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Who here has been genuinely turned out (seduced/pimped) by a black man?

  • Thread startermetalore
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I am also in the second group. My first time when I was treated to a Black man was very spontaneous and not planned. I was 42 at the time and felt like I was a high school girl again going home with with a strange feeling in my body sneaking by my (parents)/ husband. Somewhat embrassed and ashamed but had a taste that i wanted to try again, knowing the next time I would be more relaxed and wanting him more then he wanted me.
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I enjoy sex with black men with hubby's encouragement, and have for a couple of years--and my first was a guy hitting on me in a complimentary way but hubby and I had already talked about it was something we might try if the right opportunity presented itself. I'm not sure if this post is correct for this thread.

However I read different definitions of "pimped" and "turned out". I always took those to be related to ************--or a black man sharing the woman with another. How are those two terms defined by today's usage?
By "pimped" and "turned out" I mean the woman's mind was dominatd by the black man's sexuality. It didn't matter what reservations or better judgement the woman had, she just could not resist the black man. This thread is supposed to be about women who had this happen to them even though they never considered it, never wanted it, or were straight up against it, and how their lives were changed.

Betty-MWF please elaborate your story. How did the black man meet you and seduce you? What things did he make you do/feel that you never thought you would?
I don't know if this is what u mean, but I was convinced by my black lover to do a mmf with a friend of his. At first I was apprehensive, but gave in. Later I found out that it was to pay off a bet owed by my lover. Boy did I feel cheap.


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No worry hon

colleenandroger said:
I don't know if this is what u mean, but I was convinced by my black lover to do a mmf with a friend of his. At first I was apprehensive, but gave in. Later I found out that it was to pay off a bet owed by my lover. Boy did I feel cheap.

Not you honey. Your lover was a cheap jerk. Hope you dumped him. I love black men, have done mmf, mmmf, :) etc. But over a bet? Dump him!
colleenandroger, looks like somebody tore that ass up!

colleenandroger said:
I don't know if this is what u mean, but I was convinced by my black lover to do a mmf with a friend of his. At first I was apprehensive, but gave in. Later I found out that it was to pay off a bet owed by my lover. Boy did I feel cheap.

Colleen, by the way, your fella bet me a few bills that the Dallas Cowboys would win the Super Bowl....I'm open to creative payments!
i actually found this site wheni was16 and this is what turnedmeon to it
well i aint sure which catagory i fall in whether 1 or 2 but i do know this much for sure that i lost my cherry at a young age and i loved sex alot and when i was in high school i was a cheerleader and the star of our basketball team was a senior (omg when he would look at me i would just cream) and he was my 1st blk guy ever -- i do know this if mama ever found out about me and blk guys she would not only disown me but would still beat my lil butt; but i will never stop as long as the blk guys will have me
bostonbeth420 said:
i actually found this site wheni was16 and this is what turnedmeon to it

How did you find it?
Okay, kind of an old thread but I'll see if I get in trouble for "bumping"......I am DEFINATELY the later group. Was raised lilly white conservative and never even TALKED to a Black person in other than a business type situation right thur high school and in to College.

Also had numerous sexual fantasies, but as my sexlife was vonfined to my loser ex-husband and he couldn't last 2 minutes and spent 5 years of marriage deriding me and making me feel like a worthless piece of SHIT for wanting more sexually than his lame ass could provide.....sorry, REALLY get angry when I discuss him. When I discovered he was having an affair with a low class work at the turket killing factory pig with 3 kids by different guys....I tossed him out on his ASS!!

Let's move on...that is boring!! Met my current husband a year later.....he was a WEIRDO!! Hw likwd sex, he liked it with ME, he didn't make me feel worthless for wanting sex, he helped me dress to ACCENT my sexuality instead of hide it, he made me feel GOOD about myself instaed of self-loathjing, I fought him a lot on that but came to realize he was right. We talked about fantasies, his opinion on fantasy is it is a rest stop before reality!! LOL Believes that if it make you horny to pretend, then the REAL DEAL has to be better...and what the hell, try it, you MAY like it, and if you don't....treat it like an ice cream flavor you don't like...throw it away and move on!! I got to being careful telling him my fantasies, or I wold find myself pursuing them....and SOME should just stay fantasy....not for this forum.

