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Believe I caught her about to get her game on....

  • Thread starterHoyt
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Not quite a lurker
Beloved Member
Jul 30, 2006
Been a while since posting...been busy working like hell and watching my investments drain away....

It must have been affecting me in other ways that I didn't notice. One significant way has been my sex life between my wife and I...or lack of a sex life. The other day I thought of how many weeks it had been since we had it...I can never remember a period of weeks in the past.

This shit was going to have to stop, I told myself. It was high time, I decided, to get out of the pity state and on with life.

Turns out, she has been ahead of me. She's also picked up another fetish / turn-on...more on that later.

Two weeks back, she mentioned that there was a work related fundraiser cocktail party / gathering that Friday evening and asked if I was interested. At the time it sounded like another dull event hosted by her employer and attended by folks making their obligatory appearances.

I declined but said I'd get home from the office later on and maybe we could go out for drinks. She didn't protest, but said to let her know if I changed her mind and that she, of course, would have to go for a while.

Well, the week developed, another dull weekend....and the next week started. It was during this week that I had my revelation about getting out of the slump and on with living...damn the fucking stock market....damn the fucking speculators......to hell with 'em all.

That Friday afternoon I wrapped things up earlier and simply pushed unfinished business off until Monday...things were slow anyhow. I called her office to tell her that I would be coming for the event. I was told that she had left for the day, but the flirty little receptionist gave me directions to the fundraiser. Turns out it was gonna be a bit more dressy than what I had on.

I headed home that afternoon and went to the bedroom to shower and change. Upon walking into the bedroom I was hit with the scent of my wife's perfume.

It was hanging in the air as if she had just been there....oh well....she must have had the same idea I did about coming home to change, too.

I took care of matters and then drove over to the event. It was being held in one of the towns more elaborate hotels...in one of the large rooms downstairs. I easily saw the entrance to the room and glanced in for a few seconds....looks like the crowd was just getting there and mingling....not many at that point...only twenty or so.

I stepped accross the loby to hotel's upscale bar/ night club. I found a seat where I could observe the loby and a good bit of the fundraiser as well as the full expanse of the bar. I ordered a stiff drink and sat back and passed the time. People watching can be fun...even better with another stiff drink.

The group grew larger in an hour or so, in both the bar and the event. I had seen my wife enter with another couple thirty minutes prior. She looked stunning to me, wearing a very flattering outfit consisting of tight pants that belled at the bottom and a open necked top, also black, that really shows off her slender figure.

I made a bathroom break and then thought about heading over but stayed in the bar for a third stiff one.

A short while later and I noticed some of the bar crowd was consisting more and more of people drifting over from the fundraiser. I saw a couple of people I recognized and figured it'd be better if I made my showing.

I entered the room and noticed right off that there were bars set up in here, too. Figured I better have a drink in my hand to explain the whiskey scent to my wife.

After getting set up....I stepped off to the side and looked around. I spoke to a few people I knew and made polite conversation. I noticed a couple of women from her job who had obviously had some enhancements since last seeing them. One was in the certified "hot ass" realm. Her ******* cleavage and high hem line were really showing off the goods. I entertained the idea of flirting a bit with her but realized quickly that I'd have to stand in line to do so.

I milled around some and finally saw my wife off to one side at a table. She was seated with another gentlemen. There were others at the table, but it was obvious that the two of them were in a conversation. She was drinking some type of highball and he appeared to be nursing a beer. Odd, I thought, his was the only beer I saw in this place. I thought it was sheer genius on his part, actually. I knew that my wife had a low, low tolerance for alcohol and he was gonna be in for a laugh or two well before he had a good buzz going.

The guy appeared to be fit and tall and probably 7-10 years her junior. It was hard to tell much more from the angle and people moving in and out of my line of sight.

I was too far away to hear their conversation, but close enough to hear her laugh about something he said while leaning in close to her ear. It was getting me heated up seeing her in this setting....dolled up....allowing some young stud to chat her up.

I thought I'd have some fun with the situation. I figured that I'd better move around a bit instead of standing there solo with a building erection. My unit isn't that large and would be poking 90 degrees out in the loose fitting dress slacks. My erection had already grown through the open fly in my boxers. It was getting dangerous.

I milled around a bit more, working through the crowd of what now must be 200 or more people. I kept my eye on the door area and had light conversations along the way. I was almost cold busted when one of her close coworkers saw me and gave me a hug. I was worried that she might feel my residing boner....but it worked out okay. We talked a while and she asked me where my wife was. I casually played it off saying that I was just wondering the same thing and laughed. Her date came over and we spoke for another five minutes.

It was somewhere between my wanting to refresh my drink and needing to hit the restroom that I next spotted her. She was walking alone, purse in hand, towards the door. I watched as she exited the room and went out in the lobby. She then walked over and into the bar where I had been.

I bid someone farewell and backed out of the converstation and was heading toward the door when I saw the young man from her table leave ahead of me. He, too, went to the lobby and accross to the bar.

