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Hotwife needs some advice

  • Thread starterhotwifelauren
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New around here...
Beloved Member
Dec 25, 2010
Hello everyone - I'm new to the forum, but not the lifestyle. I've been married for four years, and we met on a cuckold dating site, so it was always understood what type of relationship we'd have. Anyway, about three weeks ago, I found out I'm going to be a mommy! It is NOT hubby's baby since other than our wedding night, he's been chaste and denied. The question we've been wrestling with - how do we raise the kids from an orientation point of view? If it's a boy should we raise him to be a cuck so he will understand and admire hubby, or since he's a bull's son should he be raised to be a bull? And if it's a daughter, should we raise her to be a hotwife? We live our life in the open, so it's not really an option for us to keep this all hush hush and we are not ashamed anyway, so we don't want to. I'd LOVE advice from anyone who's had experience in these matters. Thanks!
he or she should be raised as all children deserves to be. with love, compassion, tolerance and guiding towards a sense of morality and honesty, if you try to "force" him or her towards anything sexualorientated, youre on a slippery slope that cannot do anything but backfire
Total bullshit thread

I just start on this site and right away I find bullshit. yes bullshit. sorry if you don't like it but this thread is stupid for two reasons. number one, if anyone believes that the freak poster is an actual female, then I have a bridge I'd like to sell you. number two, raise a kid to be a cuck? you're a fuckup. but why am I arguing the insanity of the details? you're obviously just a perv making up a stupid story. don't know if calling out bullshit is done on this board. if not, then kick my ass out. i don't care. i won't read total nonsense w/o comment.
Wow. I guess I know where NOT to find any useful discussion on the lifestyle. Won't be back - thanks a lot.
This does seem to be a rather bizarre question.

As inf_shop correctly observed, you raise children as best you can. They're not extensions of your sexual lifestyle. Raise your children to be decent people. Did you need to be "raised" to be a hotwife? I don't think so. People find their way on their own.
Two questions out of curiosity. 1. Just how do you raise a child to be a cuck? 2. What could you possibly do that would require the notification of Child Protective Services.

Lauren and Give-Her-To-Me, you have both posted two whole times. Can't say that we would miss either one of you if you want to run off and cry like babies. Or, you can stick around long enough to learn a little about the diversity of opinion allowed and encouraged on this board.
Why would you sexually groom your children? You raise your child and let them make their own choices, their sexual orientation should be solely their decision.
Dont let the door hit you in the ass on the way out
MacNfries, Brilliant
Susan's Slave said:
Lauren and Give-Her-To-Me, you have both posted two whole times. Can't say that we would miss either one of you if you want to run off and cry like babies. Or, you can stick around long enough to learn a little about the diversity of opinion allowed and encouraged on this board.

No, I'm not running off. I just pre-emptively allowed that I was ready for whatever the consequences of my post. if i'd been kicked out, i never woulda gotten the chance to say that it was worth it. so i said it beforehand.

I could've said it nicer, but I don't like the thought of messing with children, not just their bodies but their minds. the idea that someone would raise their child to be a cuck or a hotwife was obscene to me. sometimes i'm dismayed by what cucks are subjected to, but they're adults so I won't comment. but with kids it's different.

I decided to attack it on two fronts: the topic and the fraud. it was a brandnew member asking a very provocative question. if someone was really that down with the cuck/hotwife lifestyle that they would do that to their offspring, they wouldn't need to all of a sudden join this board to ask total strangers for advice.

I understand people's need to embellish on this type of board, and I'm not going to go around calling them on it. But due to the topic, I did it this time.
kill this post off

People...don't give this fucking bullshit post any more oxygen.
damnisignedup said:
Why would you sexually groom your children? You raise your child and let them make their own choices, their sexual orientation should be solely their decision.

If the question is sincere which I doubt it is. This is the best answer here for your strange question.
Thank you Mr. Stinky, I'll get right on that after I figure out just who appointed you censor and why this question is any more foul than so many others.

Once again, I am seriously curious about how and why anyone would want to turn their son into a cuckold? I'm guessing the anger I'm reading goes back to the odd definitions of cucks given on this forum. A cuckold by dictionary definition is a man whose wife has sex with other men.

So first step would be to get him married. That doesn't sound too perverted, it can happen to the best of us! Then you would need to make sure his wife screws around with other men. Some statistics say upwards of 30% of all wives screw around on their husbands at least once, and let's face facts, a lot of men deserve it by the way they treat their wives. However, to be conservative you could take your chances on any young lady and over time you would have a 1 in 10 (or better) chance.

Now if you are one of those people that thinks all cucks are submissive, panty-wearing sissies you could try dressing your boy in frilly dresses, teach him to clean house, and bow down before all women as his superiors. Then you might get lucky and have a sissy for a son, but still not a cuck because he's not married. Most likely, given the contrary nature of pre-teens and teens, he would walk out of the house, change into the most macho clothes he could find, stick some studs in his nose, cheeks, and whatever, beat up the other kids, fuck all his female school mates and in general just break your heart!

My guess is that you just can't make a cuck, we are just freaks of nature (in a nice' bend over backward to please our Lady kind of way). We actually make the best husbands if you don't mind us always begging to put our tiny penises where they don't do much good, and let's face facts, the Good Book does say that the meek will inherit the earth so maybe making your son into a cuck (if it were possible) would be doing him a favor!

So now that I have had my say, remember, "People...don't give this fucking bullshit post any more oxygen."

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