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Setting up my wife

  • Thread starternylimey
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Not quite a lurker
Beloved Member
Feb 2, 2006
It's been a long time fantasy of mine to watch my wife have sex with
another guy. I'm not looking to create a "lifestyle", frankly, just to
fulfill this one fantasy. I don't remember how long ago it started but,
although she's never expressed any interest in it, instead of fading
over time (we've been married 20 years) it's only grown stronger
So like a lot of you, probably, I've read the bulletin board and joined
the 'groups' and looked at the pictures and continued to fantasize.
Eventually, I got a bit bolder and posted some pictures here and there.
Nothing at all revealing; I don't even have any naked pictures of her,
she's just not that type. But what pictures I did post (always faceless)
I started to get some very positive responses. You know, the usual
"She's very sexy" or the bolder "I'd like to fuck her" responses.
At first, even posting made me feel nervous and disloyal. but as is
typical in any kind of cheating, after a time you kind of get used to it
and it doesn't seem like a big deal anymore. The world doesn't end, so
you keep doing it.
So the next step, naturally, was to reply to some ads of men looking to
seduce married women or couples.
I was honest form the beginning that she wasn't in any way a "hot wife"
or anything like that. In fact she knew nothing about all this and was
no doubt going to be resistant. I also said that as much as I wanted to
watch, I knew that that was near impossible and that perhaps a video or
hiding in a closet or some other way might be found if she could be
seduced. And that, in and of itself, was in my view still highly
A few guys got back and some of them were clearly wasting time or
phonies or simply obnoxious or stupid. Also to be expected I suppose.
But a few, a very few seemed interested and on the level. And after some
back and forth over months, I ended up in prolonged email conversation
with one guy in particular.
He positively gushed over her pictures, unrevealing as they were, and
about how he wanted to take her. And he said that he had seduced a few
married women before who were not "looking to cheat". And at least one
other husband had hidden in his closet and watched his wife that way. he
also allayed my fears by saying he'd "stop whenever" I wanted if I felt
uncomfortable or just had enough. I didn't really think that through. It
just sounded 'safe' to me.
I suppose it's a testament to his seductivity that he in fact 'seduced'
me into taking the next step.
We agreed on a day and time that I would meet my wife for dinner. She
would be coming from work and so would arrive on her own. I would meet
her there. But the idea was, I would be late.
"Give me 15 minutes or so and I'll let you know if it can be done. And
if I'm into it"
So feeling very uncomfortable, I set it up.
At the appointed hour, I rang her cell phone and told her I was stuck in
traffic and would be about 15 minutes late. She sounded happy and
relaxed and said "that's fine."
I told her to have a drink at the bar and I'd try to hurry.
I got a lump in my stomach the size of a basketball when she said "I
love you," and hung up.
I drove to the area and parked about 3 blocks away and waited; feeling
almost sick with nervousness.
Trying to imagine what might be happening was maddening.
I watched the clock like a hawk, and, at the end of 13 minutes exactly!,
drove to the restaurant and parked.
I walked in and the place was fairly crowded. This allowed me to slip in
the door without being immediately noticeable at the bar.
But I could see her sitting there at the bar. And I could see him (who
i had never seen before) leaning in next to her and talking to her.
He was probably in his forties but looked 'mature'. On the older side of
40 one might say, in looks. Nice looking but not pretty. kind of a
craggy, rough look.
We on the other hand are both in our early 50's but look much younger.
She could pass for late 30's perhaps, 40 at most.
Anyway, as I hovered near the door, I could see him look at his watch.
He too was keenly aware of the time window.
He leaned in close and said something close to her ear. I could see her
lean back, trying to lean away as he talked, and then she shook her head
He kind of chuckled and leaned in again. This time as he spoke her head
sort of leaned back, her eyes were wide. She didn't seem angry or upset,
but also not what I'd call happy. She wasn't smiling. More blank. I
might have been projecting, but she seemed to me to have almost a
stunned, deer in the headlights look. As he finished talking he moved to
walk away. And it was then that I noticed his hand on her leg; near the
outside of her knee and almost on the bottom. As he walked away, just
before, he slid that hand up the underside of her leg as if it was going
to slide up to under her ass, except that the chair stopped him before
he got that far.
I looked up at her and still she had that hypnotized, stunned look. She
wasn't pleased, but she also wasn't objecting, at least not that I could
This shook me up a bit. But I had no choice at this point. If she
noticed me lurking it would be impossible to explain.
He had walked off by then and I realized I had lost him in the crowd
I walked up and said "hi" with as much enthusiasm as I could manage.
"Hi!" she said looking a bit startled; she looked around quickly,
checking. But I already knew he was gone.
I'll spare you the details.
We went and sat and had a fairly normal dinner, although she seemed a
bit distracted at the very least and I was a bit weirded out to say the
But normal as could be expected.
So it was about an hour later when we'd finished that I asked if she
wanted anything else. She didn't so I suggested we just leave.
"No, you like to have coffee. Why don't you have an espresso? I need to
use the bathroom anyway."
So I ordered the coffeee and didn't think anything of it as she went down
the stairs to the loo.
I still didn't think much about it when she returned about 10 minutes or
so later.
"Line for the ladies' room" was all she said.
We got the check, paid, left.
That night we had terrific sex.
She crawled into bed and as soon as I got in, she turned on her side and
pushed her ass back at me, wanting to get fucked from behind.
I thought for a moment that she wanted to 'submit' in some way, but
whatever. It was amazing.

