Oprah talks with a cuckold couple

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Last week ...I think Wed or thurs ....Oprah did a whole hour on sex. The first 45 min or so she the usual women's sex authors and therapists, etc.' but the last 15 min or so she had a couple on who supposedly had an open marriage .... the wife openly had another lover but althogh hubby was allowed to have other women too, he said there was just no one he had met that could compete with his wife. They went on to say that her lover would come over to their place with hubby there and everyone would have dinner and socialize before the lover and the wife would go to the bedroon together. You should have seen Oprah's face.
Anyone else see this?
nope, didn't see it. would like to have seen it though. i would love to see a whole show dedicated to this subject and all its aspects. i would think however, it might be hard to find that many people to come on and admit the lifestyle in public. as much as i love the many aspects of this subject, its still very taboo (part of why its so exciting). just as with any type of sexuallity, its best left to your private bedroom life and is no ones business but your own...that is unless you are brave enough to publisize it. i for one am still a wanna-be and even if i were a true cuck...i am definately not brave enough to make it public.
I personally am not a fan of daytime talk shows, however I do have a comment for that. These celeb types annoy the hell out of me- how they always act so prim and proper and look down upon others lifestyles because they're in the public eye and feel that if society doesn't agree their rating will drop---what bullshit... How many times have we seen celebs cheat around and divorce like if it was nothing more than a cancelled date? As for Oprah, you know that if the chance presented itself behind closed doors she would drop to all 4's and eagerly bend over that big rich ass and get "worked on" by a stranger with a big heavy pipe... now that's a show worth seeing...
I find it intresting

I find it intresting to say the least that more talk about his or some form of this lifestyle is being talked about more. One of the networks is susposed to air a series on swingers this year. If you watch Nipp & Tuck you know already that show goes into cucking and almost every form of sex at some point, even a woman that got her nipple bit off by the dog she was fucking. Of course there has been Springer a round for a while that tries to make it look as if any one in this lifestyle is shit head.
Yet the point is it is becoming more common and thus more open. My wife and I don't wear a sign that say we play but we don't go out of our way to hide and most people that knows us knows we play.
Yet the danger I see is, as in so many things, this life choice can become abused and thus it gets the bad name of being of bad. In some cases it is a poor choice for a couple, it will not fix a bad marrage, but for couples that are deeply in love and want not to hurt each other but expand their experince base and grow in trust for each other this can be a great choice. One of the down sides is often it is brought up as a bad solution for people with less then perfect dick sizes. Through this can be a good solution for a couple who faces that issue it is still only a good solution when the marrage is not about the dick size but about ways to grow in the trust and experinces in the marraige and not as if it is a must, or punishment, or things like that.
Ok my two cents, I do find it intresting.
Celebrities and entertainers don't have any higher divorce rates than everyone ELSE in America.
about 55%
The true "discontent with marriage" is probably nearer 80 percent, with many couples staying together and having an open marriage that they agree to keep details secret from each other.