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My Wife Snuck-fucked Some Bbc At Her Birthday Party


Not quite a lurker
Beloved Member
Mar 26, 2013
My Wife Snuck-Fucked BBC at Her Birthday Party


She was somewhere down there on the grass. Who is it? Who has my wife probably on the ground?

"Uuh Uuh Uuuh! Oh gawd Uuh Uuh, I'm cumming again...Nnnnnnnh Uuh Uuh Uuh."

'Again? My wife? Usually it's one time for her and that's it.'

'Who the fuck is it? Bill Williams? Maybe my boss?'

by EroticWriter

It had happened so fast I still find it hard to believe, but I have the photo to prove it. It was my wife's 40th birthday party and all her friends had came. Her Bridge card game friends, many of them older than her, her conservative friends from church, and two or three of her old friends from high school so many years ago.

That's right, my wife is a church goer, and she plays Bridge like the old folks, and basically, she's pretty strait-laced and not the type to stray. Or so I thought.

Me? Well I am her husband and yes, Tina and I have mutual friends between us, but most of my friends that we mutually share are closer to me than to her. I have my male friends: hunting buddies, football buddies, and drinking, on occasion, buddies.

Her friends and most of my friends are at the opposite end of the spectrum probably, but you wouldn't know it at this party based on how everyone seemed to be having a good time. Still, there were the separate groups who gathered together.

That was the problem. I have too many buddies to be paling around with while my wife grew progressively more intoxicated as the evening passed. I should have been spending more time with her and not my drinking buddies.

He didn't know I was over in the doorway to a hall that leads to a bath and bedroom, so from a distance I sort of 'caught' Bill, one of my buddies feeling my wife's ass as she was standing at the table in the kitchen.

I think he knew she was sort of three sheets to the wind, especially since she was carrying a drink around whenever she wasn't standing still where she could set it down.

My wife was busily getting some more finger foods together and Bill had come up behind her and ran his hand down and up one cheek on the outside of her dress, lingered a second, and when she didn't immediately react, shifted his hand a bit to her butt crack and took another deeper feel, Having achieved that, he quickly started to walk away.

Normally Tina would have gotten mad instantly at whoever it was who had the nerve to try that. But she was somewhat plastered and I saw and heard my wife giggle and say 'Stop that Honey.” She thought it was me, obviously. At least I hoped she thought it was me.

But by the time Tina had turned around to see for sure who it was, Bill had already walked away and joined a group in the corner and Tina wasn't sure which of the guys standing there had done it.

No one was close or looking her way at the moment, and she sort of frowned and shook her head, as if to say, 'Who in the Hell just got a good feel of my ass?'

In my head I said to myself, 'Chalk up a freebie feel on my wife's ass Bill Williams, but that's all you'll ever get from her.' I knew Bill was not her type, though even after 22 years of marriage I wasn't sure what exactly is my wife's type.

Tina's type. If she ever fucks another man, who would she choose? I'm only an inch or so taller than Tina, and when she wears heels, she is taller than me. Is she attracted to tall men? And how about age? I'm getting up there, closer to 50 than 40 now. Is she attracted to younger men?

I have an average six-plus inch penis that still works pretty good, only on rare occasions failing to stay completely hard when I make love to Tina. But, does she ever wonder about other men, their penis, and the size? Is my wife maybe attracted to men who look like they might have a larger cock? Or a cock that stays hard 100% of the time during a fuck, or fucks?

There were a lot of guys at the party that, given the chance, I figured would not hesitate to fuck my wife. After all, even at 40 Tina looks pretty fine. The face is great, the waist still goes in where it is supposed to, and she has tits that, even when on her back, still stick out mostly straight ahead.

Of course, until tonight, I was the only man present who knows how my wife's breasts still stick up so nice when she's on her back. Best of all, and I am an ass man, my wife has an ass that men would love to grab, as evidenced by what Bill had just done.

Yea Bill Williams, you just had a nice dig the fingers in on the second pass feel of my wife's lovely ass, but you will never be able to do it on her bare skin, with her warm pussy wrapped around your cock, whatever size it might be and while you are trying hard not to cum, yet, because you don't want this to end.