It was the next day that I got the email from him.
"Now I REALLY want to fuck her. Call me, but not from your home phone."
and his cell number.
Naturally, I needed to hear this.
It was weird hearing his voice for the first time.
"So when we were at the bar, I really didn;t think she'd go for it. And
being that timdi about it I thought maybe it wasn;t worth the effort. I
mean she's attractive and everything but not the only fish in the sea."
"Yes, well I told you I didn't think..."
He interrupted me, "Yeah, well anyway, that was at the bar. Once I got
my hand inside her panties and felt that little pussy I changed my mind.
I'm guessing she's a nice tight fuck and now I really got to find out."
Well this threw me for a loop.
I must have just sputtered, "h-h-hhow? When...?"
He laughed a bit, rather snottily, I thought.
"I told her at the bar to meet me at the bathrooms at 8:30. I got there
about twenty after and waited and although I wasn't sure she would, she
showed up at 8:35, five minutes late just to test me I'll bet!" Again,
he laughed that obnoxious full of himself laugh I was getting know. "I
took her into a bathroom and got my hand right up in there. Nice little
bush. And so tiny! Man, I really want to do her now. Nice legs too, just
like you said. Even better than the pictures."
"So, what now?" I aksed, unbelieveably,
"Don't know, dude. I gave her my number at the bar. She'll either call
or not. But you're going away for the weekend or something huh?"
This freaked me out even more. Obviously she had told him that.
He went on, "so she'll either call or not and we'll see. I told her to
call me when you're away and she can talk."
"And then what?"
"Well then I fuck her, if I can, obviously."
"But what if I don't want that? I mean I said I wanted to watch, not just
for you to fuck my wife."
"Dude, the best way is for me to do her first if she'll go for it and
then the next time you can watch. Or maybe I can tape it for you if you
want, but if she's ready I can't say no, that'd fuck it all up. And
anyway (another smirky laugh) I've got to have some of that pussy now."
Setting up my wife Pt. II

So now flash forward three days. I'm 3000 miles away in a hotel. I
started calling home at about 6pm her time and no answer. Now it's 11pm
for her and we've just hung up. She says she went out to a movie and the
diner by herself for the evening.
But I'm feeling a bit panicky as to what might have been going on.