Okay...we've been married a couple of years then.....a guy at work is spending inordinate amounts of HIS free time chatting with me....he does not have to....he could be doing a ZILLION other things as he has a business he is ignoring and talking to me....I am confused but truthfully atttracted by the attention (not very many guys paid attention to me before I was 28 and married my current hisband....I dressed fat, I acted fat, I THOUGHT big breasts meant you WERE fat...stupid me, mine were genetic and other women were paying 2 grand a piece for them!!!....I misread guys looking and checking me out as negative (thanks ex-hubby)....but suddenly this kinda' cut guy who is a bigshot business owner is chatting me up and I am drawn to that...but I'm married and a good girl......so I manage to "mention" to hubby what is going on and ask him what he thinks is going on (hoping somehow a miracle will happen and he'll say "hey, go hop on him and see what he says!")...and GUESS WHAT?!?!

That is pretty much what he DID say!! This was the first time he ran by me his "best most favorite meal on the planet idea....you decide what you most favorite meal EVER is, money is NOT an issue....then you eat that meal today, and tomorrow, and the next day a nd the next...ad infinitim every single day for the rest of your life!! Sound good...or will you find yourself VERY soon wanting a nice cheap juicy delicious Cheeseburger from Mickey D's pertty quick?? So WHY, he says, doe something as GOOD as sex and as IMPORTANT as sex HAVE to become that "favorite meal" the moment you get married? Why can't you enjoy a cheeseburger occasionally?....not so sure I completely agree with this, but it has an interesting ring to it....

And it gave me the green light to have lunch with this guy, and then dinner later that week, and then to work on some transient phantom after hours computer issue he was having while wearing my sexiest see thru top, and sheer underwire bra that showed right thru the top, and my shortest tightest miniskirt with my tallest red high heels with a new hairdo and fresh pro applied makeup from the spa after work and a shot of my hottest purfume too...ALL of which Hubby convinced me to wear INSTEAD of my jeans and sweatshirt!! LOL...to go work on his computer problem...which led to my first "affair" during my marriage. lated 6 months, was a TON of fun. but his wfe was asking questions and we moved on.

WOW, all that and no Black guys yet...appx a year later. We tried other ways of meeting (white) guys....they all left me feeling like I had been with my husband. i wasn't having fun with it, hubby wasn't as a result, we were fighting about it because I WANTED to meet other guys (reliving my high school days doing the things I was afraid to do) but it SUCKED!! Bowling alley one night...VERY busy for some odd reason and we can't find the waitress FOREVER...we want drinks, I finished my gutterball frame and offered to go get us some drinks. Never been in the bar before, it always came to us. It was FULL of almost all Black and Hispanic guys....and mostly White Women!! Some I KNEW and knew they were married!! I'm standing there gawping at this scene and a Hispanic guy grabs my hand and drags me out on the dance floor despite my protests!!

Four hours later, I have danced with more guys this nite alone than I ahd in my entire 28 years previously...and some pretty "suggestive" type dancing too!! They kept buying me drinks, telling me how beautiful I was, how HOT I was, what a GREAT dancer I am (total BS but I was starting to enjoy the grinding part of it becasue I felt some LOGS being pressed against me and I'm not sure any of them were hard!! LOL)...i did stuff I NEVER figured I'd do...I danced with a guy that was going to JAIL tomorrow for beating his girlfriend up!!! He wanted me to go out to his car with him so he could get some "relief" before he wnet to jail!!! Intelligently, I passed on that, and I had a whoe HOST of other pick up lines run on me....again, I was hit on more in those 4 hours than in my entire 28 years prior!!! And I LOVED IT!!!