Very interesting....but it still didn't change the fact that I had to releive myself of a few drinks. That being done I pondered my next move.

This cat an mouse game was getting interesting. I knew that things were getting ready to break due to: a) one of her coworkers telling her that I was around or b) I was gonna have a precum oozing through my shorts.

I figured I better let her know I made it after all and perhaps score some points for later.

I entered the bar again and stepped off to the side of the door. It took a few minutes for my eyes to adjust due to the low ambient lighting. I scanned around and couldn't see either of them.

I headed over to the bar and ordered yet another drink and milled around some more. I still couldn't see them. Certainly she hadn't left in the short time it took me to piss.

I wound up at the end of the table seating area and smallish dance floor that was being used by only a few couples. I felt a burst of fresh air breeze by. I turned and looked around and saw someone walking in from what was some type of hallway behind the bar area. There were no signs...I wasn't sure what it was. I went up to the entrance and turned into the hallway. It was a connector for the bar/ club and a lowered outside patio that isn't visable from outside the hotel. It was a largish patio with several tables and greenery bordering around it.

There were thirty people or so out there seated and standing.....many of them were smoking. Then it dawned on me....this was the smoker's area.

It also dawned on me that I most likely wouldn't be seeing any of the folks from the fundraiser down here....hanging out with the smokers. Funny how restrictive our society is on some things. Got to hide to dare sneak in a smoke, but cheating on your husband is okay.

I did'nt dare walk down through the door bud stood beside it to look for her. It took a minute and I saw them against the wall. She was leaning back against the wall. He was standing in front of her talking. They were pretty close together but not touching. He was smoking. I did see her take a drag off his cigarette at one point. She made a choking gesture and laughed waving the air between them. Their converstaion went on for a few minutes more and then I saw them heading toward my location, presumably back to the club.

I eased away and went back out into the lobby and just inside the fundraiser entrance. I watched as he came out into the lobby and exited the hotel entrance.

A couple minutes later she came out and went towards the restrooms. She came out and began walking to the fundraiser room. I sidestepped away and made my way halfway around the room by the time she entered.

It didn't take long for us to "find" each other in the crowd. She seemed genuinely pleased to see me.....relieved is more like it.

We kissed and then made small talk and spoke to some mutual associates. I could tell by her speech and light behavior that she was feeling good. Excellent, I thought....time to push my luck.

Every so often I'd comment on her looks and tell her how hot she was. She'd giggle and respond in funny ways. Once, she brushed her hip against my groin and slowly pressed back. My hard-on popped up like a small soldier saluting.

We spent a couple more hours there and I actually enjoyed it.

We wound up catching a ride home with one of her girlfriends who had to get back to relieve here babysitter...saved me a certain cab ride.

Once home she asked me to mix her another drink which I gladly did. I put some tunes on and cut on a movie that HBO was showing. Looked like a pretty provocative love affair judging by the first minutes I glimsed.

She said that she was gonna use the restroom and be right back. Two minutes later she calls me from the top of the stairs....I go and look and see her stading there with a huge buzz and a huge devilish smile.

I told her to hold that pose for just a minute.....I grabbed my camera which was handy and got the pic.

She loved it and posed for another.

She made a huge production out of prancing down the stairs. Reminded me of a cat about to attack it's prey.

I snapped a few more as she came down.

It took my drunken ass a moment to realize something.....there is now way in hell she had time to change into this garb....she was already wearing it underneath her black outfit.

Bitch obviously had plans to get some dick this night.

I handed her the drink and laughed inside at the fact that she was toasted anyway....I'd better cut her off or else I'd be outa luck.

We sat around and chatted a short while....knocking back our drinks and talking a little smack. She was pretty lively, too. Said that I'd better be "on it" later.

I took a few more of her lounging and tounging the edge of the glass at one point.

I realized my suspicions were true when I noticed her shoes....the same ones from the party.

This outfit was already in place beneath her other clothes.....no doubts about it.

We enjoyed the time for a while more and she stepped out for a minute and walked back by. I stopped here for another pose. I'm sure the neighbors were wondering what was going on with all the late night flashes taking place....

I noticed her close in trim and commented positively about it.

She swaggered forward and stood in front of me. "You like it?", she said while sliding a finger behind the fabric and pulling it to the side....."how much do you like?" she asked. Standing...she raised one leg up and placed her shoe on the sofa and reached behind my head and pulled my face to her crotch.

All I can say is that the following few minutes were a blur of motion. I remember licking until my toungue felt like it was sprained and hearing her groan loadly. She began getting weak standing....presumably from the building tension of orgasm....and much drink. At some point she wound up on her back on the couch with me bent over her licking. To her credit and my intense satisfaction she unzipped my fly and attempted to free my dick but grew frustrated with the angle. "Take this shit off" she demanded. I couldn't strip my lower half quick enough. I leaned back over her...this time I had my right knee beside her head sort of and my left propped up somehow on the back of the sofa....putting us in a a sixty-nine position.