It wasn't until the next day, despite my many calls!, that I heard from
"Oh man."
That tone said way too much. But I still didn't want to believe it.
"So want to set it up to come over and watch me fuck her on the couch
next week? Like we talked about?"
"What makes you think...?"
"Dude, where do you think she was last night?"
After my silence for a minute, he continued.
"She called me just like I thought she would, and she said "I am not
going to let you fuck me" which was music to my ears! I knew, once she
said that, that she'd been thinking about it and I'd be slipping into
that nice hairy cunt soon. I told her to come over anyway just to talk,
and she did. As soon as she walked in, I pulled her panties off and
fucked her slippery little pussy, right on the couch. Man, she's good.
Even tighter than I thought, and at her age. Wow. You're a lucky guy."
I didn't feel so lucky just then.
What had I done?

It's been two weeks now.
I haven't had the nerve to ask to go the next step and at the same time,
although he swears he isn't, I have no way to know for sure that he
isn't fucking her behind my back anyway.
And what about her?
I set her up. How mad can I be?
And yet, it's awfully hard to just act like nothing happened.
Good girls

This story was great. It makes you realize that even woman that seem like they wouldn't have sex on the side will actually do it if the situation is correct. This story got me going right from the get go. So has she acted any differently or told you??? Let her enjoy her new feeling of attractiveness. She must feel like a young girl again being sought after by other men.
very nice story I know how you feel I've been trying to coax my wife into having sex with another guy with mild success. I'm just not sure of my feelings on it. Gets me excited to think about the possibilities but hope it doesn't backfire
Thing is, she hasn't really acted any differently on the whole, which is maddening.
It makes me wonder, as I can't NOTICE much different after her cheating, whether she's cheated before or still is or what.

There's been one slight thing I noticed that she asked me to do that she hadn't before, but I also am now wondering how many little things like this I haven't noticed before but might have happened.

It's a can of worms for sure.

Well you invited it, but maybe you should get a small hidden camera to see if it is really happening??? I am curious if you have found out yet???
I don't think she'd be bold enough to do it in our own house.
This guy did it at his house.
But I certainly have been looking over phone bills and cell bills and such; no signs there after the original first week.

It's just that now I know that it CAN happen, I am always wondering when and if it just will again.
And really even more, wondering if it ever did before.
wondering, wondering

Whatever happened? And did our hero & his wife have further adventures?
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Like others have said you are a lucky man. You started it so now it is time to take it to thew next level and watch her with him. And, please share the photos.
nylimey said:
There's been one slight thing I noticed that she asked me to do that she hadn't before, but I also am now wondering how many little things like this I haven't noticed before but might have happened.

It's a can of worms for sure.

What did she ask you to do?

Curiosity is killing me.
It's a minor thing.

But when I went down on her, soon after all this, she took my hands and slid them so they were behind her knees, holding her legs there.
She held them there with her hands, showing me that's where she wanted them.
And that CONTINUED to be what she liked during oral sex for a long time. Virtually insisting, with her hands, that I hold her like that.

And that was new.
Up until then (in over 20 years together) she'd never done that.
I have to imagine it's something he did that she found she liked, or worse, that reminds her of having him eating her.

I PREFER to just look at it as something she found she likes that we can do as well.

Hey Man: Either way you how have a Hot Wife and they are PRICELESS!!!!!!!! I suggest that you take pride in this fact for there is NO QUESTION that it is YOU that she loves. Try to figure out a way to let her enjoy fucking other men:D for fun for Daddy her heart belongs to you. Your rewards COULD be very HOT and good for you both. Be honest you really wanted this to happen down deep inside, Once it did you went into panic mode, the fear of losing her took over. Shes not going anywhere but it would insurance to you if she knew you loved her enough to let her enjoy an occasional fun fuck with a man and didnot have to feel guilty. Its so simple its complicated. I sincerely hope you two find the answer and that you two enjoy to the fullest the love that you have for each other. If a woman wants another man for a fun fuck and has to sneak around she will pick someone she likes a lot or admires and that is where and when trouble can happen. I know you will figure out the best answer for you and your now HOT WIFE. I am not tryting to tell you what to do by any means. Just trying to have a chat with you. Hope my worldly knowledge is of some kind of help. GOOD LUCK!!!!! The okdeacon said it.
Well, I'll agree that shaving looks gay.

but not AS gay as thinking any WOMAN has ever, in the history of the world, said "man hair"


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