uhoľ, až po obrovské čierne vajcia a bude s ňou súložiť, môže dojsť k pretrhnutiu kondómu. Ona neberie žiadne tabletky, takže by to bola katastrofa. Ak by náhodou došlo k pretrhnutiu kondómu a on by nechtiac vypustil jeho veľké vajcia do jej pošvy, tak by isto ostala tehotná. Dieťa v jej veku a k tomu čierne by jej zruinovalo život. Mám mu dovoliť sex s mojou priateľkou, alebo nie?
Ospravedlňujem sa za moju angličtinu.
hmmm, well this sounds kinda' like you are asking if you should let this guy have sex with your girlfriend and possibly get her pregnant? How does SHE feel about this? Because that is really the end all question...if she is ready to do this, there relaly isn't much you can do or say about is anyway.....hell, I convinced my husband to go along with THIS crazy episode I am involved in right now....if I can do that, well your girlfriend can surely have pregnancy risk sex with anyone she aren't married, you have no real comittment to each other......but BE PREPARED!! This sin;t the controllable game you guys THIN it is....once we WANT to breed with someone, YOU have nothing at all to say about how it goes or the outcome.......