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well cucked, but didn't know

  • Thread starterrokrob
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New around here...
Beloved Member
Mar 6, 2007
First, as a bit of background my wife (I’ll call her Kate) had sex a few times with other guys 2-3 years ago – sometimes with me while swapping or in threesomes with another guy. Although we started out as swingers we had advanced/descended (?) to the idea that Kate could take a lover and we’d have threesomes (perhaps), but I wouldn’t have any other woman. Instead of threesomes, there was more of her meeting her lover on her own. This carried on for awhile, but then her main lover left our area and Kate hadn’t had anyone for over a year and told me that she wasn’t so interested these days.

She even met up with an old lover a few months ago, but didn’t do anything sexual – only a lunch and chat. I was a bit disappointed at this turn of events as I guess other cuckolds out there can imagine and would try quietly to encourage her further adventures, but she’d didn’t like it if I went on about it too much – or tried to bring up her old exploits during sex.

Anyway, she went out a couple of nights ago on a monthly meeting with some of her girlfriends. They have a meal then go off to a club etc. for some more drinks and she usually doesn’t get home to the early hours. Of course I’m often fantasizing about her meeting someone and calling me from a hotel room etc. (this happened once a few years ago). But in any case when she gets home she’s usually in a fairly randy mood owing to the drink and chatting/dancing with other guys and I get to have sex – as long as she’s not too ***** – perhaps along with a story about some guy she danced with and rubbed up against.

The other night was following this normal pattern and she arrived home, stumbled into bed, and we were fucking and playing around when Kate suddenly said that she didn’t really like telling me about her sexual adventures in detail as it wasn’t much fun for her. She also thought of it as intruding on her privacy. I was sort of disappointed but excited at the same time on hearing this and my mind was in a bit of a whirl about what she was on about. Obviously for me the great joy is hearing of her past conquests in detail and I tried to explain how much it turned me on.

While admitting I might get a lot out of it, she said she wasn’t necessarily going to tell me anymore in case anything happened and anyway wanted to keep details to her self as it was her private secrets. I immediately wondered if there’d been something she’d done that I didn’t know about and asked if she’d done anything in the past that I didn’t know. She was reluctant to get into this type of conversation, but after some time with me trying to ask her without upsetting her, she eventually came out with, “Well you’ve had two buttered buns.”

Well I knew I’d had sloppy seconds once during a threesome. After her lover had fucked her for an hour or so, she let him come inside her and I had the joy of pushing my cock into her – I can still remember the heat and wetness of getting amongst his sperm – and of coming pretty quickly. But I certainly couldn’t remember it having happened twice – Kate nearly always makes me wear a condom, but is less fussy with her lovers (why does that seem a common thread in cuckolding tales?).

She was reluctant to provide further details, but I was now dying of lust and curiosity. Finally she admitted that it had been with someone I didn’t know about, rather than after one of her sessions with her ex-lovers. Then it suddenly came to me – a few days before she’d gone out for dinner with some of her friends. She got home just as I was going to bed (I’d been doing a bit of work on the computer and probably reading a few things on here!). As I get up early, I headed off to bed, but she came in a bit later on and wanted to have sex – unusually she didn’t want me to go down on her or much foreplay – and she’d said without a condom would be OK as it was the right time of the month. She had been quite wet, but I’d put it down to sexy talk among the girls or the fact I’d mentioned an old lover had rung while she was out (on an unrelated business issue).

So she came clean and admitted I was right – that was my second buttered bun – although I was a bit disappointed I didn’t know about it at the time. Well obviously given the early conversation she wouldn’t give me much detail. Just that it was a new guy she’d met a couple of weeks ago – married about the same age as us. He’d taken her for dinner at an expensive restaurant. As they came out, apparently they noticed a hotel nearby (what a coincidence!), and had ended up there where he’d fucked her and she’d come straight home without washing, etc. She wouldn’t give more details, but sees no reason why she won’t meet up again – he’s already rung her up a couple of times trying to make new appointments.