Now I'm 3 hours late, never called Hubby (that became a real sore point for us over the next few years), and was now honestly *****....luckily we lived less than a mile from the bowling alley. Weaved home in my mini-van (LOL), and fell all over hubby apologizing and crying and I'll NEVER do it again....and once he found out WHAT I'd never do again....he TRIED to get me to turn around and GO BACK!! Offered to drive me as I was way too ***** to be driving too!!! Told you he is WEIRD!!

didn't go back then....was feeling a bit ill actually from all the booze. But the next week I was back and dressed for the part and THAT was my first time with a Black buy...in the front seat of his car, parked behind a car wash less than 6 blocks from my middle class whit Mom home in the 'burbs giving a blow job to a Black guy whose name i didn't even know!!! just his "street name, and I don;t even remember it....Cookiie, something stupid like that....Candy maybe. He was SO dumb, he didn't even have a condom with him!! He insisted on the condom too....I suggested he go across the street to the party stor and BUY one, as I had left my purse in my van back at the bowling alley, and he wouldn;t even do THAT.

I extended the offer to him to have sex WITHOUT a condom, but he was afraid I'd give HIM a disease....hell, I didn't even have my diaphragm with me, as I NEVER figured this would go this far so fast, and it is ALL the birth control I use...so I was offering to take a chance of getting pregnant to have sex with this idiot!!! And he turned me down!! Said "jsut a blowjob" was OK with him.....and I wanted sex with him so bad that I actually did it!! TIWICE!!! We parked behind the car wash for almost 3 hours....coulda' been arrested but I was SO hot to be with him because he was BLACK and this was SO BAD for me to be doing....and it was SUCH a turn on!!!

so, that's how this raised right lilly white good girl became the Black cock loving SLUT she became...the next few years were something else!! i did EVERYTHING Black guys ask me to do and then some....a couple I probably can't mention here....but I was with multiple partners in a single night, threesomes regularly wit two guys, I took care of friends, Bosses, "partners", I was used orally, vaginally, anally, got to where I could deep throat the biggest of cocks, and take the longest and THICKEST (my FAVORITE!!) completely inside of me if I removed my diaphragm for them (!!) which I did a LOT.

Developed a SERIOUS interest in first pregnancy risk sex, then actually wanting to GET pregnant by a Black guy, and eventually got so caught up in a long term affair with a guy that I fell in love with him, we talked about having babies (plural) together, I stopped even taking my diaphragm with me when I went to see him or putting it in when he came to stay with me for the weekend at our house when Hubby was away for his Reserve Training (Loved the neighbors seeing him show up an hour after Hubby left and stay thru Sunday evening!!), and right before we broke up because of his wife getting wise...we had ven decided that we wanted to leave our spouses and be together as husband and wife......anyway, that's how I crossed the tracks.

Evening festivities are about over here, Tom should be back any minute and I can't WAIT for that, gotta' go and be ready for him when he gets back....nite everyone, Hi Hubby!! No calls for you....but my "husband" and I are enjoying ourselves immensely here!! Picked my diaphragm up at the pharmacy this afternoon, thanks for the tip on that!! iI has made things a LOT less messy for me.....but it's time to take it out now. Babies to be made here.......LOL, note I said BABIES!! It may be a little longer than we originally agreed to before you have sex again, but I KNOW you will understand....maybe we can find you a "cheeseburger"!! LOLLOL

Wow -what a post! Both amusing and interesting. Thank you for opening up.

I always wondered about the outspoken JMNBABE. I'm much wiser now.
Yeah, JMNBABE (and every one else), thanks for the interesting stories. They far surpass the fiction posted elsewhere.
Tara said:
I have already posted to this thread but after reading some of the other input I thought it would be exciting to be pimped or whored out by a black guy to other black guys for money. I would have to trust the guy but it would be exciting to have guys pay to fuck me. I guess I am wierd. Love to fuck.

Being pimped out isn't all that great in real life, do it as a fantasy but you won't like the real deal.

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