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Not quite a lurker
Beloved Member
Mar 26, 2013
Pussy Purchasing Power
Pussy's Pussy on Display (1).jpg
‘What the fuck is that?’ She thought it, but somehow kept from speaking out loud.

Jessie was seeing her first black cock, and her eyes widened. Cedric, seeing her expression, was puzzled. He did not know how little experience this woman named Pussy had. Also, he was ******* that she had never ever seen a big cock, let along a big black cock.

9 mm Pussy Purchasing Power

By EroticWriter

“You want 75 rounds of 9 millimeter ammo for just one hour of pussy? That’s three boxes. What the fuck! Come on man, that’s two boxes too much.” Cedric Jones was horny, but he had to preserve his hard to get ammo. “Shit man, pussy for an hour is usually just one box, and two if you want that pussy for all night.”

Trader Joe smiled. He knew that he had the upper hand. Trader Joe traveled the arid lands of the southwest with his horse drawn trailer and he dealt in pussy, and his predominant price was ammunition. One for one, ammunition was the most valuable currency now that a reliable food source was available.

The world had been devastated by the Chinese Corona Virus, followed by others, then came nuclear war, followed by famine, drought, and the greed of men. Killer gangs had been eliminated in some parts of what remained of the former states of America, but here in the desert southwest, they still roved, taking what they wanted by force, wherever they could find men who no longer had ammunition for their aging weapons.

Trader Joe had lucked out. He had found a family of three sisters with only the father left living. After some heavy dealing, and aided by the sudden and mysterious death of their father, the three sisters had gone under his wing, supposedly for protection, but once on the road, Joe had put them to work.

After just one month one sister had ran off, and another had shot herself, but Trader Joe still had one daughter left, perhaps the best of the bunch on hand. He had the pussy, and men, now that good pussy was in very short supply in the southwest, would be willing to pay.

There was a new code of the west. You get caught out in the wild, and you don’t have the capability to defend you and yours, you might get shot and your shit taken. But if you were a dealer in goods, whether it be Manna, water, ammunition and other staples such as what remained of a limited supply of medicines, and of course pussy, you were to be left alone, to deal, sell, and barter.

Men such as Trader Joe were needed to keep what remained of civilization running. Without the men willing to bring in the stuff to sell, the new society, such as it was, would totally break down. So Cedric and his brother Charles were playing by the unwritten rules, and dealing with a dealer. They had guns for their ammunition, but in this case did not want to use them to take what they wanted by force.

“Come on man, give me a break,” Cedric was saying. “No way can I pay 3 boxes of 9 mm for one hour. Besides, there’s two of us and we both need some pussy.”

“That’s my price, take it or leave it, because the pussy I have for sale is pretty special. One hour, one man, three boxes of 9 mm. Two men, double it.” Trader Joe knew that his price was high, but he just happened to have the best looking woman perhaps left in the entire region.

“Shit. We haven’t even seen what that pussy looks like. We just heard you had some. Can we see it?”

Trader Joe turned his head and raised his voice. “Pussy? Get your butt out here and let these two take a look at what you've got.”

The woman Trader Joe had actually named ‘Pussy,’ reluctantly stepped out of the tent, and the two black men, Cedric and his brother Charles sucked in their breath when they saw her. Without meeting their eyes, she stood except for panties, naked for their inspection.

Despite having no makeup, Pussy was looking fine. Blonde, her hair long at the moment, was actually clean and combed out. Pussy had managed to bathe in a stream within the past two days and for now, still looked clean. Her C cup breasted and small waist body matched her face, lovely.

In years past, before the wars, Pussy might have been considered ‘good looking’ in the face. Now, with the few number of women left to choose from, Pussy was considered beautiful.

Charles giggled nervously. “Can we have a look at her pussy?”

Trader Joe had been charging men two to three rounds of ammo for a peek at his girls, but he sensed that maybe he might end up with two customers here, so did not bother with haggling.

“Pussy, get them panties off for a minute.”

Without so much as a glance at the two black men, Pussy reached and pulled her panties down a ways and since they were old and stretched some, they fell to her ankles. She straightened her body and in the process, her lovely breasts, already firm, almost pointed up at the nipples.

Her blonde thinly hair covered pussy was also beautiful. Knowing that she was highly prized not just for her pussy but also the rest of her, which was far better than most pussy on sale, she smiled, but not at the two men because she wasn’t looking at them.