My wife's pussy though, having borne two children, is not as tight as it used to be, of course. She knows it's kind of loose, and has expressed concern about it to me, not lately, but years ago. I assured her that there is no problem, that my foreskin keeps things feeling good for me, even when she gets extra wet and feels 'loose.'

But, when she was expressing those concerns, I wondered perhaps if she was thinking I no longer feel as good to her. You know, the changes in our relative sizes after her having the kids, who were away at college by the way.

Charles, my boss was at her party too, my unmarried boss, and he, most of all, I should have been watching. He had been over to our house several times in past years, first as a co-worker but then things had changed. Two years ago Charles had been promoted due to his having that degree in Engineering I lacked, and now he was my boss.

Though Charles is black, it has never been a factor in our friendship over the years. Strange thing is, all of our 'friendship' actions had been when he was with our mutual friends, at work or at the Golf driving range, and sometimes at a favorite local bar. But I had never been with 'his' friends, so I did not know what kind of life he lived when not around our social circle.

Is my boss like me? A secret second life perhaps? I sometimes, when my wife is not there to catch me, go to websites and I enjoy looking at and reading about wives, mostly 'reluctant' wives who get seduced and in the process of being seduced, discover what sex is really meant to be.

Does my boss live a secret life like that? It'd be easier for him since he has no wife to keep him in check. Does he go to those sites like Slutwives and Dark Wanderer and read about white women succumbing to the power of a black cock?

Charles has always been careful around our bonding group not to hint at things like that, but he is the only black man in our group, and has to be careful with his talk.

Charles had received that promotion, and with his promotion things had changed slightly between us. Maybe it was only in my thinking. because away from the shop Charles acted exactly the same with me, but at work, he was now the boss, my boss.

There had always been this thing, this funny connection between my wife and Charlie. I couldn't put my finger on it, but she always had acted a little different around Charlie than my other male friends.

There again, I thought I had detected a change. Before, when Charlie was an 'equal' to me, she sort of avoided him. But now that he is my boss, my wife seems to be allowing Charles to be a little closer when he is around. I had not really paid attention, but now that something has changed in our marriage and thinking back, I remember.

At first I thought it was because Charlie is black and my wife is maybe, a bit prejudiced. Tonight though, I learned the truth. My wife had always been attracted to him and as a result had been keeping Charlie at arm's length so as to not give in to her own fantasies or maybe, desire.

Around midnight, as the party was winding down to some degree but several guests were still hanging around and drinking both in the house and our large back yard, I began to wonder where my wife had disappeared to.

Most of her bridge and church girl friends had departed of course, and there were probably more of my friends still around then Tina's. All night I had been carrying this neat little digital camera around in my pocket and taking photos here and there.

Then I had forgotten about picture taking and pocketed the camera. I was looking for my wife and not having found her in the house, and yes I checked all three bedrooms, then the front porch in case Tina was out there saying goodbye to guests.

What the Hell? I checked the bedrooms again just in case Tina had been in a bathroom or something and I had missed her. Still no wife. Then, and I have to admit this was sort of an adventure to me at this point because I had been doing my share of drinking, I began looking around out back.

No. There were two couples on the back patio, seated in my soft lounge chairs, but no wife.

My heart was thumping. I could feel it. I knew, something is up, maybe a cock around my wife.
No, I said that wrong. A cock being up around my wife was my intended pun, but what I really meant to say is, 'maybe my wife wrapped around a cock.'

You have to excuse me if I relate this story a bit weird at times. I was a bit high that night, and as I write this now at home while my wife is out shopping with friends, I'm a bit high now as well.

As I had looked about the house, I had not seen my boss anywhere around. Then I remembered, I had not seen Bill Williams either. That fucker had grabbed her ass, and now my mind had all kinds of images in it.

It just didn't seem possible that both men could have left without me knowing, and then, my wife is missing as well.

We have a swimming pool and beyond that a deep yard, and making sure that none of our guests on the patio were seeing me heading off into the darkness I went deep, back beyond where the patio lights could reach.

In the back of our yard there are trees and the yard slopes down some, and from the porch, even in the daylight, some of our yard out at the end is out of sight. I keep it all mowed though. Bought a riding mower just for that purpose. Always wanted a big yard, and now that I have it, I keep it looking good.

