Recent content by Ukcyberdom

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    Dice Dare Winnings
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    Dice Dare Winnings
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    Dice Dare Winnings
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    Dice Dare Winnings
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    Dice Dare Winnings
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    Game To Play Solo Or With A Bull.

    looks interesting. I would like to bull for a woman or couple.
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    back after a long break, looking for dice and more

    back after a long break, looking for dice and more
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    Dice Dare Winnings

    Some more winningshttps://temporarily.*******/image/c18af84f-dcd https://temporarily.*******/image/9fc13522-dc0 https://temporarily.*******/image/5d0c336d-800Thank you mikeMikeshuttle
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    Dice Dare Winnings

    Links fixed, they were reported as I had them classed as men...
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    Dice Dare Winnings

    Three very good players this evening.All visible for a week:https://temporarily.*******/image/e5478dda-bbahttps://temporarily.*******/image/0e10cebe-cfdhttps://temporarily.*******/image/2954de31-458Thank you to the playerscuckMikePL jcuck Kerahlinks fixed
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    Thank you for playing the dice game with me. It was good you got to the end.

    Thank you for playing the dice game with me. It was good you got to the end.
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    Will You Risk It

    We need to find something better than chatstep.Personally, I prefer Kik or hangouts, but it's not a annonymous.
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    Will You Risk It

    I think the site is down now.
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    Lovely photo It provokes all sorts of ideas...

    Lovely photo It provokes all sorts of ideas...
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    You have a wicked glint to your eye. I bet you get into all.sorts of trouble.

    You have a wicked glint to your eye. I bet you get into all.sorts of trouble.