But Cedric and Charles weren’t worried about her face, what they really wanted was pussy, and this gal named Pussy could temporarily supply their needs just fine.

Food, until recently, had been the most valuable source of currency. Now that a new way to manufacture nutritious food from common weeds had been invented by the survivors in the land named Israel, the world famine had pretty much been put behind them.

Israel had named the precious new food ‘Manna,’ from a story in the ancient book called THE BIBLE, and it could be had for relatively reasonable prices. One box of ammunition could purchase enough manna in a box to feed two for a month. But that was in the mainly eastern portions of the land. Here in the desert southwest, Manna still brought in a pretty penny, except that a penny was no longer currency.

Manna, in its original form, had a somewhat bland taste. But efforts had been made to enhance the flavor, such as mint, cherry, and chocolate. Along with the artificial tastes had also came artificial coloring, and there had been recent health concerns over the use of coloring, and Cherry Red Dye Number One had been temporarily shelved, and then brought back by popular demand.

Manna was still reasonably priced, even in the Southwest, but because of the human desire for variety, foods that had been produced before the Apocalypse it was called were much in demand. A can of peaches or pears could still be had, at a premium. Cans of fruit were worth almost as much as a box of ammo, and many a deal had been made using canned goods, no longer manufactured, as the main source of currency, or in addition to.

Now, because of Manna, the remaining citizens of the planet no longer had to spend 24/7 scrounging for food. People could survive in other ways, trading their skills to do jobs, selling off other foods they managed to grow, and of course they might also choose to be a Floater, the men who roamed from place to place scrounging, and sometimes taking lives to get what they wanted.

With the food problem basically solved, that made ammunition the number one staple of currency, with pussy second.

You might think that a woman, always having currency in her possession between her legs, would be rich, but women were bought and sold as currency themselves. It took several boxes of ammunition to buy a whole woman,, but her pussy could be purchased for short time use with just a box or two.

Recently, in an area populated by the race called Mexican, Trader Joe had told Pussy to strip and had paraded her down the street (photo) in an attempt to get a bidding war going for her time.

Pussy's Pussy on Display (1).jpg
He had told the men gathered around her that she was a 'near virgin,' still fresh and virtually untouched by man. But none of the men had been able to bid high enough, and Joe, realizing he had made a mistake, took his girls and left the area.

A joke that had gone around for a while was ‘a box for a box,’ but since that time, the price of pussy had been rising. Pussy, whose real name up until recently when Trader Joe had started owning her, had been Jessie, stole glances at the two floaters who were negotiating for the use of her
luxurious body.

'These men are brown skinned, very dark. What manner of tribe did they come from,’ Jessie was thinking? Jessie had never heard of or seen men of the black race. Nor had Trader Joe.

The race of men and women formerly called ‘blacks’ had died off years ago. A disease named Sickle Cell had mutated into a more deadly form known as Sickle Cell on Steroids, taking all before it in deaths that had taken just hours to come about instead of weeks and months.

That particular disease had infected mostly members of the black race, and it had been devastating. Vast areas of cities across the land formerly called States of America now looked like the ancient city of Detroit, old, barren and desolate.

Cedric and his younger brother, like their father, had somehow been immune, and it might have had something to do with the fact that their father had, in his early childhood years been subjected to testing by the government and some of the shots he had been given had injected genes into his body that had resulted in children who were immune to the new version of Sickle Cell.

When the disease had started to spread, their mother had been one of the first to go, but daddy and his young children had gone on living. Now their daddy was still at home, standing guard, but when supplies had started growing short, the brothers had struck out on their own, and finding steady pussy to bring home was one of their main goals.

When they struck out on their own and headed Southwest into the badlands, the Jones brothers had become part of the breed of men known as ‘Floaters.’

“Shit Cedric," Charles said, his eyes taking in the pussy before him before she had bent over and pulled her panties up. “That pussy’s looking pretty good. Are you sure we can’t pay for it, both of us, just this once?”

“Nothing doing Charles. That would be 150 rounds of 9 mm, six whole boxes for just one hour each. We can’t afford that shit!”

Cedric looked over at Trader Joe, who was busy picking his teeth with a rare toothpick, of which he happened to have two boxes. "Joe, can we buy that pussy for maybe...30 minutes each, instead of a whole hour?"

"No way," Trader Joe replied. "That pussy is mainly what you'd be buying, not the time, and either way, half or a whole hour, you pay the same price to get that hole."

"Guess that settles that," Cedric said, as he and his brother Charles turned to leave.