I was in total darkness now, and silence, the guests laughing off in the near distance. It seemed like I could hear my own breathing, and my heart thumping at what I might find. I went on through a couple of trees, all the while trying to be quiet.

Then I heard her, her moaning, and my heart dropped. I would know those sounds anywhere, my wife in the act of fucking. Only now she seemed to be moaning louder and more deeply than she does with me. More deeply, as in more deeply being fucked perhaps?

Maybe it was my imagination. But in my slightly stoned state, she sounded pretty excited.

She was somewhere down there on the grass. Who is it? Who has my wife probably on the ground?

"Uuh Uuh Uuuh! Oh gawd Uuh Uuh, I'm cumming again...Nnnnnnnh Uuh Uuh Uuh."

'Cumming again? My wife? Usually it's one time for her and that's it.'

'Who the fuck is it? Bill Williams? Maybe my boss?'

My hands shaking, I pulled out a light in order to see. The thing is, the light had a camera attached, and that's what I used. Trying to keep my hand steady, I carefully pointed the camera toward the sounds, hesitated a moment to listen further and be sure that I was aimed in the proper direction, and tripped the shutter.


It was bright and quick. I caught a very brief glimpse, long enough to see what looked like two figures lying on the ground. It looked like brown over white, and I knew that instance, 'it isn't Bill Williams.'

As I scurried further away I heard my wife gasp it out. "What was that? Was it a camera? I think I saw something bright, like a camera flash it looked like."

Then, wondering why the Hell I am running away in my own yard, I slowed down, then stopped as I heard my boss answer, confirming his identity to me. "I don't know Tina, I had my head down, but I'm pretty sure it was just heat lightning. Does that in the summer."

Then, divine providence perhaps, a rumble of thunder could be heard, way off in the distance. Talk about timing!

Charlie chuckled. "Hear that? That's what it was."

I was creeping closer again and listening as I heard my wife say "Oh, Good." She giggled. "I might have my legs opened, but my eyes were closed. Now get to fucking again and keep using that big thing on me."

'Big thing?' Fuck, just like the stories, the whispered giggles amongst white women, the jokes among white men who are hiding their concern, it was confirmed. It is happening to me. I'm being cuckolded. My boss, my former good friend turned boss has a big cock, a big black cock, and he's using it on my wife!

Notice I said 'former good friend.' Our relationship will never be the same, even if he is not aware of the change in my thinking.

Had it been a white man, any white man, any other black man on her, I would have been down there in a heartbeat. I'm still in pretty good shape. I wrestled in high school, and I took some TaeKwondo classes for a couple of years, so I think I can handle myself in a tussle.

But it was my boss. My boss who is knowing my wife intimately, his most intimate flesh exploring and knowing her most intimate flesh. How in the world could I go down there, drag him up and out of my wife, maybe whack him good while he's vulnerable, and expect to keep my job?

Oh, he might feel a bit guilty and not fire me, just to keep things quiet, but it would never be the same. No way could I keep working for him if this became public.

My wife was moaning again. Fuck, how long have they been fucking? How much longer are they going to keep fucking? My cock I realized, is fucking erect!

I crept still closer and waited with my cock throbbing in my pants. Trying to breath more quietly since even my breathing seemed to be loud to me, I listened for a couple minutes more. They were talking softly while fucking loudly.

"Liking it Tina?"

"Oh fuck yes! Uuh uuh uuh,"

I couldn't see them all that well. Some whitish looking images, which might be panties or socks or something and otherwise only vague shadows in the darkness since there was no moon. But I could tell when their lips were locked together because then the sounds of passion my wife was making would become muffled.

Then, out of nowhere, every once in a while I would hear an extra loud 'Uuh," and knew that during that particular moment my wife is having a hard cock being driven deep into her.

I could also tell when my boss would change his movements and either fuck harder or more gentle. Again I could tell by the sounds she is making. I could feel pre-cum soaking the inside of my underwear now and it sounded like they were not about to be finishing up all that quick as I heard my wife cumming again.