So, on the positive side, I’m happy she’s back in the saddle, as it were, and that I got a second sloppy seconds, but it would have been better to know about it. It’s not quite the same when you don’t know your cock is sloshing around in someone else’s hot cum. On the negative side, it looks like I won’t be hearing too much of her adventures in future and I’ll just have to guess if she’s really out with her friends or being fucked in a hotel. Any suggestions on how I should handle this?
This lifestyle isn't supposed to be one sided. If you're not getting what you need out of the deal you need to communicate that to her. She should be understanding at least to the point of be willing to come to some sort of compromise that both of you are happy with.
:mad:It might be a good idea to remind Kate that these guys that she spreads her legs for are not her lovers.
They are her fuckers, they don’t love her, they fuck her and love only her pussy. As one of her first fuckers demonstrated when he moved. He did not care how Kate copes. In contrast, you are her lover, you care for her, if you move you take her along, and if she gets seriously sick you are the one that will take care of her.
Kate should kiss your feet, that you let her get pleasured by other guys and the least she should do show her appreciation by sharing the stories of her adventures with you. You have proofed that you can handle hearing about her extramarital affairs furthermore you like to hear about it. She is selfish.
Enser: you are right, Kate is selfish, very!

Kate is not treating you fairly! I don't think this situation will remain as it is, I think your marriage is going to go downhill fairly rapidly.
Kate should be so happy and loving, that you consent to her taking her pleasure with other men; she is not behaving FAIRLY to you.
If you tolerate this, you will find that the joys of your marriage begin to dry up.
Good luck to you!
I Second That

Enser is right on as Kate should tell you everything. But i feel she might just do this for you if you tell her that needs to be part of the deal as it adds to your enjoyment. Also that you like her doing it and you wish for her to continue for everyones enjoyment. The buttered buns are the the best buns. I just feel you two are going to be fine. Best To The Both Of You. :D
Got to agree with Enser there. To have a happy marriage there should be no secrets kept from the other partner. If you are willing for her to spread her knees for other men - the very least she could do is to tell you all the salacious details for your pleasure.
Thanks for the comments. I guess I should give an update as a few months have now elapsed. Nothing happened for a couple of weeks or so, but then one day Kate rang me at work and said that she was going out with some of her friends that night, but she added she was going to an area of our city that she doesn't go to, but it is where she met the guy last time.

So I was in an aroused state most of the day wondering what she was really up to. Unfortunately, I had to go out at night for work so couldn't wait at home. Kate rang me later at night to find out if I was home yet and told me to try and hurry back as she had a "present" for me, but wouldn't say anything else. It took awhile to extricate myself from the meeting and get home. Sure enough there was a new cream pie for me, although as it was now a couple of hours since she'd been fucked quite a bit of it had leaked out. Kate was still really turned on and we spent most of the night fucking.

Since that time she's met up with him again a few times - though usually 3-4 weeks between each meeting. She doesn't tell me outright that she's meeting, but just says she's going out, but won't give details. I haven't always got a "present" on her return (I try to always make sure I'm in the house now when she's meeting him) - once they'd had a shower after having sex and once he'd fucked her so hard she started bleeding.

She has really got into the idea of rushing back home for sex with me as soon as she's finished with him and can't get enough of it for the next couple of days. Unfortunately she doesn't meet him as much as I'd like - she's most excited about him just after he's fucked her and tells me she needs a different cock more regularly and needs to see him at least every week, but then she finds excuses not to meet him (I think he calls her once a week to see if she's time to meet).

Next week there is an new variation. An old lover of Kate is visiting our city. He had sex with her a couple of years ago on a visit. He also visited last year, but they didn't have sex. She met him and had lunch, and, as it was near her birthday she asked him if he'd buy her a birthday present. He took her shopping and bought her something quite expensive (a couple of thousand dollars). She said she'd have felt a bit strange having sex with him after that, but now wants to make it up to him on this visit. I've been told not to expect to see her much in the two days he's here, and also she's wondering if she can fix up a meeting with her new lover while the old one is here - so she can get both their cocks in one day - and maybe, if I'm lucky, mine after that.
Thank you for your interesting update. Maybe I was a bit hard in judging Kate. Your update paints a more friendly picture of her.
I'm sure Kate is getting fucked now and I'm waiting at home to see if she'll come home. Her ex-lover was in town today and she helped him out with some business meetings. I called her in the evening from work and she said they'd been too busy for anything but work, but they were planning to have dinner along with me (I know this guy as well but he doesn't know that I know that he's fucked Kate).