“Why don’t you guys flip for it,” said Trader Joe quickly? “Whoever wins the toss of the rock wins and gets Pussy here for one hour.”

“Let me see the rock,” Cedric said. “Hmm, it looks about even, nice and flat and should fall either way. What say you Charles, wanna toss for that pussy?”

(Sigh) “OK. Let me see the rock. I see this side has a chip out of it, so I’ll call this side Chip.” He turned the stone over, “and this side we’ll call ‘Flat.’

“OK boys,” Trader Joe said laughing and taking the rock from Charles. “Chip or Flat it will be. Who wants Chip?”

“I’ll take ‘Chip," Cedric said with a grin. At least this time, Cedric and his brother had reached a decision. There would be no more arguing today. A rock toss, and one of them would be getting some pussy from Pussy.

“Here it goes,” said Trader Joe as he tossed the rock two feet above his head. They all stepped back to allow the rock to fall without touching anyone. They bent down. “Shit, it’s Chip. Dammit, I knew you’d win the toss, you usually do.” You could detect the disappointment in Charles’s voice at once again losing something to his older brother.

Cedric was grinning. “Don’t worry little brother, I’ll let you know how it was.” He turned to Trader Joe. “Where can I get my pussy?”

Trader Joe pointed to the standing height tent he had set up. “Take the pussy in there.” He checked his watch. “It’s 2:40 so you got till 3:40.”

Women in most parts of the former states of America were no longer talked about as women, now they had the title of it, or that, or even, if that was their function, pussy.

“Come on Pussy,” Cedric said with a laugh, “My clock is running, and my cock is itching. Time to scratch my itch.”

Turning, Pussy, whom had not been referred to by her real name Jessie for weeks, slowly led the way into the tent. Her customer might be in a hurry, but she wasn't. She just wanted to waste as much time as possible. The more time she can use up standing, the less time she has to do, laying.

Jessie stopped before a folding cot, single wide and not all that great for fucking, but Jessie had learned to cope. The cot had not been used for business purposes by Jessie since the sheet had been washed out in the stream, but it had been used for the personal needs of Trader Joe.

Yes, when Pussy was not in service, she still had to service Trader Joe. That meant, that Trader had her any day or night he wanted because few men could afford or was willing to pay his price of 75 rounds for an hour with her.

Because when this had all started there had been three sisters, Jessie had only been traded for by two men so far, and it had been four months since Trader Joe had taken possession. Between her father in her teens, and then Trader Joe, followed by her two customers, Jessie had only been fucked by four men before today.

Though all three looked good, Jessie had been the best looking and built of the three sisters, and Trader Joe had held back on selling her pussy. The other two sisters had been used more, and that is one reason why one had ran off and the other had shot herself.

Trader Joe still had the hots for Jessie you see, and he really didn’t want to use her for currency, but she was his main source. Since food had become cheap, pussy was his best way to maintain, and until he could find a fresh source, he had Jessie, and her pussy was his most valuable asset.

Trader Joe, as were the other dealers in the southwest, bought low and sold high. He would sell ammo for cans of fruit for instance, but always at a profit. Then, where fruit was in short supply, he would sell it and this time for ammo. All in all, Trader Joe would make a profit, but he was constantly dealing on the edge.

Having three women in his stable at one time had made him aware of one disadvantage. They were using up his food stocks almost as fast as he could obtain them. Now that two out of three sisters were gone, Joe at least could keep the two of them pretty well fed.

Pussy was still potentially his best stock in trade. He owned Jessie's pussy. He owned it, he could sell it, and still own it.

Once in the tent, Cedric didn’t waste any time. His clock was running, and his cock was dripping. “Get those panties off and give that pussy a wipe for me,” he ordered, “I want it halfway clean.”

Despite only having done this twice for a customer, Jessie re-named Pussy knew what to do and was already stripping off her panties. Knowing what was coming she had removed her outer clothes before coming out to the men.

There were no bra marks on her skin because she had no bra, they were hard to locate and Trader Joe wouldn’t get one for her in any case, and her panties were getting frayed looking.

Jessie only had two sets of panties, and both had been washed out in streams numerous times. She carefully so as not to rip the delicate fabric, bent over and raised one foot as she again pulled the panties off.

That done, Jessie raised up to again place herself on display for this man who was paying the high price of 75 rounds of ammo for her, and when her eyes fell upon his body, she gasped.

‘What the fuck is that?’ She thought it, but somehow kept from speaking out loud.