That flash had been so quick, and it had partially blinded me as well, so when I had taken it I had not been able to tell for sure who was on top of who, but it had looked like man on woman, brown over white, and I didn't know where my wife's legs were. On the ground? Around my boss's ass? High around his waist?

His big thing? Is she getting a long one? A thick one? Both? She must be judging by the noise she's making. Man how I wanted to know, to see, to maybe jack off to.

I knew I had a photo, hopefully, and even though I was right there, within feet of where my wife is being fucked by a black man, I was itching to get away from the real thing so I could see the history of it, maybe on my camera screen.

Besides, I needed to get back to my guests, and also, there was this one new cute chick from the office that was still here, and I had been fantasizing on her, and now, well, maybe I might just do some talking. I had never cheated on my wife, but now?

Fuck around with someone from work?

A 'No No' in most cases. But, if I do have a photo of the boss on my wife in this camera, I have my protection if anything comes up at work.

Then I heard my wife. "Oh Charlie...shit. I can feel you cumming. Give it to me baby!"

Baby? She's calling him 'Baby?' I thought that is a term men use to refer to a special woman.

He just came, so it sounds like they're about done. It was definitely time for me to be leaving. Shaking my head sadly, I backed away quietly, then turning, I walked slowly back across the yard, had to talk to a couple of guests on the backyard patio before I could get inside.

They were family friends rather than his being a working buddy. Just friends from the neighborhood, husband and wife. Now there he is, my neighbor with his wife. No problems, and no idea how my life has just been altered. Still, I managed not to let my feelings show, I think.

Finally, and answering "Where's Tina? among other things, I managed to break away and keep going. I couldn't be dallying around now. My boss and my wife will be getting up and trying to get dressed. I wondered if the boss has a light with him.

I hurried to where I could check my camera to see what I had got. Hopefully faces would show. Then, good luck after bad luck, I saw her, her from work, and I stopped. She was seated on the couch, having a drink, and alone.


She grinned up at me, a lazy grin, and I knew she might be a little high from the alcohol. Good, that I needed for her to be so I can do some talking, but first...

"Sherry, I'd like to talk to you before you leave, but I've been doing some drinking and need to pee.. Can you wait just a minute while I hit the bathroom and then I'll be right back?"

Sherry giggled, and boy does she have a nice smile, and maybe some great 22 year old tits and a youthful tight pussy under that tight fitting dress.

"I just finished doing what you've got to do, so do what you gotta do. I'll be right here."

Once inside a hall bathroom I pulled out my half way to erection cock, peeled back the slippery with pre-cum foreskin and took a quick piss. I studied my cock while holding it. It wasn't that size at the moment, but it's a more than six but closer to six than seven inches cock. You'd think that would be enough for Tina, to keep her happy, but apparently not.

Then, stuffing my cock that kept growing back into my pants. I wiped my slippery fingers with some toilet paper and hurriedly clicked on a couple of settings and there they were. The incriminating photo and two subjects. A photo in black and white, and in color.

Fuck, just look at that. My boss and my wife! Her white legs shamelessly spread open for him. Her arms tightly holding him by the head. Their lips locked together. The image caught in time, capturing the action just as he is buried deep in her. That is if that nice and firm looking black ass had been in the act of moving at that particular moment.

They might not have been thrusting at that exact time and I might have captured my wife with my boss's cock buried deep and unmoving while they kiss. My wife, allowing my black boss to put his most intimate flesh within hers, and her flesh is married to another.

It looked like it had happened so fast, their desire for one another that they had scattered their clothes, mostly hers, across the yard. His pants and underwear were still wrapped around one ankle.

Those clothes. They had tossed them aside in the total dark in their rush to get started, big black cock into married white pussy, and for my wife, her first multiple orgasms. I knew they are out there now, if they are done fucking, and trying to get dressed. I looked at the photo again. Good luck on finding those clothes.


Wanting to get out there and talk to that chick, what's her name, oh yes, Sherry...(excuse me but I've been drinking) whom I had seen in the living room before she decided to leave, I quickly studied that photo, and I saw something else when I expanded it.

My wife was still wearing her black panties. They had been in such a hurry to fuck that the panties had been pulled aside.