We went out for dinner and a few drinks. Beforehand Kate told me not to let slip any comments that might indicate I knew about their sexual relationship. We ended up drinking more than planned and Kate was getting a bit frisky with him - I could see he was a little embarrassed as well. Anyway, we left the final bar and walked back towards our place and his hotel (he stays pretty close to where we live), and then Kate brought up the idea that she needed some documents from him in order to contact a few people early in the morning before they met for a second day of meetings.

She said she'd just nip into his hotel and pick them up and be home soon. That was over an hour ago and it's only five minutes walk away. I'm feeling pretty confused about this - I'm excited that she's getting fucked, but really embarrassed that he must now realize that I'm OK with my wife fucking him.

I should really get to sleep as I need to get up for work soon, but I'm so jealous/turned on I can't think of anything but his cock pounding her. I"m also a bit worried she'll stay all night, which would make my embarrassment even worse.
Kate needed space to enjoy her lover and develop astrong friendship with him. Once she is "back in the lifestyle" and enjoying it immensely - and feels your loving support for what she is doing - then she will start "filling you in with details".

It is not about "fuck by numbers". It is quite an emotional experience for a wife to take off her panties with a stranger first time or two, and look at his eyes to see if he likes (or is disappointed at) what he sees. And to have her husband wanting all the details too soon is placing her under a lot of emotinal stress.

A stranger may touch her in ways her husband hasn't, and she might fel a bit embarrassed to mention "these new ways" straight away to her husband, even though she is excited by them.

If a husband wants his wife to jump into the arms of another guy, then he needs to allow her space, as it is more than a "shagging", there will be nice feelings for the new guy - otherwise her vagina won't wet up properly.

To have a proper orgasm with a stranger, she needs to lose control over her emotions for it to happen. There is a fine line between lust/love. A man can fuck, then next night go out with a different girl without emtional attachment.

A woman will often lie awake thinking about all the lovely emotions of the fuck, and she is likely to keep thinking about the possibility of a lot of repeats. Sometimes she falls in love with what has happened, then she feels closer and closer to her lover. It is at these times that her husband needs to realise that her emotions are on her sleeve, and beyond her control.

If you feel insecure about your wife falling in love with her lover, then you shouldn't "push her into sex with a stranger", because once her primal urges are released, anything can happen. Most wives don't know they have these primal urges until a guy touches a new button.

If a wife enjoys sex with her lover, then the marriage will be much better, because she is feeling a lot more contented than if her husband only gets his "leg over" now and again with vanilla sex.
According to dictionary.com
cuck·old /ˈkʌkəld/ Pronunciation[kuhk-uhld] Pronunciation Key
1. the husband of an unfaithful wife.
–verb (used with object)
2. to make a cuckold of (a husband).
[Origin: 1200–50; ME cukeweld, later cok(k)ewold, cukwold < AF *cucuald (cf. MF cucuault), equiv. to OF cocu cuckoo + -ald, -alt pejorative suffix (see ribald); appar. orig. applied to an adulterer, in allusion to the cuckoo's habit of laying its eggs in other birds' nests]

—Related forms
cuck·old·ly, adverb

I suppose it's all in the semantics, but a cuckold has no right nor does a cuckoldress have the obligation to share her experiences with her husband. IF, in the first place, EITHER HAD RIGHTS concerning her adulterous (read:eek:utside the 'marriage") relationship(s). In many cases, if a wife were to share these experiences it could damage the relationship and/or her standing in community/marriage/family/workforce.
My point being that when folks complain that your wife is playing it close to the vest - my opinion is that she's playing it correctly. You're a foolish cuckold, that's the way it goes, shut up and go jerk off will ya.
Folks who play openly are SWINGERS (perverts). Cuckolds are (usually) normal guys with wives who cheat - and often divorce the cuckold.
It's been awhile since my last entry, but thanks for the comments - mostly quite helpful. I'm not sure if anyone's interested still, but I feel I should give an update on what happened.