Jessie was seeing her first black cock, and her eyes widened. Cedric, seeing her expression, was puzzled. He did not know how little experience this woman named Pussy had. Also, he was ******* that she had never even seen a big cock, let along a big black cock.

Her real daddy, and then her new white daddy, Trader Joe, and her two white customers had, due to the breeding over the past decades of food famine and vitamin shortages, been small in the area of cock. The average white cock before the Apocalypse had been between five and maybe six inches long. Now, the average white cock measured four, and sometimes less.

Cedric and his brother were the exception. They were black, and despite the fact that most of the black race had died off, their father was well-hung, and they, having been spared from the disease Sickle Cell on Steroids, had also been blessed with the handing down of another one of their father’s traits, a big cock.

As a matter of fact, at the moment, Cedric and Charles had the only big cocks west of the Big Muddy River. (formerly called Mississippi).

Neither brother had ever fucked a black woman, because there weren't any to be had. Also, because of the cost, they each had only fucked about four women apiece and they were approaching 23 and 24 in age. Now Cedric had another white woman staring at his cock, hanging so far down his left leg, and he was grinning as she watched it grow and begin to point in her direction.

Cedric had gotten that look in the past, from other white women, all named Pussy, but this Pussy was the best looking of the bunch.

“How do you want to do it on that little bed,” he asked, pointing at the narrow cot? “I’m not going to be able to spread my legs and get up on my knees so I can fuck you real good.”

Pussy also had a watch, given to her by Trader Joe to better keep time on her customers, and she glanced at it. ‘Shit, I’ve only got 55 minutes left.’

With an average white four inch man, she would have been saying, 'Shit, I've got 55 minutes more to do.' With this man, she was curious.

Excited now, Jessie grabbed Trader Joe’s favorite wool blanket and tossed it onto the vinyl floor of the tent, which fortunately, was still intact and kept the interior dry during the occasional but rare rainfall.

“Let’s do it on the floor, but don’t tell Joe I used his blanket,” she said while looking at Cedric’s erect cock with an apprehensive yet curious look. Now her hour was no longer something to have to do and get it over with.

They quickly laid down, and Jessie, wanting to use her limited time to its fullest, quickly grabbed hold of this cock that was now coming clear over and poking her in the stomach, even though she was almost a foot away.

She knew about an uncut cock and peeled it back. “It doesn’t smell too well,” she said, frowning.

Cedric had never heard that before, but he knew it was true. He could smell it himself. “I haven’t had a bath in about a week,” Cedric said in apology instead of proceeding to shove it in. He was actually apologizing to an it, a her, a pussy! For some reason, he was thinking and treating this pussy differently and nicer than most. There is something special about this one, it seems.

“Let me take just a minute to clean it,” she said softly as she gave him another stroke and despite the smell, enjoyed the feel of so much manhood in her hand. She giggled. "Look how far my hand goes up and down!"

Jessie quickly stood up, and going over to a pan filled with water, dipped a cloth into the water and coming back, she knelt down, and while holding his thick cock, began trying to wash it in the area of where the skin normally covered. “Joe wants to keep it all to sell, so I haven’t got any soap at the moment,” Jessie said softly as she gently rubbed.

"You'd think, him wanting to trade my pussy for things that the least he could do is let me keep it clean. But his precious soap is worth more than my pussy, I guess."

"Shit baby. After having some of your pussy, I'll be placing it at the top of the food chain."

"Thank you."

She returned to the pan, rinsed out her cloth, soaked it again and returning, washed him again. “Now it’s clean enough” Jessie said, as she placed her mouth over his fat head. “Yes, no taste, so it must be clean.”

Cedric had closed his eyes and raised his hips off the cot in an effort to get more of his cock into her inviting mouth, but all she had intended to do was test his taste. When he felt her warm lips leave his cock, his hips slowly settled back onto the cot. He sighed, loudly.

“Don’t tell Trader I used that water to clean your cock,” she giggled. “It’s some of his drinking water.”

“Can you put your mouth back on it for a minute,” Cedric asked now instead of telling? “No one has ever done that before.”

“No one? Well, to tell the truth, I’ve never done it before either, that is, except when Trader Joe makes me do it to him.”

“He’s the only one you ever sucked?”

“Yes, only Trader Joe. I had me just two customers, and my daddy before Joe, so that’s all I have ever been fucked by.”

“Fuck. Just four men? I knew there was something different about you. Ever had a cock like this before?”