Far as I knew, that was my wife's first strange fuck, her first big cock, her first black cock, all of those things that make for a good, hot story. I couldn't believe that now, I was just like those white men I had read about, cuckolded men, on all those sites that cater to big black cock followers.

Married white pussy. Big black cock. Together at last.

Before tonight, I would never have done this, cheated on my wife and especially not with someone from work. But that cute 22 year old was still here, and a little high. I flirted as I stood over the couch and looking down at her. Sherry flirted back.

I knew that my boss and wife would be coming back to the house, separately of course, and I didn't have much time, because if my wife didn't see me, she'd soon be looking for me and pretending she was wherever I wasn't.

Without telling her my intention, I took Sherry's hand, she smiled and stood up, and I walked her into a hallway and directly into a bedroom. This has to be fast, but I already had the advantage of being hard in advance.

I led her into me and my wife's bedroom, and I locked the door. We were together instantly, her hands perhaps more anxious for exploration than even mine.

Wow, she is just what I need right about now. No resistance, she's willing. My wife has just fucked another man, cheated on me, so this will not be cheating far as I'm concerned.

Her titties, young titties, nice and even firmer than Tina's. Sorry about that Tina.

"Fuck, your cock is all wet," she breathed out into my ear as she held my stiff dick in her right hand.

"So's your pussy," I answered back as I mounted and took aim.

Her pussy. Youthful pussy. Of course tighter, much tighter than Tina's. Again, sorry about that Tina. Like Hell I'm sorry.

Fuck she was nice. It was quick, our beginning, our getting stripped and mounted, maybe just like it had been for my wife with my boss, but I waited for her. I was able to hold back despite her youthful tightness because I had a liquor hardon, the kind that lasts.

I didn't hear anything from Sherry like 'Fuck me with that big cock,' but I did hear some nice sighs and moans. She hugged me tight after, telling me that I had caught her at a 'weak' time, that she had just broke up with a long-time boyfriend, her only lover until now, and I had been a pleasant surprise.

She liked it that I had 'cared' about her pleasure, and had lasted long enough for her to 'get there.'

I was curious of course, but I didn't dare ask her about size, her previous lover. Not tonight. Too soon. Maybe after we get to know one another. I do know this, that fit was tight, very, just like it used to be with Tina.

I was sort of afraid that my wife might come and try the door. But I knew that if she found it locked, she might assume it is someone else and not me.

It was then, as I was making sure to give her adequate 'time' after the fuck, romantic time, that I talked to Sherry about keeping this a secret, from work. She assured me that she will be mum at work and wants to keep seeing me, but what about my wife?

I told her that my wife and I have an 'understanding,' something of course not yet true, but later tonight it would be...we have an understanding or we divorce.

To Hell with my wife, and my boss.

So I have my new gal, my secret from work gal, and my wife and I have an understanding since I showed her the photo about a week later. My wife doesn't fuck around, or I file for divorce and she does not get the house. Child support would not be an issue since the kids are grown and in college.

My wife doesn't know about Sherry of course, I'm not stupid.

That photo speaks volumes. Before I revealed it to my wife I showed it to my attorney the following Monday so that he could witness, from my camera, the time and date so there's no doubt about the authenticity if I ever have to use it in court.

I have other photos from the same night, and in some of them, there he is, my boss, and in one, and listen to this, I took it after they had returned to the back patio and were acting all so innocent. In that group photo he's standing next to my wife. Close, but not too close.

I made it a point to assemble some remaining guests to get that photo. More proof of the time and the place, and who had been present. Bill Williams, it turned out, was still at the party, and in that group photo, he was looking over at my wife.

'Bill Williams,' I thought as I took that photo and also studied it later, 'if you knew my black boss had just finished fucking my wife and giving her the big one, would you still be hot for her ass?'

Clever them, my boss and wife. And sneaky as they posed for that photo and looking like they had not just finished fucking. Oh yeah, sneaky, but not sneaky enough.

