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Pregnant fetish (no pics, just me rambling, sorry!)

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Not quite a lurker
Beloved Member
Aug 24, 2006
I see this question crop up every now and then;

"What's the deal with guys getting off on pregnancy and IR breeding? I don't understand. It does nothing for me! Why? Why? Why?"

interspersed with the odd shot of 'Sickos!" and "Perverts!"

Speaking for myself, and only myself, as a self-admitted perv with a certain intellectual bent, perhaps I can offer some answers.

To those who like it for no particular reason that they know, and hate people intellectualizing it, ye be warned (over-analyzing is a bitch, I know)!

I sometimes hear the accusation of '****' leveled at people who find pregnant women particularly attractive. This, presumably, because there is a child involved (however inadvertently). For my own part, nothing could be further from the truth. The child, as such, is really the last thing on my mind when seeing a pregnant woman; in fact, dwelling on it would ruin the allure for me. Being a man, I am fortunate in being able to think of only one thing at a time :D and therefore it's easy to ignore such noisy details.

So what's the allure, anyway?

For me, it can be split in approximately 3 parts:

1. Nature
2. Domination
3. Esthetic

* Nature

I am personally convinced that this attraction to some extent is hard wired into male humans. Sexual attraction is based in procreation, the aim of spreading your genes. No wonder, then, that some people find pregnancy (the only really surefire sign of a female's ability to have children) really sexy.

So why are not every male on this earth into pregnant women? Well, should I speculate, the flipside of pregnancy is that the woman is 'occupied' - she can't have your children (or more of your children) all the while she's pregnant. So there's that counterforce, though for some that might actually be part of the allure (more on that later).

* Domination

I admit to a certain interest in this particular venue of kinks. How is that linked to pregnancy?

Well, the male pursuit of women, the 'hunting' and the eventual 'conquest' of the woman by having sex with her, could be said to reach it's ultimate level in her getting pregnant with your child - the validation from her acceptance of your superior genes, her investment in nine months of pregnancy and following years of rearing your child, well, that's probably as close as you'll ever be to 'owning' a woman. You're invading her body, appropriating her ability to choose to carry another man's child, and thus binding her in a not insignificant way to yourself. (Of course, the ability to abort a pregnancy partly negates this, but see above about men's ability to ignore inconvenient detail)

For the cuckolds, this way of thinking is flipped on it's head - he loses control over the woman to another man, is by default denied the ability to impregnate the woman for a period of time, and could quite possibly be finding himself investing his own time and resources in rearing another man's child for years to come. In other words, a great show of submissiveness to the woman, to the father of the child, or to both.

* Esthetic

For my own part, I simply find pregnant women on average more beautiful than women who are not pregnant. I, and many other men, enjoy the feminine curves of a woman. Hips, thighs, breasts and ass - big, round and firm is the name of the game for me. And a great, pregnant belly is the strawberry on the top of the ice cream. They say the concept of beauty is closely related to body symmetry, and in my mind, there is nothing underscoring female body symmetry better than a pregnant belly. Especially if marked with that sweet little line running vertically across it. :yumyum:

Now, the concept of specific IR is not definitely linked to pregnancy for me; it's more of two separate kinks being blended together into a super-kink. :p

IR is in large part an esthetic kink - the color contrast between black and white; the fact that black cocks on average looks better than white cocks (and I'm not really talking about size here) and so on. I suppose for the cucks there's an added element of being 'outed' and this publicly humiliated by his woman's apparent unfaithfulness, but you'll have to ask them.

Now, of course, morals and reasoning should temper our actions to some extent, especially when it can have such far reaching consequences as this.

But just because it's not always acted upon, does not make the kink go away. It's there in a lot of people, and for them it's better that they're honest with themselves so that they can deal with it properly, rather than mentally suppress it. There are enough fucked up people in this world as it is.

Dude, you're right on time with this. A study of evolutionary biology between men and women will attest to much of what you say. Plus, it's just in the nature of women to want to be knocked up. Many desire to have their tummy to be filled. It's what partially makes them a woman. That's why most of the time they want us to cum inside them.
Anyway, you should write a whole book on this subject. You break it down nicely.
i've always thought that men subconsciously choose their women based on breeding standards. that explains there fetishism for certain body parts: breasts (for feeding), hips ("child bearing hips"), and for obvious reasons the pussy. i'm not sure what the ass represents, but i like boybutt too so we're even. so i agree with your nature explanation.

when i first came here i was kind of turned off by this fantasy, despite some experiences to the contrary. just because of the repercussions. again, it's part of the taboo.

i should add that my husband and i want to have a baby this year or next, and i can hardly wait for the unprotected sex. it should make for good fun and games.

interesting post.
excellent stuff.
Good to see someone break it down intellectually.
u forgot only one theory, (my personal belief) in why some men find the white wife having black baby fantasy so intoxicating..."sperm compitition"
The knowlege another man (a black man more so) has deposited his seed in ur woman, thereby giving u an instant sexual urge , ur biology readies ur body for "combat"
ie. to get ur sperm into ur woman to compete with the "intruder" . this biological reaction give the man an enormous sexual thrill.

science is so boring isnt it? lol

Is that the pick up line, on this site!!! "How is yo hip's be for bredin??"

I think not!!! It is do you wish to be FUCKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You women have the pussy, when you "figure that out, all is fine.

Hell if I was a woman, I would be at the Navy Docks spread eagle!!! Why don't the "real" women do that????

I know the other women won't like!!!:whatever:
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I fogot!!

That pic is over 6 years old!!! That is the problem here....alot of FAKES!!! But the wht women on the chat line "love" the FAKES.????? HUM??:wtf:
Pregnant fetish breeding etc....etc....
Alwyas talked aout but how many of us have really gone thur with it.

Yes...pregnancy happens thru affairs....always does..but to do it with the knowledge of mating...Hmmmm maybe not.....only .00005 percent of the time.

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