I tried my best to make her cum with my mouth....I think she got close but didn't. If nothing else she stayed highyl stimulated while she sucked my cock head while pumping my shaft with one hand and squeezing my balls with the other.

This was a joke if ever there was one. The suction and tension that she created was like starting the launch code for a NASA rocket. I leaned away from her sopping pussy and told her I was gonna cum. I couldn't understand what she mumbled with her mouth fairly full of my dick. She sucked really hard...even making a suction noise...and pulled me out of her mouth and then she squeezed harder on my balls and pumped faster with her hand. I came all over the bitch.....it felt like three solid minutes of cumming. I had no idea where it went and didn't care...only that I had gotten my long awaited nut.

The pleasure passed and guilt set in immediately after she said, "What about me?" and laughed. I commenced to spraining the old tounque again an then began fingering her. I could tell she was liking it, but then she grabbed my hand and stopped me. "Get up" she breathed.

I wasn't sure what she had in mind as I stood up.

I thought that she was gonna suck me back hard again and positioned myself for such. "Help me up" she said. Her unsteadyness standing up made me think that she was too ***** to continue.

I was wrong. She said she wanted to, "Get this off so I can do what I want to do"....meaning her outfit. There was cum all over the mid section and the groin area was fairly well soaked, too.

She stripped down and then pulled on my limp cock and said follow me.....as she led me away by my dick. I had the prescence of mind to grab my camera and our drinks.

She took me to our bedroom and turned around at the foot of the bed and kissed me hard. It was then that I smelled the smoke from earlier. I hesitated and then renewed my tounging her mouth.

Meanwhile she kept pulling on my dick and asked if I could get ready....knowing damn well that I had just cum a bucketload not five minutes prior. She made a faux frustrated sound and then went around the bed and brought back her rabbit. She teased me and said at least this will work.....don't we know it?

She climbed up on the bed and got up on all fours and told began inserting the rabbit while I stood there snapping off pics.

After a couple of seconds she said to make myself useful....keep using my tounqe if that's all I had left.

She began grinding the rabbit and gyrating the thing inside her pussy. I could feel by her thigh muscles that she was flexing them and feeling intense.

I was making a hickie on her ass cheek when she bowed her back and dropped her shoulders. I licked both ass cheeks and then lick on her crack. She groaned through a face full of bedsheets. I did it again and she pushed back slightly. I ran my hands up the backs of her thighs and could feel the muscles tensing and relaxing.....tensing and relaxing....she was getting close....only another two minutes or so.

I let my hands continue up her thighs to cup her ass cheeks. I squeezed while flicking my tounque at the base of her crack.

She definitely pushed back harder this time and the pleasure was unmistakeable. I thought I'd shock her and kick it up a notch.

I cupped each ass cheek and squeezed and lightly parted her bum. I began flicking at her ******* asshole with my tounqe. I could feel her shift in the bed and opened my eyes and saw her reposition her head to the side. She clearely breathed out loudly...."Don't......you.......dare.......stop.".

I kept licking like I was mining for gold. It became harder and harder to hold her ass cheeks apart as she was flexing all over....seconds away from coming. She yelled out...."Eat me hard....damnit......fuck....fuck.....fuck........". I buried my face in her crack and ate her ass for all I was worth. I couldn't hear all the obscenities she was shouting due to the noises I was making grunting and sluping.

Her orgasm must have certainly eclipsed my own. All I could hear in a momet was her deep breathing and feel her fumbling to turn off the rabbit. That was my cue to lay off her bum.

She collapsed on her stomach while I rubber her back, legs and yes, of course ass.

Nothing was said....we just laid there breathing.

I noticed that I was sprung like never before....watching her....feeling her....licking her in this new way had me hotter than ever.

I slowly rolled so my crotch was even with her side and I leaned a bit placing my balls right in her hand. I continued to rub her and then felt the creases around her clit. She was dripping wet and accepted my fingers easily. She fondled my balls a moment and then must have realized I was hard. By then I could tell she was ready to go again.

This time I was gonna be in charge....so I thought. I took my shirt off and ran it beneath her hips and around her back wrapping one hand in it.....sort of like a harness. I pulled up and she positioned back up on all fours.

I got behind her and pulled back and on cue she pushed her ass back into my thighs. She reached down underneath and guided my cock into her.

There was no attempt at working up slowly....this was a "to the hilt" initial thrust and she sprung back into me...I hit it again.....and pulled her back. She groaned and lowered her arms again stuck that ass up fully back into me.

I fucked her as hard as I dared without causing pain. She hooked her feet behing me and pulled me in with them. I kept pulling back with my shirt/harness on her hips and hammered into her. There was no mistaking the deep gutteral sounds of her orgasm again....."fuck me......fuck me........." coming from her. I buried to the hilt and nutted again....this time while rubbing at her asshole with my finger. The vaginal contractions were intense.

Sleep came easy this night.


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