My boss still doesn't know that I know, that I have taken that photo of his ass on the grass. It's probably best that things go unsaid. I want to keep my job. But from now on, I'm keeping my wife close at hand at future parties. Wife-Snuck-a-Fuck.png
There might be a future problem or maybe adventure coming up though. When I was saying goodbye to the final guests, Bill Williams was one of the last to leave, and as he stood by me on the front porch, he looked around, made sure no one was near, and said, "I was sitting alone out by the pool and I saw your wife leading your boss out into the yard by the hand, and I followed them."

'Fuck! He knows!'

I played dumb, my eyes wide. "My wife was leading him?"

"Yep, she was the guilty one. Soon as they dropped out of sight at the back of the yard I went out. I was behind a tree listening to the action and wishing I could see it and didn't know you were out there until you took that photo."

He looked over into my face, and I imagine I looked pretty surprised. "Mind if I see it?"

It's weird, but hearing him saying that he had been out there, and then asking to see the photo made my dick tingle. So believe it or not, since I was having this strange desire to be able to share my new 'secret' with someone, I looked around and said 'Not here."

We went out to his car where there would be no chance of my wife seeing me showing someone a photo on the camera and put two and two together. My hands shaking, I managed to hit the right buttons and showed Bill that photo.

As I turned the screen in his direction, my cock was already tingling. Normally I would never ever show another man a photo of my wife in a state of undress, especially not Bill Williams. Now, just like that, I am not only showing Bill Williams an intimate image of my wife, he is seeing a black man between her opened legs.

"Fuck man, that is one hot photo of your wife. Can only see one tit and some legs, but what I see looks damned good. Looks like he was buried just then and that she was really turned on by your boss. Were you listening to what she was saying, about his cock?"

I nodded. "Yeah, I heard her say something like 'keep using that big thing on me.' Pissed me off, but at the same time, it sort of..." I hesitated, and he finished for me, 'Turned you on?"

I think he knew just what I was thinking. "Yeah, it did. Tina's never fucked anyone else and just my luck when she finally does, it's my boss and he has to have a big cock it sounded like."

"So I can assume that you're small?"

His question shocked me, but strangely, I wanted to answer, and honestly. "Not small, average maybe, a little more than six and medium thick."

"I'm glad to hear that."

"What? You are? Why?" But I had an inkling of what he might be thinking.

"Because I've got a cock bigger than yours, it sounds like. A little past seven on the scale, and fairly thick. And now, since it sounds like you don't plan to divorce your lovely wife, and I know what she did, and have seen the visual proof, I have a hunch this whole thing has you turned on."

"Me turned on?"

He laughed. "Yeah, not just the thought of knowing your wife got royally fucked by a big black cock, but also the fact that I know about it. That turns you on, doesn't it? ,

He knows? Speechless, I couldn't answer, so I nodded my head in agreement. Then I said what he knew I must be thinking. "You want to fuck Tina, don't you, with your bigger than me cock."

He didn't even blink an eye, just grinned. "Yeah, I'd like to fuck your wife. I've lusted after her body for years, it seems like. So, if you'd like to be there and see up close and personal your wife taking a bigger cock while you just watch or join in, I'm available."

I told him I'd think about it, give me a few days while I square things with my wife. That's why I didn't show her the photo right away, not till after my attorney saw it. Now that's out of the way, I plan to tell my wife what I had heard her doing, and also tell her that Bill Williams happened to be out there too.

I'll get her turned on a bit first, maybe be inside her. Then, while I'm spreading her pussy best I can I'll show her the photo and tell her Bill has seen it, and that we want to fuck her together. If she resists, I'll tell her that Bill is blackmailing me, saying that if I don't let him fuck her he'll spread it around that she fucked my black boss.

Hopefully it won't go that far. I think once she knows that I know and have visual proof, she'll have no choice other than to do it. Matter of fact, I think she'll look forward to doing it. After all, it will be saving her marriage.
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Reactions: BorrowMyWife
This story sounds like the self-adulatory musings of a narcissistic prick.
IndyHubby said:
This story sounds like the self-adulatory musings of a narcissistic prick.

His wife had it cumming. Besides, the story was intended to be funny. Sorry it went over your head.
Taking the high road.
EroticWriter said:
His wife had it cumming. Besides, the story was intended to be funny. Sorry it went over your head.

Taking the high road.

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