Well I left off being at home while Kate had gone to visit a male friend of ours (Bob) at his nearby hotel. I was in bed trying, not very successfully, to sleep when she came back a couple of hours later (maybe 1am perhaps). She was a bit coy about what had happened at first, but said, "Well, I did it anyway". She stripped her clothes off leaving her matching, sexy black bra and panties. "Bod found these sexy", she said, "Although he didn't take long to get them off." She stripped and lay on the bed and asked me to go down on her - Bob'd used a condom so there was no cream pie, but there was a strong taste of rubber from the condom. After she came, she asked me to fuck her. While she didn't give much details of what happened she did ask me to fuck her in some positions and ways we don't usually use and I've found out this is usually as she tries to relive the way her lover fucks her.

There was a similar story the next night, except that she just went out for dinner with him alone and came back well fucked again around midnight. He left our city the next day, and we had quite a lot of sex in the next week or so as she was horny after Bob's visit. She did tell me how lucky I was that she was taking lovers as it meant she felt much more sexy and needed sex more.

Over the next few months, she met her regular lover (he of the big cock) from time to time - about every couple of weeks. He doesn't use a condom, so I often got a cream pie or sloppy seconds, but sometimes they shower afterwards so only a wife wanting more sex returns in the middle of the night. One time they stayed longer than usual and fucked twice. Kate turned up home pretty tired and just lay down and told me to do whatever I want, but don't take too long as she was exhausted. After she's met him she's usually very horny for a couple of days and talks of needing more lovers and him more often, but then cools down a bit.

She hasn't met him for several weeks now and seems to be going off that relationship, although apparently he keeps phoning her. She's worried she might begin to meet up with his wife more often (who Kate knows of vaguely and met once I think). Also Kate tells me from time to time about guys that make a move on her - and she's been out with a couple for lunch, etc. but hasn't taken any of them further as they haven't been exactly right for her. I've become quite relaxed about this now and don't press her for whether she will or will not meet anyone again.

We had a lot of sex at the end of last week and over the weekend (thankfully I wasn't working) and I was wondering why Kate was so horny, so I wasn't really that surprised to get a phone call from her while I was at work saying she was having lunch with Bob, who'd just arrived in town. She then rang me later and said she was going out for dinner with him and would be back late - it won't only be dinner - were her words! Also he'd like to go out for dinner with both of us - tomorrow night (we are old friends of him and his wife). So it looks like another night of the husband waiting expectantly for his naughty wife to return.
Great update! Your wife is doing *very* well with her lovers....


rokrob said:
It's been awhile since my last entry....

Thanks for the update re. your wife's sexual adventures. Very steamy.

rokrob said:
....I'm not sure if anyone's interested still, but I feel I should give an update on what happened.

I find your thread very interesting, and appreciate your continued descriptions of your wife and her hot sexual relationships.

rokrob said:
Over the next few months, she met her regular lover (he of the big cock) from time to time - about every couple of weeks. He doesn't use a condom, so I often got a cream pie or sloppy seconds....

Cool.... :cool:

rokrob said:
.... After she's met him she's usually very horny for a couple of days and talks of needing more lovers and him more often, but then cools down a bit.

This suggests your wife would be able to handle one or more additional lovers.... :p

rokrob said:
She hasn't met him for several weeks now and seems to be going off that relationship, although apparently he keeps phoning her. ....

It sounds like your wife maintains her relationship well with him using the "theory of the occasional reward." I.e., sometimes when he calls she meets him and fucks him; other times she doesn't — so he keeps calling.

rokrob said:
Also Kate tells me from time to time about guys that make a move on her - and she's been out with a couple for lunch, etc. but hasn't taken any of them further as they haven't been exactly right for her.

Your wife appears to be playing her potential lovers well. Going out to lunch (etc.) with them is cool, but it doesn't mean she has to fuck them. They seem to understand she might, though.... maybe.... and it sounds like she has that option, should she decide to pursue it. :rolleyes:

rokrob said:
I've become quite relaxed about this now and don't press her for whether she will or will not meet anyone again.

Sounds like you have a good attitude. Either it happens, or it doesn't.

rokrob said:
.... I wasn't really that surprised to get a phone call from her while I was at work saying she was having lunch with Bob, who'd just arrived in town. She then rang me later and said she was going out for dinner with him and would be back late - it won't only be dinner - were her words! Also he'd like to go out for dinner with both of us - tomorrow night (we are old friends of him and his wife). So it looks like another night of the husband waiting expectantly for his naughty wife to return.

Excellent! Your wife appears to be a *very* successful cuckoldress.

Best regards to both of you—

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