“All I’ve ever had were like this…” She opened her hand and held her thumb and forefinger about three to four inches apart. “Trader Joe is the biggest so far, and this is about his size,” she said as she opened her fingers to about four-and-one-half-inches apart.

“Well, try this, Pussy,” Cedric said with a grin as he squeezed her left breast with his right hand and then used his hand to press down on her so that she was flat on her back. He crawled over Jessie as she spread her legs, and she asked him softly, “Would you mind calling me by my real name, Jessie?”

“Sure Jessie. I think you might be more than just…plain pussy.”

“Oooh shit. I wait, give me a minute, no, you can’t afford a minute, give me a few seconds, go slow, Ooooh yes, Ooooh shit, yes, like that.”

Cedric was halfway in and going deeper. He had heard words similar to that from other white women, but still was not all that aware that his cock, along with his brother, was THE COCK.


“Shit Pussy, I mean Jessie. This might be the best pussy I ever felt. Let me test this some more.” His heart was pounding and working hard at pumping blood in order to keep his meat at full mast. Cedric buried it, and Jessie, getting five inches more cock into her than ever before, moaned, and again, it was loud.

Trader Joe and Charles were sitting outside and talking about the weather and wondering when the next rain, if ever, might fall when they heard Pussy making the sounds one might expect a woman to make when her pussy is being pleasured in a way heretofore unknown.

“What the fuck is he doing to Pussy,” Trader Joe said as he jumped up?

“What the fuck he is doing to your Pussy is fucking her pussy,” laughed Charles.

“That’s all,” Trader Joe asked as he paused on his way to the tent? “He’s not hurting her?”

“No. Just making Pussy earn her keep with her pussy,” laughed Charles.

They waited and listened as the moans continued to come from the tent. Trader Joe was sitting in the sun, and he dozed off.

Jessie was sweating as she tried to catch her breath. "I guess that was what I have heard is called an orgasm," she said softly as she laid beside Cedric. "That was worth waiting for I guess."

"You never came before," Cedric asked with disbelief?

"Never. Can we do it again?"

Never before had Jessie asked a man to do it again.

"Shit yeah baby. Just suck on that cock for a minute. There you go. Look at that, you got it all the way up in just a few seconds."

"I know, and it had so far to grow to get there. Mmmm, fuck, so big. Now I want it again."

"Yeah Puss...I mean Jessie. You're so tight, I couldn't do too well at lasting the first time. This time I plan to make it better, for you."

This time Cedric gave it to her good, pump after pump, making Jessie climax once, then twice, then thrice. In the interim, something else came about. They both felt a need to kiss, and this, for Jessie, was a first. Her first time to want to be kissed that is. She had had kisses ****** upon her, but now, finally, she was willing.

When Cedric finished his second time, he was down to less than 10 minutes. They cuddled, the first time either of them had ever cuddled. This was new to them, and they both wished it could continue. But Pussy, and her pussy, was owned.

“Shit, it’s already past his hour,” Trader Joe said, coming alert. He stood up and headed to the tent. Just then, Pussy came out through the door. She was fully dressed this time and said, “He’s stuffing it back into his pants.”

“What do you mean by that,” Trader Joe asked, “Stuffing it?”

“Never mind,” Jessie said with a laugh. “I might tell you later.”

While they had been starting to dress, Pussy had asked Cedric if his brother also had a cock like his, and had been told yes, and maybe more.

Since it was getting late in the day, Cedric and Charles decided to make up camp near Trader Joe’s and said they would be leaving in the morning.

Trader Joe didn't mind a bit that they wanted to camp next to him. There was more safety in numbers, and these strange men might remember something else they need to trade for or buy in the morning.

Now alone with his brother, Cedric had to relate the tale of how good Pussy’s body was, and how great she had been in bed.

Fuck Charles, she had some fine Pussy, and she even sucked my dick."

"Sucked your dick? Shit, wish I had won that toss."

Their night under the stars was a restless one for Charles. Cedric? He slept like a charm, Jessie's face in his dreams, smiling up at him and looking so lovely as she had all those orgasms. He even woke up once, his cock standing straight up. In the past, having had a pussy, Cedric had always been drained and happy. But with Jessie, he was drained and still wanting more.


“What the fuck was that? Who fired off a gun?” Charles and Cedric were awakened just before dawn by the loud crack of a pistol going off.

“Never mind boys,” a naked Jessie said as she suddenly opened the tent flap and strode nude towards them, making Charles gasp at her naked loveliness. “I just shot him. The bastard wanted to fuck me in the ass after I told him how much I liked Cedric’s big cock. Said he wanted to show me what a real man’s cock feels like.

I’d had enough of his shit after he ran my one sister off and the other killed herself. Now I’m taking over his stuff, his business, and you two men are sure welcome to join up with me.” She was pointing a pistol at them, and with big smiles, they nodded.

Making sure they knew she would always be in charge, but not publicly, they ate breakfast and discussed the terms of their new relationship.

She needed these two men to run her business, at least publicly. Behind the scenes, she would still be the owner, and the 'boss.' In this society, to the outside world she was just pussy, and to these two men she was pussy, but even more. She was also...Jessie.

Two hours later. after Jessie had given the brothers a brief but essential course in how to provide care for a horse, all were happy as they rode along in the horse drawn trailer. They would have to take good care of this horse, their only one.

If they came to a hill that might be particularly steep, the two men would get out and if necessary, help boost the wagon up the hill. That horse was their lifeblood, and finding a second horse was just as important as finding another pussy. A horse would cost, probably as much as one of their rifles and some ammo to go with it.

Cedric and Charles had been pleased, and disappointed at the same time as they took inventory of the stocks in the wagon. After ammunition, weapons had been their second concern, and there were only four handguns and five rifles. Jessie had explained that the people out there were hanging onto their weapons fanatically, even if they were near the point of starvation.

Their weapons were the last thing they wanted to sell or trade, even if they had no ammunition to go with the weapon. Ammo would come along, eventually. For that reason, Trader Joe had only managed to accumulate the four handguns and five rifles, but there were people out there that would be anxious to pay virtually any price to get their fingers on a weapon and the ammo to go with it. They might even be willing to trade a precious horse for one.

Cedric and brother Charles were now sitting pretty. Just like that, the two men had a horse and wagon, camping equipment, a huge stash of ammunition, some weaponry, a substantial amount of food and water supplies, and they both had a woman named Pussy willing to share.

Her pussy.

Charles and Jessie had not even bothered to move Joe's lifeless body out of the tent before sampling each other's wares. Jessie had been awakened now by big black cock. Her appetite for sex equalled and maybe surpassed what Charles had been craving. It was beginning to look like it would take two to take care of Jessie, and her pussy.

Over the course of about an hour and a half, Charles had been given his one hour sample. Pussy had again had her pussy satisfied, and they had reached the mutual agreement that they would be three equal partners. Now all they had to do was find one more pussy.

It went without saying. No matter how much they might be willing to share, and no matter how willing Jessie might be to take care of both men, it couldn't last forever. They needed one more puss...sorry, the name had now become woman, Jessie had seen to that.

“Where are we headed,” asked Cedric, since Jessie had pointed Northeast. Since she had been riding with Trader Joe for over a month, the brothers figured Jessie might have a better idea of where to head first with their new business.

“To my former home,” Jessie said with a smile as she sat between the two men and caressed their thighs. “I’m pretty sure we’ll find my sister there.”

"Your sister?"

Jessie told them the story, and when she had finished, both men were eager to get there. Plus, according to Jessie, her father had quite a bit of supplies stashed under the former barn in back. Enough supplies to sustain them for quite a while if they wanted to stay, but better still, get back on the road. There might even be some weapons in the stash.

Jessie knew where Nellie had gone. The night before she had ran off, Nellie had talked about how their daddy had all their vast supplies hidden behind the ranch and since Trader Joe had not found them after he had maybe killed their daddy, that it would be a place to head for if they could find a way to escape.

Nellie had managed to escape, having a several hours head start one night while Joe was enjoying Pussy’s pussy. Joe, not knowing which direction Nellie had taken, had continued driving the wagon southwest.

Jessie was already trying to make up her mind which of these two black men she might keep for herself. She might have to let Nellie try them both, and then, if neither of them could reach a decision, they might have to swap back and forth. Come to think of it, that might not be such a bad proposition.

Join up with Nellie, that was the goal. Then there would be two black cocks, big and bigger, and two white pussies ready to please.

Pussy's Pussy on Display.jpg Pussy's Pussy on Display (1).jpg Pussy's Pussy on Display.jpg
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Great story, would love to read more about Jessie and finding Nellie again.
TheOther said:
Great story, would love to read more about Jessie and finding Nellie again.
I might write it one of these days. Thanks.

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